Well, I've been waiting to be able to say this since Climactic Necrotic Explosion first came out almost a year ago, but Rainbow Death Knight is finally viable! And it's good! And fun! Read on for my deck, stats, and play tips!

Let The Corpses Hit The Floor!

I'll start by explaining the concept of Rainbow Death Knight. The Rune system limits deck-building for Death Knights, so most decks will use all three of one Rune in order to access the most powerful cards, or two of one Rune to be able to use the second tier cards. Building a deck with one of each Rune limits you to less specialized cards. However, in order to run Climactic Necrotic Explosion, this is exactly what you must do. With one Blood Rune, one Frost Rune, and one Unholy Rune, your deck achieves "rainbow" status and you are ready to rock!

I'm sure I'm not the only one who really wanted this card to work. The effect is so bombastic, it just HAD to be good! Alas, it was not. And believe me, I tried. And tried. And tried. But thanks to a recent buff to its base numbers, as well as the addition of some new cards that help you make and spend Corpses, this Legendary spell is finally the centerpiece of a deck that is both strong and fun. I've played 34 games so far with a 79% win rate, and just reached Diamond 5.

To give credit where credit is due, I was inspired to try this by watching Kibler. My deck is pretty close to what he was playing last week.

Mulligan Guide

As with most decks, you'll want your cheap cards first. Tour Guide, Arms Dealer and Mining Casualties are all excellent options for your opening hand. Keeping a Stitched Giant could be worthwhile if you also have a Corpse Bride or Corpse Farm, as these cards paired together can potentially pile on a lot of stats by turn 5.

If you start with Climactic Necrotic Explosion in hand, it's tempting to hold it. Just remember that its numbers will increase even if it's in your deck, so this is probably not a great idea. That said, if you have a feeling that you're going to need it based on who you're facing, you can always chance it.

Bring Out Yer Dead

This deck can stack up Corpses pretty quickly thanks to Mining Casualties, Crop Rotation, and Maw and Paw. You also have various cheap minions like Tour Guide, and your good old hero power.

There are only a few ways you actually spend Corpses with this deck: Corpse Farm, Corpse Bride, and again, Maw and Paw. However, these cards spend Corpses so efficiently, you won't have any trouble juicing up your Climactic Necrotic Explosion. You also have The Primus and Nerubian Vizier, both of which can potentially Discover other Corpse-spending cards.

It's worth noting that while finishing off your opponent with a high-damage Climactic Necrotic Explosion is extremely satisfying, you're more likely to win by building and maintaining a strong board, which you can do pretty early on if you're lucky.

Let This Be The Hour When We Draw Cards Together

Acolyte of Death is an incredibly good draw engine. It particularly thrives in a deck like this, where you can generate so many instantly disposable minions, like with Mining Casualties. One time I played Crop Rotation against an empty board just to draw 4 cards. Worth it!

Dealing With Threats

Speaking of disposable minions, Sickly Grimewalker is also a champ in this deck. Combine it with Crop Rotation, bye-bye big beefy Taunts!

Frost Queen Sindragosa is also great at removing high-health enemy minions. Even though she no longer has a two-Rune requirement, she still fits nicely in this deck.

The Primus and Reska, the Pit Boss can also creatively answer a variety of board states. Cards like Tour Guide and Plague Strike can help to remove smaller enemy minions in order to guarantee that Reska steals the one you want.

And, of course, you can always use Climactic Necrotic Explosion if you're really hard-pressed. So far, the only time I played it when it wasn't for lethal, I ended up losing anyway.

So that's my take on Rainbow Death Knight! Anyone else taking Climactic Necrotic Explosion out for a spin? How's that going for you? Any tips or card suggestions to add? Let me know in the comments!