Aye, hello! Though my articles on Highlander Paladin and Druid are a wee bit overdue, today I felt it was important to address the most recent addition to the Highlander crew: Warrior. Deepminer Brann is without a doubt a powerhouse, so let's talk about what this card does, how best to use it, and whether it is in need of a nerf already. For other Standard decks utilizing Reno, Lone Ranger, check out my articles on PriestDemon Hunter, Hunter, and Shaman.

Reno and Brann Fighting Side-By-Side Once Again

You just can't keep these guys apart! What is it, the great hats? The magnificent facial hair? Whatever the case, these two Explorers make for an incredibly powerful team. Reno, Lone Ranger has already proven his worth in numerous decks, but Deepminer Brann just arrived with the Delve into Deepholm mini-set, and boy is he making waves. Meet the no-duplicates condition, and he doubles all of your Battlecries for the rest of the game, even after he leaves the board. This sets you up to gain tons of armor, draw tons of cards, deal tons of damage, and of course, Excavate tons of treasures! Assembling an Excavate deck with Highlander conditions may seem counter-intuitive, but playing Brann early can make up for those missing doubles. Plus, even with just a single copy of each Excavate card, you still have enough to generate The Azerite Ox once, even without Brann's help. And doubling the Ox's Battlecry is also pretty strong!

Priority #1: Play Brann

I've encountered a lot of Warriors running Deepminer Brann recently, and they use quite a variety of other cards. The list I'm including here is one that I think has been really consistent (in beating me, that is).

This deck functions well due to Taelan Fordring, who doubles your chances of playing Brann on curve since you have no minions that cost more than him. I can't tell you how many games I've lost to turn 5 Taelan Fordring, Turn 6 Deepminer Brann, and it all spirals downward from there.

Astalor Bloodsworn is the primary win condition. If you play your cards right, you will end up with 4 copies of Astalor, the Flamebringer, each of which will throw 28 damage. Not too many decks will survive that.

Frightened Flunky and School Teacher can help generate answers to enemy plays, especially if Brann's effect is already active.

The rest of the deck is mostly removal, card draw, and armor gain.

There Can Be Only ... Lots?

The above deck is just one version, and probably not the strongest. By using Taelan Fordring to tutor out Brann, you are skipping some really great Battlecry minions like Boomboss Tho'grun, Odyn, Prime Designate, and Tidal Revenant.

I also spectacularly lost one game to Decimator Olgra, who attacked and killed all my minions, but they did not die before her Battlecry went off the second time, and she grew even more, counting the "dead" minions as damaged ones. I was at full health.

A little searching reveals that there are lots of Deepminer Brann decklists with quite some variety among them. The power of this card is undeniable, which brings me to my next point.

Does It Need a Nerf?

Effects that remain in play for the rest of a game (like Alexandros Mograine and Odyn, Prime Designate) are really powerful, and maybe not in a good way. We often complain when decks are perceived as reducing interaction, and nothing is less interactive than "for the rest of the game" effects. Once your opponent achieves this bonus, there is often little you can do (assuming it's a control match-up; aggro decks may still have a chance). This is why Quests and Hero cards have been so polarizing. I remember when Frost Lich Jaina was in Standard, and playing her was so often just an auto-win due to all the Lifesteal. I don't have any stats for you today, but I can tell you that I've faced quite a lot of Warriors since Deepholm came out, and I've lost many of those games, especially when they manage to draw and play Deepminer Brann.

I'd love to hear what you all think! What cards work best with Deepminer Brann's effect? What strategies do you use to defeat Brann Warriors? Should this card get nerfed? Let us know in the comments!