Hearthstone Duels combines a large variety of sets with a multitude of playable characters and Passive Treasures. Such an overabundance of variances makes it so that the balance may shift rapidly, with new strategies emerging and countering others every time new synergies are discovered - what looks strong today might appear obsolete after just a few days! For this reason, players are asked to adapt to a rather changing environment, and they never fail to come up with fresh and interesting takes!

With this being said, below you'll find a handful of 12-win decks achieved with multiple classes: while some of them represent well-known archetypes, other are successful experimentations of off-meta strategies, which may give you the inspiration you need to build one yourself. Have fun!

In case you missed them, we have published other collections of 12-win Duels starting decks to take inspiration from!

Disclaimer: Some decks in this article were collected from Firestone. You can find out more about Firestone and install the app here!

If you've had 12 win luck in Duels, be sure to add your starting decks to our site via the deckbuilder and share them in the comments below! Moreover, if you manage to find even more 12-wins decks (maybe even your own!) and you'd like us to showcase them, please contact us on Twitter at @Avalon_OOC or through an in-site ping in Private Message.

Chrome575's 12 Wins Questline Brann

Following the nerf to Dino Tracking, Duels players discovered a neat synergy with Defend the Dwarven District: once Tavish, Master Marksman hits the board, your Hero Power becomes a refreshable 0 mana "Discover a card from your deck", which is pretty damn good!

Passive Treasures Chosen

Dino Tracking Card Image Titan-Forged Grapnel Card Image

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Firestone - 12 Wins Murloc Drek'Thar (Warlock)

Murloc Drek'Thar is a starting deck that saw a little experimentation back when Voyage to the Sunken City went live, only for the archetype to fizzle away shortly after. Considering the highroll potential that Murlocs provide, you still have considerable chances to catch your opponents off guard and wins games!

Passive Treasures Chosen

Harness the Elements Card Image Pact of the Lich Card Image

Fliboce's 12 Wins Secret Reno

Following our last Duels decks roundup, our Fliboce took the featured Secret Reno starting deck, modified it and hit 12 wins again! Here are thoughts on the changes operated by the player.

Quote From Fliboce

Got my actual first 12 wins Reno run. I made some small changes: Secretkeeper helps the curve and does well against other Secret decks. Anonymous Informant prepares a Combo for Private Eye! Also should probably cut Arcane Flakmage for Mad Scientist.

For completion's sake, after this 12-win run, Fliboce managed to get another 12er with the aforementioned substitution.

Passive Treasures Chosen

Arcane Craftiness Card Image Reno's Crafty Lasso Card Image

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Firestone - 12 Wins Totem Shaman

Nothing too sensational to point out here, except for the fact that Maw and Disorder's Totemic Evidence perfectly fits into this archetype, as it discounts both Thing from Below and Gigantotem very fast.

Passive Treasures Chosen

Totemic Power Card Image Payload Totem Specialist Card Image

Firestone - 12 Wins Deathrattle Vanndar (Priest)

We've seen multiple takes at Deathrattle Vanndar throughout the months, but we think that this one stands out as one of the most creative out there. In particular, the one you see below is a burgle list, which takes advantage of Send in the Scout's Scouts to provide a different twist to each of your games.

Passive Treasures Chosen

Send in the Scout Card Image Devout Blessings Card Image

Do you enjoy Duels? What are you playing right now? Let us know in the comments below!