How would you play?

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by

I did a decisive misplay against Ramp Druid (as XL Shaman) and was wondering how y'all would think in the same situation.

Turn 7, both have a few smaller minions on board. They have 4 minions with Composting played on them and two cards in hand. I'm able to play Bolner + Mutanus and my main goal is to snipe their Denathrius. I suspect that they have at least one spell in hand so they should draw some more to make use of Mutanus. I go on to clear all their minions (this is where I feel stupid now) so they should get some more minions in hand and I consume their Brann and Sylvanas. Later, with 5-6 cards in their hand, I play Theotar and miss Big D once again. A turn or to after that their Sire kills me from full health with a 50+ dmg battlecry.

Since I possibly couldn't know wether Denathrius was one of their two cards in their hand on t7 I can't really say where it went wrong besides bad luck. How would you guys think adn decide the play in the same situation?

PS: Can't wait to see both Denathrius and Theotar kicked out of meta/standard format.

  • allthehype's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 630 739 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    I did a decisive misplay against Ramp Druid (as XL Shaman) and was wondering how y'all would think in the same situation.

    Turn 7, both have a few smaller minions on board. They have 4 minions with Composting played on them and two cards in hand. I'm able to play Bolner + Mutanus and my main goal is to snipe their Denathrius. I suspect that they have at least one spell in hand so they should draw some more to make use of Mutanus. I go on to clear all their minions (this is where I feel stupid now) so they should get some more minions in hand and I consume their Brann and Sylvanas. Later, with 5-6 cards in their hand, I play Theotar and miss Big D once again. A turn or to after that their Sire kills me from full health with a 50+ dmg battlecry.

    Since I possibly couldn't know wether Denathrius was one of their two cards in their hand on t7 I can't really say where it went wrong besides bad luck. How would you guys think adn decide the play in the same situation?

    PS: Can't wait to see both Denathrius and Theotar kicked out of meta/standard format.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5546 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    Depends on how long they've held on to the their left most card, and how zealous they are with their board generators like Scale of Onyxia. In my own experience playing against and with druid I always notice that the moment they start overplaying their board you can rightly suspect that they have Sire Denathrius in hand.

    If I had theotar when they have two cards in hand I would absolutely play it immediately before popping the composting minions because it would at least give me info on how to proceed. But if its down to mutanus + bolner then its entirely based on how long those cards were in hand. If I had no info I might just go for broke, because ramp druid is impossible to outvalue in the late game anyway.

    But honestly though, you got unlucky because there's no absolute method for shaman to guess what's in their hand. And had you went in with mutanus without success, and with no parrots, youre just dead at that point. XL shaman is not the best deck to play on ladder because its really 50-50 into alot of things, and a lot can go wrong.


    Missing theotar is pure luck. Because of the 4 months so far Ive never had a day where my most important card didn't get sniped when that card is played.

  • allthehype's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 630 739 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    Thanks dapperdog for the input!

    In hindsight, them already having played Scale was probably a good hint. And Theotar got in my hand some turns later, otherwise that would have been the better play. But yeah, XL Shaman is not the deck for me and I dislike encountering Ramp Druid no matter what deck I play myself...

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