We might not be all the way through the reveal season for Murder at Castle Nathria, but that doesn't mean that our community can't start to theorycraft new decks, new archetypes, and new memes. We've gathered some of the most interesting theorycraft decks from OutofCards community members using the cards that have already been revealed.

Kael'Thuzad Mage

MatwanBR wants to try out the new Volatile Skeleton archetype by taking Kel'Thuzad, the Inevitable and fusing him with Kael'thas Sinstrider to create the most powerful KT imaginable. On 9 Mana, you can combo KT Sin into Brann Bronzebeard and KT Thin for a board full of Skeletons and an opponent full of pain.


Hugsja is building off the back of Topior the Shrubbagazzor and a bunch of Nature spells for an army of unending 3/3 Dragons. Capture Coldtooth Mine exists to draw Topior, and from there you go crazy with the casting. With so many Nature spells summoning a Rush minion, this could finally be Guff Runetotem's time to shine.

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Evolve Shaman

It's been a couple months since Evolve Shaman got to have fun, and Zeratia has thrown together this initial look at what the archetype might be capable of in the new expansion. Baroness Vashj is the key card, summoning 5 or 6 Cost minions depending on whether you're targeting her with Muck Pools or Convincing Disguise. Primordial Wave is like Devolve, only a little more frustrating for your opponent.

Relic Demon Hunter

DoctorDoom wants to play with Relics, and has built this Control Demon Hunter to sate that desire. We've also got the tutor combo of Tuskpiercer finding Taelan Fordring, which will draw Sire Denathrius to get his Infuse going. Then you can combo off with Kael'thas Sinstrider and Brann Bronzebeard to get a double helping of the Sire's Battlecry. The combo also works with Artificer Xy'mox, if you'd rather go the path of the Relics.

Alignment Druid

Zeratia's back with another deck that's fun to play against: Celestial Alignment Druid! Thanks to Nightshade Bud, we have a slightly easier time finding one of our key cards, whether it's Alignment or Lady Anacondra, and Convoke the Spirits is sure to make everyone happy, especially if you're casting it for free post-Alignment thanks to Anacondra.

Imp-ressive Zoolock

Here's a simp-le deck from JackJimson: a zoolock that includes an imp-ressive amount of Imps! Summon lots of small demons and buff them with Shady Bartender, then draw lots of cards with Impending Catastrophe to drop a massive board with Imp King Rafaam. Your opponent is sure to imp-lode with jealousy. Think you can imp-rove on this design?

Weapon Rogue

Zeratia's got one more trick up their sleeve: Weapon Rogue. This aggressive deck wants to build up a big weapon from Necrolord Draka by playing lots of cheap spells that also trigger the effect of Sinstone Graveyard for a big, stealthy body. This minion-light deck figures to find what it needs with Shroud of Concealment and runs Yoink! to keep from overwriting their weapon. Worried your opponent will have Rustrot Viper? That's what Shadowstep is for.

Herring Hunter

Finally, we've got a Big Beast Hunter that's trying to build with the new Beast Red Herring. The Herring can give Stealth to key minions like Hydralodon and King Krush, while also protecting your face from aggression. The deck also uses Batty Guest as a sticky 1-Drop who can also feed The Rat King or the infuse on Huntsman Altimor and Famished Fool. Thanks to Red Herring, your opponents will never know what hit them.

Have your own idea for a theorycraft deck? Post it to the site with our deckbuilder, and don't forget to include a guide!

Are you planning on trying out any of these decks when Murder at Castle Nathria goes live? Share your thoughts in the comments below!