Demon Seed Warlock

Last updated 2 years, 9 months ago by
  • Casual

My first attempt at theory crafting a deck! And hopefully a way to use my Neeru Fireblade that has been sitting in my collection without being used for some time...

Deck Overview

The new Warlock Quest The Demon Seed is a tantalising proposition: damage yourself to unlock a monster of a card which basically changes your self-damage into lethal damage for the opponent. And with Empty Deck Warlock not previously having a win condition apart from Neeru (which always risks being burnt), fatigue now presents an interesting opportunity for the deck to achieve its lethal condition in spite of that. 

This theorycraft has a sufficient amount of early game cards to progress the quest and contest the board, with small minions such as Flame Imp and the new Bloodbound Imp, with early minion removals such as Unstable Shadow Blast, Drain Soul and Touch of the Nathrezim - placed because they either progress the quest, or help you survive while taking the damage to go towards your win condition. The Shadow spells' value synergises well with Tamsin Roame herself, which also has Siphon Soul as a hard removal + heal for synergy. Cards like Hellfire and Soul Rend also help to stabilise against wide boards.

Reactive cards aside, this deck also has a few big threats prior to the eventual win condition from the quest - Flesh Giant is likely to get discounted very early with all the self-damage and heal this deck has, and as the deck quickly cycles through with cards like Backfire, Soul Rendand a copy of Altar of Fire thrown in for good measure, cards like Blood Shard Bristleback and Barrens Scavenger become extraordinarily high value cards for stabilisation. 

For neutrals, I've chosen to add in a few common staples - the new Cornelius Roame to me is such an insane draw engine, which synergises with this deck's aim to quickly reach fatigue to burn down the opponent. The evergreen Taelan Fordring stablises and helps to draw Alexstrasza the Life-Binder which acts as a heal/ burn depending on the situation, along with the (hopefully) heavily discounted Flesh Giant

Game Plan (summarised)

Early Game: Progress the quest by putting efficient self- damage minions on the board like Flame Imp and Bloodbound Imp to contest the board early. Clear any enemy minions early with Unstable Shadow Blast to progress the quest, or Drain Soul and Touch of the Nathrezim if health becomes increasingly an issue.

Mid-Game: Keep drawing with the hero power, and cards like Backfire and burning away the board with Hellfire and Soul Rend for the quest to progress. Flesh Giant should (hopefully) be playable  with good tempo with all the self-damage and heals this deck has. 

End Game: The stabilisers of your nearly empty deck: Blood Shard Bristleback and Barrens Scavenger can come into play here to stabilise board situations as you find the final damage needed to finish your quest (which can even come through fatigue). And when you finish it, fatigue supplemented by card draw mechanics like  Cornelius Roame and Backfire, along with any remaining self damage cards left, can be used to finish off your opponent. And if your deck is empty by now, Neeru Fireblade (if he hasn't been burnt somehow) can represent a devastating amount of value to hopefully help seal the deal. 

That's a quick summary for my theory craft idea! Having not tried it out it's difficult to ascertain whether there's a good balance between quest progression, deck burning, and staying alive - but the concept itself should be sound! 

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