Odd Quest Warrior

Last updated 5 years, 1 month ago by
  • Ranked

This is my Odd Quest Warrior. I am an old play. I never reached legend until February. I never actually tried. The reason i tried and succeded, is that Quest warrior is rotating in April. So before rotating i wanted to achieve something with my favourite deck since Un'Goro. Excuse me for not having a photo of achieving Legend rank.

The deck is pretty straight forward. Versus Aggro you would want keep board control and be safe before completing the quest. In mulligan you can keep cards like: Shield Slam, Town Crier, Reckless flurry, and even brawl (if you did not get any others or you have coin). 

Versus Control and Combo, you would want to complete the Quest as soon as possible and draw Stonehill (or keep him in mulligan. As soon as you complete the quest the opponent is in bad position. Surprise them using Blackwald Pixie when they have no board for 16 damage!

This is my first guide so excuse me.

1) Fire Plume's heart is a must for the deck! 

2) Shiel Slam give you the chance to one shot minions in midrange and aggro match-ups and still be well in mana. Consider using shield slams before completing quest if you don't have much armor or shield blocks.

3) Town crier is good vs aggro. It give you a minions and free draw. Also it draws Rush which is really useful against aggro.

4) Blackwald Pixie can be replaced if you want. ( sometimes i run Tinkmaster Overspark, as it is fun to play, and sometimes it can change games) Backwald Pixie can surprise enemies in control and combo match-ups, or help you gain enough armor vs aggro.

5) Phantom Millitia is really important for the deck. Consider using it in turn 9 or 6 most of the times. Use it on turn 3 when you are in a tight spot vs aggro deck.

6) Reckless Flurry - don't build too much armor vs aggro if you know you are going to use it. Try avoiding using it vs combo rogue and spam your hero power.

7) Shield Block is really good in aggro match-ups and goes well with Reckless Flurry.

8) Stonehill Defender is my favourite card. It can help you really. It is a must. Keep it in mulligan. Try going for minions which helps you spend your mana right. 

9) Tar Creeper - always keep him vs aggro.

10) Brawl is lifesaving most of the time. Use it before reckless flurry if you have the opportunity.

11) Darius Crowley is fun card. It can be swaped. It goes well with Town Crier.

12) Direhorn Hatchling is solid 5mana taunt which gives you some good 5 mana 6/9 for late game, giving you the chance to clear boards and play it.

13) Dyn-o-matic is EXTREMELY powerful vs aggro. ALWAYS PLAY Zilliax on him.

14) Supercollider is really useful for this deck as you have enough armor to use it properly.

15) Zilliax is really solid 5 mana taunt + heal and synergy with Dyn-o-matic.

16) Amani War Bear gives you taunt + immidiate attack.

17) Baku the Mooneater. Well let's enjoy him before the rotation.


This deck is okay in the meta right now. You have 1 week to enjoy it before ratotaing. The biggest tip i can give you is - have fun while playing and learn from the loss. 

Also if you are going for ranked play be sure to download Deck Tracker.

If you have any question type below i will try to answer in a day!

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