All Castle Nathria cards have now been revealed but we won't be getting the new cards in our hands for a while still, so let's instead take a look at what our community has managed to do with cards from the previous sets.

Questline Resurrect Priest

Despite it being a Highlander deck, KeWIN decided not to include any Highlander payoff cards to this Priest list as it has plenty of value even without them.

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Deathrattle Rogue

Kobold Illusionist + Rag shenanigans are probably familiar to many Wild players, and the Mini-Set gave another Deathrattle target for the deck in Neptulon and his swinging hands, like this list shared by gobikib602 shows.

Highlander Fel Demon Hunter

Esparanta's Demon Hunter list aims to play as many spells as possible before unleashing the chaos with the two top-end cards - Jace Darkweaver and Yogg himself. Only the worthy will survive.

OTK Warrior

MarkMcKz has continued developing surprising combos, and this Batterhead OTK tasks you with ramming the title minion into your (poor) own Mecharoo twice to gain two more face attacks necessary for the OTK.

Buff Paladin

The last list comes from the top of the Asia ladder as Haeil has broken into the top 10 with this "XL Beatdown" Paladin, combining elements from Tax Paladin with some big Buffs.

Want to witness the Colossal clash at the Throne of the Tides? Brave the Wild depths with more community decks.

Came up with something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!