Roland, my Roundest Paladin

Last updated 4 years, 4 months ago by
  • Fun

"Nozdormu... I've come to bargain."

This is a Big Paladin! Your objective is to toss large minions at the board until your opponent can no longer clear them, all while healing up with Flash of Light and Lightforged Blessing. I've built it to be best against faster decks, but it can also win against control from time to time. It's got a relatively even winrate around Rank 5, with a sample of 20~ games (yes, while you may be able to climb with this at higher ranks, it's definitely just for fun). If you have any improvements or comments, please leave them below! I'm happy to suggest card replacements, too. With that, here's a brief guide. 

The Draw

Against any decks, you'll be looking for your Call to Adventures. That's there to consistently draw [Hearthstone Card (Nozdormu, the Timeless) Not Found]. The only cards I would not toss for those are the Lightforged Blessings, as those can be tossed on your big minions for huge health swings. After you have those, against faster decks, you'll enjoy Flash of LightDuel!, and [Hearthstone Card (Desperate Measures!) Not Found]. Against slower decks, the same minus the Blessing and plus Prismatic Lens. And of course, if you draw Call to Adventure right off the bat, feel free to keep impactful large minions like Oondasta, [Hearthstone Card (Shirvallah) Not Found], etc.

The Cards

Desperate Measures: This is a neat l'il spell. First of all, it's great with Prismatic Lens. Secondly, if you're lucky, it can be quite impactful; you can drop minions' health to 1 for Batterhead with Repentance, resurrect your Tirion with Redemption, give your large taunts divine shield with Autodefense Matrix, or redirect damage with Noble Sacrifice. Though, of course, there's also [Hearthstone Card (Eye to an Eye) Not Found] and [Hearthstone Card (Never Surrender![/card. Most of these are quite situational, but when they work it can be the flexibility that this brittle deck needs to win. Don't play it to fill mana - play it before your other cards if you have the option, and then play around it. What you get may decide whether you hero power, whether you play the big or small guy, et cetera.

Lightforged Blessing: Your main source of healing. This on top of a Shovelfist, Baron Geddon, taunt, or larger rush you get from Duel/Prismatic Lens can grant an obscene glut of health. It's also a twinspell!

Flash of Light: This is healing, draw, and another spell for Prismatic Lens. If you're against a faster deck, don't be afraid to use it for draw in the early game. You want to get your Call to Adventure, Nozdormu, Lens, or Duel as fast as possible.

Call to Adventure: It draws Nozdormu. It also gives you a beefier Grizzly, which can be nice against faster decks.

Prismatic Lens: Besides being an effective way to draw cheap chunky blokes, this also smooths your curve when you have 10 mana. You can draw 1-cost minions to play on the same turn as Duel, Truesilver, Grizzly, Blessing, or another Lens.

Truesilver Champion: It fills the curve, and sometimes you need cheap small damage to even the board.

Duel!: With the exception of the Grizzly, Geddon, and Sathrovarr, most minions in this deck do quite swimmingly in Duels. 

Witchwood Grizzly: An alternative to this is Damaged Stegotron, but I chose Grizzly for synergy with Oondasta and the smaller mana cost. 5 mana fits much more nicely with Lens and Duel. Stegotron's 5 attack still makes me wish for it at times, though.

Amani War Bear: It's nice off Oondasta, it has rush, and it's big.

Baron Geddon: This is a faux Consecration on a big body, and it has great synergy with Blessing. 

Batterhead: The same as Geddon! With the added note that this truly slaps Quest Hunter.

Tirion Fordring: Sometimes a weapon is nice, and the taunt/divine shield is nice off Duel. Plus his intro music is so cool. You've just gotta play him.

Burly Shovelfist: Now we stray into minions that can't immediately hold a Blessing. This is a nice, large rush body that can be pretty effective. It's one of those slots that could be wonderfully filled if there were a better card, but there isn't. It's what we've got.

Oondasta: Synergy with the big beasts in the deck, neat theme music, and another big rush! 

Sathrovarr: Most of the minions in this deck are best against aggro decks, and we can easily end up with only one or two in our hand. Varius here helps us 'draw' more of them, and can stabilize a board we're slightly winning into a board we're definitely winning. The most effective card to use him with is Shirvallah. 

Deathwing: Your only real board clear. You'll want him often, and only get him some of the time. A plus is that, with our big deck, it's not so much of a drawback to lose your hand. 

Living Monument: It's a big boi. It has taunt. This is good. If the Priest has Shadow Word: Death, it is bad.

Shirvallah, the Tiger: A little hard to discount quickly, but certainly still a card you'll want in this deck, due to the myriad ways he can be cheated into play.


With all that said, I'll give my usual disclaimer: Don't waste your dust crafting this deck! It's not a competitive deck, and while neat, I think it's a little too fragile to be consistently fun. It will also lose some strength with the coming rotation, though Nozdormu will stick around. But if you DO play it, leave a comment! Questions, comments, concerns, and dark nights of the soul are all appreciated. 

Thanks for reading, y'all! Have a lovely day. 

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