The new expansion is very close now but as we still cannot access the cards outside Fireside Gatherings, we'll need to spotlight some awesome community decks that can be played without Castle Nathria cards instead.

Libram Paladin

The amount of good support cards for the buff strategy is getting so high that dpollackhs has decided to include Prince Renathal to the deck to fit everything in.

Galakrond Questline Priest

Another 40 card deck from KANMURU7. Instead of going with the usual machine-gun Shadowreaper Anduin, the choices for this Highlander list have been Galakrond and Xyrella.

Galakrond Pirate Rogue

Not the typical aggressive Pirate list. ChristianHearthstone isn't just pushing face but instead having some fun with Pirate Admiral Hooktusk, stealing cards from your opponent over and over again.

OTK Mech Warrior

SN1P-SN4P cannot cost 0 anymore but that doesn't stop MarkMcKz making yet another OTK list with the card in an important role. You'll need to pay attention when pulling off the game-ending combo as you'll need to dishonorably kill Korrak several times.

APM Druid

The hefty winrate of this list saxchoi reported (90% in 100+ matches) proves that the list has the power but HSReplay's below 50% winrate also tells it's not the easiest to pilot.

Want to witness the Colossal clash at the Throne of the Tides? Brave the Wild depths with more community decks.

Came up with something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!