The year of 2022 is drawing to a close, and we're celebrating the coming year with another assortment of awesome Wild decks from the community.

Highlander Druid

Let's start the fireworks with some Old God magic from Esparanta. Yogg-Sarons and C'Thun have received competition from Astalor Bloodsworn as the flashy finisher.

Highlander Death Knight

A new class has entered the fray with some fireworks of its own! KeyboardComedian is also counting on the Highlander strategy to introduce Death Knights to Wild, and has chosen a triple Blood Rune variant as the best build for it.

Clown Paladin

New Year's Eve can be a real carnival. This list from Fayuwu is banking on a Prismatic Lens combo to fill the board with big Corrupted Carnival Clowns. Works every time, sometimes.

Star Aligner Druid

The stars align! MarkMcKz has created this list for the lovers of flashy fireworks, using the new Anub'Rekhan to pull off the good old Star Aligner OTK.

Elemental Shaman

The year's end can also be a time to reflect on the past year as rager is doing here. Based on the list, Elemental Shamans didn't get a lot of love during 2022 as only two cards from Year of the Hydra have been included.

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Came up with something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!