Read or Die... or Both

Last updated 4 years, 1 month ago by
  • Fun

The purpose of this deck is to get maximum value from 0-mana Libram of Wisdom. For that, two copies of the card isn't enough, so we run Making Mummies and then clone buffed minions to get more librams. Since you can double the number of librams each turn, at some point your hand size becomes the limitation.

The deck in its current form is very inconsistent. Sometimes you get crushed, other times you can play more cards per turn than a Miracle Rogue.

Tuning the deck is tricky, since you have to draw through the deck quickly enough to both complete your quest early and discount your librams to zero. But if you put in too many cards for one goal, the other becomes too slow. For example, I replaced Aldor Attendant by Novice Engineer, since keeping the Attendant in the mulligan delayed the quest completion too much.

Another difficulty is dealing for different archetypes. Versus big minion decks, mainly Ramp/Embiggen Druid, I wanted two copies of Libram of Justice while versus Zoolock or Aggro Demon Hunter I wanted two copies of Wild Pyromancer. I put in Faceless Corruptor to address both: it has enough stats to be useful versus big minions, especially if you have some 0-mana librams already, while making two rush attacks can keep a wide board in check. Because of the reborn minions, you often have a small minion alive on the board as a target for the Corruptor's battlecry.

Charge and rush minions are very useful, since they can die on the turn they're summoned and return the librams you put on them back to your hand, so you can play them on another minion. I'd like to run more of them, but I'm not sure what to cut.

I originally put in Wolfrider as a finisher, but so far I've only been able to use it for trading. Questing Adventurer isn't quite explosive enough to ensure victory and is pretty much unplayable until you have multiple 0-mana librams, so that might be a candidate to replace.

Spikefire mentions Exotic Mountseller as an option in the guide for his Nothing Dies deck, that sounds interesting but I haven't tested it yet.

I'm wondering if Underbelly Ooze would work, in combination with Rocket Augmerchant. Maybe you wouldn't even have to play the quest then.

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