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Negative Deck Ratings Graphical Issue

Submitted 4 years, 9 months ago by

So when looking at decks within the list one can filter you can see their names, archetype, cost, and such, as well as their deck ratings or "vote score". There is nothing inherently wrong with the vote score system, but if a deck is given a negative deck rating, that's reflected in the vote score of the deck lists. -1 or any other negative number is correctly translated to this screen, but the negative sign itself merges slightly with the little green arrow next to the score which doesn't look particularly clean. Additionally, it seems odd that a green is positive and red is negative system is set up with the voting system but the ratings in the filtered lists is only ever green (even when a deck has no rating or is neutral). This is very minor but it bothers me nonetheless.

  • MmentoMori's Avatar
    Anduin 235 27 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    So when looking at decks within the list one can filter you can see their names, archetype, cost, and such, as well as their deck ratings or "vote score". There is nothing inherently wrong with the vote score system, but if a deck is given a negative deck rating, that's reflected in the vote score of the deck lists. -1 or any other negative number is correctly translated to this screen, but the negative sign itself merges slightly with the little green arrow next to the score which doesn't look particularly clean. Additionally, it seems odd that a green is positive and red is negative system is set up with the voting system but the ratings in the filtered lists is only ever green (even when a deck has no rating or is neutral). This is very minor but it bothers me nonetheless.

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