Blizzard gave Wild players an early gift (or perhaps a curse) in the form of some early nerf reverts before the rotation, and in this weekend's Wild post we're taking a look at some decks that have been inspired by those changes. Nothing could go wrong with the reverts, right? Nothing became broken...

We have a community theorycraft post in the works so look out for that in the coming days. Don't forget to check out Swizard's Voyage to the Sunken City card reviews as well!

Kael'thas Druid

I'm afraid I have to start by telling you that something did get broken. The double-revert to Kael'thas Sunstrider opened the floodgates for some true solitaire gameplay, and most of the games with the deck resemble this week's Tavern Brawl quite heavily. Here's HooMI's version of the menace.

Highlander Mage

A potential counter to the former? Razox has had a favorable winrate against all the Druids post-patch with this Highlander list running the reinvigorated Lorekeeper Polkelt and Jandice Barov.

Murloc Paladin

Eltinho has been enjoying the revert to High Abbess Alura, which potentially allows Tipping the Scales one turn earlier than before. Hydrologist and Mailbox Dancer act as your cheap spell generators for the Spellburst trigger, although the latter can be useful for just ramping as well.

Combo Priest

Crabrider returns! While combo Priest was quite good before the patch and the return of our Murloc friend, having a cheap Windfury minion with high(er) Health make the breakpoints so much easier. Corbett has been having success with this list at high Legend lately.

Odd Demon Hunter

The Demon Hunter changes inspired ko10rino082 to create this list which includes a somewhat surprising finisher in Imprisoned Antaen. Dreadlord's Bite is also making a triumphant return to the all-out aggressive list.

Bonus: Handbuff Paladin

The truly broken buff Blizzard didn't want you to notice. Worgen Greaser was announced to be buffed in Blizzard's April Fools Patch Notes, but the absolute madlads went and gave the extra health to the Gadgetzan card in the latest patch. MediOger is taking full advantage of the above-average stats and in fact keeps increasing them with some Handbuff action. Play it before the inevitable nerf!

Planning to venture to Onyxia's Lair? Prepare yourself for the Wild challenge with more community decks.

Came up with something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!

More From Year of the Hydra

Blizzard has plenty of new information to share about Year of the Hydra including the remaining cards for Voyage to the Sunken City.