Prince Renathal has been burning up the charts since his release as the debut single of Murder at Castle Nathria, and a number of different decks and strategies have emerged to boogie down with the extra Health he gives them. We've pulled from HSReplay seven decks that play well with the new legendary, and we're counting them down with help from Hearthstone's newest media magnate.

Coining Out That Gnoll (A Deal With Yogg)

"Welcome back to Hearthstone's Top 40. I'm your host, Prince Renathal, counting down the game's top 40 cards with style, panache, and flair.

Coming in at number seven is a classic that's been burning up the charts and burning up our hearts for five straight weeks. It's a little ditty those goes out to everyone who's ever felt unprepared to step out of the shadows and stop concealing their feelings. Here's Thief Rogue."

Stairway to Hexxen

"Continuing the countdown is a little number that's been rocketing up the charts, and makes its debut here at number six. It's a deck about drowning your sorrows and seeking guidance from those we love. Quest Priest, it's your time to shine."

Uptown Guff

"This next number goes out to a listener from the Shadowlands named Sire Denathrius, who wrote us a little letter to read on air. He writes:

'Dear Prince Renathal,

I've been going through a hard time recently. A month ago, my girlfriend dumped me and went back to her ex. I tried to cheer myself up by having a huge party, but I was murdered by one of the guests at my castle. I'm just trying to get through the day, and it would mean a lot to me if you could play my favorite deck.'

Denathrius, this deck's for you, to remind you that growth doesn't have to come from a miracle or the stars aligning. Sometimes, what's best for you is to take a risk and listen to your wild heart. Take it away, Celestial Druid."

Somebody That I Used to Smorc

"At number four, it's an old earworm that's found itself back on the charts by embracing a new style. This deck's for all you wounded lovers who feel like they've been caught in a trap, but don't let that keep you from taking another shot. For you, and all others like you, here's Quest Hunter."

Druid (Looks Like a Lady)

"We're all the way down to number three with a deck that's been the party song of the summer, an aquatic anthem for all those late-night beach shindigs. Let's pop the bubbly, dive right in, and make things happen while the moon still shines bright in a starlit sky. We're celebrating all night long with Prestor Druid."

We Don't Talk About Rune, No

"We're amplifying our entertainment with this deck that finds itself sitting at number two after a meteoric rise. This is a song for all you reckless rebels out there that feel smothered by society. Keep your eyes bright with the fire of your determination and dance like nobody's watching. When the sun comes up, you'll be ready to grasp the dawn. Let's make a scene with Big Spell Mage."

Who Let the Troggs Out?

"Finally, at number one is a deck that we all know very well. It's been keeping a steady presence on the charts since its debut three months ago: a banger that's been King of the radio waves and commander of our ear drums; a deck that dredges itself out of the depths just when it seems its popularity can't be revived. For Hearthstone's Top 40, I'm Prince Renathal and this is Beast Hunter."

Want to share the decks that are your own personal jams? Post them to the site with our deckbuilder, and don't forget to include a guide!

Which cards are in your personal Top 40? Share your thoughts in the comments!