Chump Spinoff Mountseller Shaman

Last updated 3 years, 10 months ago by
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Based on a deck by the YouTube creative genius Chump. In this case, he reasoned, "Totem Shaman is already a decent deck these days (!), but it loses hard if it doesn't have an explosive start and win quickly.

"But it runs four 0-cost spells, Totemic Might x2 and Totemic Surge x2, which can be underwhelming. So why not add Exotic Mountsellers for some late-game potential?

"And if you're running Exotic Mountsellers, might as well also run some Muckmorphers so you can effectively cheat out the Mountsellers for 5 mana."

But Chump's version of the deck proved to be a bit inconsistent, partly because he was running no minions besides Muckmorphers and Mountsellers. So this version adds in Mana Tide Totems and EVIL Totems. They make the early Totem-based plays more consistent, and they're not terrible to get 4/4 versions of for 5 mana, since they give you card advantage (always the golden dream for Shaman).

The most controversial includes in this deck (at least according to my friend who helped me craft it) are Mutates and Witch's Brews. They do tend to sit in your hand for a while; you don't really want to Mutate your Totems in this case. But Mutate is so good for powering a Mountseller. It can be used on Lackeys, on underwhelming 3-drops off of Serpentshrine Portal, or especially on underwhelming 3-drops off of Mountseller (like Ironbeak Owl). And if you don't have any of those targets, you can use it on Mountseller itself -- you still get one 3-drop for free, and then a random 8-drop, which is especially tempting if your Mountseller was a 4/4 copy in the first place. Meanwhile, Witch's Brew can just be a win card against super-aggro decks, and if your Mountseller manages to stick on board for a turn, you can pop off with 3-drops generated by Echoing.

The rest of the deck is just Totem synergies, decent removal, and Bloodlust finishers.

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