Trash Warlock

Last updated 4 years, 8 months ago by
  • Ranked


Got from Rank 5 to Rank 4 with this (>50%WR), don't have a huge database, but for a meme deck this seems decent and most imporant FUN!!!


Edit after checking hsreplay:

Found some different approches to build this. One mech zooish deck, which I do not like. I want to win with Mechathun or lose with Mechathun. A few Control based lists, which I also don't like, because there is so much expinsive stuff in. And some list (lowest WR on hsreplay) are similar to mine, based on small stuff only. Every list includes Broodmother. Imo this is an horrible card in this deck, because you have to pay so much mana for not enough impact. You have to play one game with this deck to see that this card is a trap.


I really like my removal choices: double Nether, Godfrey and one Plague of Flames (2nd is for the combo obviously). With this you can clear 4 boards.


Few expressions so far:

-Do not draw with your unupgraded hero power (or at least not much, it will cost too much health)

-Wisps are awesome in this deck, because you can just drop them and they synergize well with Plague of Flames

-Safe Plot twist for situations, when you don't have card draw in your hand

-First double Plot Twist, then Galvanizer (obviously)


Cards I am not 100% sure of:

-Hungry Crab: best low cost tech card with high reward and not a big downside

-Cheaty Anklebiter: Man I can not believe that I included this. But if you search for 1- or 2-cost minions that can stall (Lifesteal, Taunt, Heal, ...) this is one of the best

-Acolyte of Pain: Works so far. There might be situations where this is your last card in your deck. Then you will pair it with Nether. Not sure if there is a better low cost card that draws. First I tried Witchwood Piper, but you do not want these Wisps always.


Cards that you may can include:

-Vodoo Doll: Saw this on hsreplay. At the moment I don't think a single target removal is necessary. Silence might be better

-Owl: Silence

-Doomsayer: Dunno. Maybe. But most of the time you have a (shitty) board, which seems to be enough.


Update 17.08.2019:

I was so wrong about Broodmother, the card is what you need. The heal allows you to tap in most matchups. Turns out that Doomsayer is performing great too. Still not sure about Acolytes and Tech cards. I will play this (+2 teched versions) in Bucharest qualifiers and update this after. 2x Nether seems clunky but stay in the deck for now.


-2x Cheaty Anklebiter, -2x Hungry Crap

+2x Broodmother, +2x Doomsayer


Update 18.08.2019 (Huge Changes):

The Draw Package loses you too much games. I added Soup Vendor and Heal Support Cards, which is still more than enough draw and increases your surviveability so much! Was able to beat many Hunters, Rogues and Mages with these changes, where I otherwise would have lost. I guess this is near to my final Version of this deck. Double Twisted Nether still seems clunky but stays. With so much heal you are often able to survive fatigue situations and play high cost cards last. Whisps are still good enough to include lol.


-2x Loot Hoarder

-2x Novice

-2x Acolyte

+2x Khartut Defender

+2x Soup Vendor

+2x Farseer

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