Vereesa Boar Hunter

Last updated 3 years, 10 months ago by
  • Fun

Deck Idea

Deck Inspiration

Vereesa Windrunner Card ImageThori'dal, the Stars' Fury Card ImageRapid Fire Card Image

This deck is my updated take on the old Vereesa Windrunner Hunter decks that were experimented with in Standard during the Rise of Shadows expansion. Because Rise of Shadows came with a heavy neutral "Silence package," and Vereesa enables Spell Damage Hunter, the idea was to combine the two together for a fun and unusual result. Although Standard lost Spellbreaker, it gained Ethereal Augmerchant, which is arguably better for this deck in particular.

Now that there are more cards to experiment with, I think I found some additions that make the deck feel really fun. Specifically, the synergy between Scavenger's Ingenuity, Scrap Shot, and Stonetusk Boar combine really well with a Spell Damage burn deck.

Combos & Synergies

This deck utilizes three main strategies: Spell Damage bursts, Stonetusk Boar buffs, and a "Silence package" to hold it all together. They might seem like an odd combination in a single deck--especially for Hunter--but they flow together pretty well as you can see below.

Shooting Stars

Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury Card Image

The main purpose of this deck is to utilize Vereesa's weapon. Since Hunter has a lot of low-cost damage spells, Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury scales them really well. If we have both copies of Arcane Shot and Rapid Fire, we can deal 16 damage for 6 mana (including the weapon swing). Obviously, Kill Command and Scrap Shot also benefit from Spell Damage, but their main synergies are with Stonetusk Boar. The ideal scenario is to tempo Vereesa on turn 7, then unload all the burst damage you have in hand on turn 8 combined with the Spell Damage increase from the weapon swing.


Scavenging for Boar Scraps

Scavenger's Ingenuity Card ImageStonetusk Boar Card ImageScrap Shot Card Image

Scavenger's Ingenuity is a really strong card even after the nerf. Being able to pull and buff Stonetusk Boar is incredibly strong in burn/aggro decks. The fact that we can buff the Boar so consistently with Scrap Shot because we can tutor it out of our deck is just icing on the cake! 


Quiet Watching Statues

Ancient Watcher Card ImageDalaran Librarian Card ImageArcane Watcher Card Image

Ancient Watcher and Arcane Watcher work wonders to apply early pressure via Dalaran Librarian or as defensive walls combined with Sunfury Protector. Faceless Rager helps to do more of the same as long as we have one of the watchers on board. As a final note, Ethereal Augmerchant and Ancient Mage doubly work in this deck as enablers for Arcane Watcher and buffs to our finishing Spell Damage combos.


This deck serves mostly as a guilty pleasure satisfying certain itches I like to scratch. As such, there are many better cards and synergies that you can put in this deck to make it a lot stronger. Removal of the "Silence package" for more control-oriented or tempo cards is probably a better decklist. Additionally, making the combo more efficient by adding more card draw or targeted card draw (e.g. Tracking, Jepetto Joybuzz) would likely make the deck stronger or more consistent. As a final note, Explosive Trap is in the deck to help counter the abundant amount of aggro in Hearthstone at the moment, but is likely one of the first cards to remove to optimize the deck's efficiency (especially if replaced by something like Tracking).

Because this deck is extremely off-meta, no one has any idea what is going on when you drop Ancient Watcher or Arcane Watcher. Moreover, inclusions of Scavenger's Ingenuity and Explosive Trap can give the impression that it is a meta deck in the early game if we don't hit our "Silence package." Combining these aspects of the deck together can often buy us enough time to get to our combo turn and burst down the opponent.


I had a ton of fun with this deck as long as I didn't low-roll, and I took a surprising amount of games with it, too. Good luck and have fun!


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