This week, the Tavern Brawl is all about low-rarity cards. No Epics and Legendaries are allowed in deckbuilding and they also can't be generated during a game! It's been a while since Tinyfin took a beating, so let's showcase some fresh Wild decklists on various classes.

Big Demon Hunter

For Demon Hunter's relatively limited pool of cards, there's a decent amount of Demon synergies. Keep the opponent at bay with Multi-Strike shenanigans and Topple the Idol, so you can find Fel Summoner and Soul Split for a big swing turn!

Beast Druid

Over the years, we've reached a critical mass of quality 1-drop Beasts, and this deck is the result. Take the board early, and finish with wide buffs alongside Solar Eclipse

Mech Mage

Wow, this is almost card for card what you'd see in Wild. What hurts most is the loss of Book of Specters. Besides that, just discount all those Mechs with Mechwarper and Galvanizer, or take the long road with a Mecha-Shark OTK.

Handbuff Paladin

More Mechs, but now with extra magnets! Wide handbuffs like Alliance Bannerman and Grimestreet Outfitter are devastating with all these efficient Minions. Also, how could you say no to good old Divine Favor?

Resurrect Priest

Ideal for making your opponent regret their choice of a quick-win aggro deck. The duo of Resurrect and Eternal Servitude provide a constant supply of annoying taunts. Leave them just a glimpse of hope, so you can completely crush them with a huge Amulet of Undying

Burgle Rogue

This one's quite fun. You never know what your Contraband Stash is gonna spit out. If you don't want to craft Wildpaw Gnoll after the nerf refund, Bazaar Mugger or Ethereal Peddler also work. Fun Fact: Dragon's Hoard does nothing this Brawl!

Evolve Shaman

The most powerful Evolve cards in question are also the cheap ones: Mutate, Evolve and Revolve. They easily let you roll the dice on your high cost tokens, just like Darwin intended. 

Pirate Warrior

Indeed, this deck is made of Pirates. At least we can show Azsharan Trident some overdue love. If you don't like winning so much, you could even put in Tuskarrrr Trawler for more Dredge action.

Which deck will you give a whirl in Tinyfin's brutally violent showdown? Share your deck ideas in the comments below!