It's weekend again and as usual, we'll be joining our community members as they continue their search for hidden treasures in the Wilds of the Sunken City meta.

Naga Demon Hunter

Naga Demon Hunter has lately risen to power in Standard and Fallugaloog has created a Wilder and somewhat less aggressive variant of the popular archetype.

Highlander Dragon Hunter

This Dragonic list from dpollackhs is likely to get better with the upcoming Kazakusan change, as the new trigger condition will be easier to achieve with this list than it currently is.

Another non-Highlander variant of the same list was also shared by dpollackhs.

Bomb Warrior

KANMURU7 has shared this bombarding list with Dead Man's Hand shenanigans and plenty of card draw. The cost reductions of From the Depths can help you make some crazy turns with this list.

Mech Hunter

Remember Mech Hunter? Although Rexxar was left out of the mechanical fun of this expansion, the new Neutral options still offer a chance for a fresh-feeling round of Spider Bombs and Ursatrons.

Pirate Rogue

A Pirate's life is good in Wild at the moment as this top Legend deck from China proves. The original author also gave some mulligan tips (included in the deck guide) which were translated by glormagic, who also hit #1 Legend in Asia soon after with a slightly tweaked version of the same list.

Planning the delve into the Wild depths of the Sunken City? Prepare for the voyage with more community decks.

Came up with something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!