BinG's Even Rogue

Last updated 4 years, 10 months ago by
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This was a deck which I experimented with soon after the release of Rastakhan's Rumble as the prospect of synergies with cards such as Sharkfin Fan and Bloodsail Corsair and a constant Turn 1 weapon intrigued me. My first few attempts at the deck didn't work, with cards such as Poisoned Blade and Grave Shambler were just too slow and Phantom Freebooter was simply too inconsistent. Card draw was an issue as well, with Ticket Scalper just not being consistent enough to get any real results. This deck suddenly got a huge buff in the form of a nerf - Raiding Party became 4 mana, which gave this deck a card which draws, and tutors, two cards. A few more changes, such as the addition of Walk the Plank to more consistently remove large minions and sticky taunts, led to this deck having much more consistency in the ladder (Carrying me from Rank 14 to Rank 6 with only 3/4 losses) and being a pretty solid and very unique midrange deck.

Mulligan Guide

You'll always want to keep at least one of Sharkfin Fan, Bloodsail Corsair, or Goblin Auto-Barber. They synergise excellently with the 1 mana hero power.

Against potential aggro decks, keeping a Backstab as well as one of either Eviscerate or Sap will really help your chances of winning too. Dread Corsair can sometimes be a 2 mana 3/3 taunt on Turn 3, which allows you to tank some hits to face and refresh your weapon too.

I've often found myself keeping Walk the Plank against Priest decks too as they're so often Big Priests or Wall Priests which this deck can struggle against - this often gave the deck a slightly larger deck.

Play Guide

This deck is about gaining the board early on through removal cards such as Backstab, Sap, and Eviscerate as well as by having a board of Pirates generated through Sharkfin Fan and Bloodsail Corsair. The synergies between Ship's Cannon and the many Pirates in this deck is solid at times as it can clear entire boards when use at the right time - the synergy with Sharkfin Fan can be amazing too, especially if played on Turns 3-4.The weapon is often an excellent method of removing opposing minions in the early-mid game without having to trade minions in or deal an extra few hits to the opponent's face in the late game, especially when buffed by Goblin Auto-Barber, Naga Corsair, and Tinker's Sharpsword Oil. The game is often won by Turn 6-10 as the tempo generated through the weapon synergies and easy board and hand refills helps you keep on top of the match against most competition.

Card Choices

Raiding Party made this deck - since it became 4 mana this deck finally had a consistent card which tutored minions and would draw enough to keep this deck competitive and not have it fall behind tempo-wise.

Cursed Castaway is a solid choice as it has the potential to both remove a reasonably strong minion as well as tutoring one of Eviscerate, Tinker's Sharpsword Oil, or Raiding Party to either add that extra bit of damage to the board or draw two extra pirates to fill the board with. This, as well as the Pirate synergy, makes it excellent.

Argent Commander is great at removing minions and leaving a reasonable body on the board, but its especially good when pushing that extra bit of damage in the late game - when used with Tinker's Sharpsword Oil on Turn 10 it can essentially be a better Pyroblast to close put the match with.

Kodorider was a card I found in my collection and tried out for a few games, but its really turned into a bit of a staple in my deck as it is so effective when building board control in the late game. Its often ignored and allowed to snowball, which builds up a considerable board which can be hard to deal with for certain decks.


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