Hearthstone Lead Designer Looking for Feedback

Submitted 3 years, 7 months ago by

Dean Ayala, Hearthstone Lead Designer just posted this tweet: https://twitter.com/IksarHS/status/1313315124048875520

I appreciate this as my own interest has been dwindling as well, and this looks like a way to directly inform them about real problems. Not just them looking at decreasing stocks and investors going away, then coming up with short-term profit sources (Heroic Brawliseum, for example). Even if it's doubtful, they might actually address core monetisation problems, such as the terrible dust values. Interest in the game has been gradually shrinking.

So post your feedback, it might actually count this time.

If you don't have a Twitter account like me, try the official forums.

  • Theodrinus's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 1005 297 Posts Joined 12/05/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Dean Ayala, Hearthstone Lead Designer just posted this tweet: https://twitter.com/IksarHS/status/1313315124048875520

    I appreciate this as my own interest has been dwindling as well, and this looks like a way to directly inform them about real problems. Not just them looking at decreasing stocks and investors going away, then coming up with short-term profit sources (Heroic Brawliseum, for example). Even if it's doubtful, they might actually address core monetisation problems, such as the terrible dust values. Interest in the game has been gradually shrinking.

    So post your feedback, it might actually count this time.

    If you don't have a Twitter account like me, try the official forums.

    Put your faith in the Light!

    E.V.I.L. Dragon 820 1248 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Gimme a new Rogue hero. A GOOD hero, not just another Valeera 

    Give the heroes voicelines for spells, that stuff adds flavor to the characters, like you're not just playing a deck but playing a character that's playing the deck.

    Make disenchanting give more dust - getting only a quarter for not golden copies doesn't provide enough for F2P players who want to craft that fun or competitive deck. 

    that's all I can think off the top of my head. 


  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5545 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Its probably the cost of the game more than anything else. Hearthstone is incredibly expensive to have fun in. Spend nothing but 8k gold per expansion and you get like half the epics and somewhere around 4-6 legendaries, which honestly depending on luck, gives you like 1-2 decent decks that are usually 1-2 cards short of what pros are playing.

    Spend a little, like 40-60 bucks and you're still probably only half way through the entire collection. Spend a monstrous 130 bucks (both preorders) and you still would not get the full collection.

    So for players who leave then come back, they would be staring at a near insurmountable challenge of getting back on par without spending hundreds of US dollars, instantly making it inherently unattractive to ever come back, at least in standard.

    Changing the dust system is probably the best way to deal with the problem. A more subtle fix is to change the drop rates per pack. But it is activision-blizz we're talking about here, right?

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