It's once again time for our weekly wander into Wild format. This week we've gone to HSReplay to find some of the best performing decks in Wild.


The name is a mouthful, and the archetype is a deckful. This aggressive Paladin deck uses the deck-thinning power of cards like Call to Arms, Crystology, Sword of the Fallen, and Divine Favor to allay the cost of the new Prince Renathal, giving it ten extra health with very little downside.

Mech Mage

Mech Mage uses Book of Specters and Seafloor Gateway to get Mechs in hand, then uses Mechwarper discounts to play a lot at once.

RhinOTK Hunter

This Hunter deck uses Harpoon Gun and Tundra Rhino (with a little help from Timber Wolf and Starving Buzzard) to Charge a bunch of Beasts and make a big Scavenging Hyena.

Pirate Rogue

It wouldn't be an article about the best performing Wild decks without a cameo from Pirate Rogue. The ultra-aggressive all-star is capable of winning games incredibly fast, even after the nerf to Mr. Smite.

Renathal Shaman

Prince Renathal is helping out an old favorite: Shudderwock Shaman. The extra cards aren't too much of a hassle, as Hemet, Jungle Hunter can clear out the cheap cards you no longer need once you're ready to get to the good stuff. There's also a couple of Murlocs to feed the synergy between Scargil, Mutanus the Devourer, and Bolner Hammerbeak in case you were worried your opponent might want to actually play those minions in their hand.

Mecha'thun Druid

One archetype that will probably never want Prince Renathal is Mecha'thun. The Linecracker combo with Earthen Scales has gotten weaker, but that's why there's Mecha'thun.

Want to witness the Colossal clash at the Throne of the Tides? Brave the Wild depths with more community decks.

Came up with something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!