legend viable reno rogue

Last updated 4 years, 7 months ago by
  • Ranked

Hello everyone we might remember me from my last post for those who didn't see it here is the link : https://www.reddit.com/r/wildhearthstone/comments/d9gk5r/looking_ways_to_improve_my_reno_rogue/

so i did more testing i didn't manage to test all the cards i wanted to cuz i was all out of dust also i want to give a huge thanks to everyone responded on my last post i can't thank you enough i hit rank 2 with 3 stars i don't have enough time to play so i don't i would hit legend so anyways here is my new and improved list


now let me talk more about that deck

the matchups and mulligan :-

Druid (jade druid) (favored) :-

Mulligan : card draw and zephyrs

Notes: i only faced a few times you don't need geist in the deck just go infinite with nzoth

Hunter (mech and reno hunter) (sightly not favored) :-

Mulligan : zephyrs reno doomsayer eviscerate backstab

Notes: reno hunter is an easy win but mech hunter is sometimes is a hit or miss they might get a really good hand or sometimes you get a really bad hand

Mage (reno and secret mage) (favored) :-

Mulligan : eater of secrets zephyrs backstab eviscerate doomsayer

Notes : reno mage is an easy win with going infinite oracle or nzoth but secret mage is good matchup but you can still lose so do your best and play around their secret you have like backstab the coin prep to test for counterspell and also even if your backstab got counterspelled your combo cards like vilespine slayer still triggers remember to kill the weakest minion first to play around duplicate also if they played the weapon and they near fatigue you go brann+oracle and win

Paladin (mech paladin) (very favored) :-

Mulligan : zephyrs backstab eviscerate doomsayer vilespine slayer

Notes : you can win by always kill their mech and fast as you can till you play nzoth they usually hit fatigue by that time or abusing zephys (with shadowstep and zola) also remember to drop the doomsayer around turn 2-3 mostly the same turn they play the 2-mana guy that buffs their hand you can also kill their flying machine by freezing it with glacial shard then dropping a doomsayer for clear

Priest (inner fire reno combo and big priest) (mostly favored) :-

Mulligan : zephyrs backstab eviscerate and a taunt

Notes : reno priest is an easy win just keep your health high and kill them with the oracle combo priest is also a win with the oracle big priest is slower now you can beat them with going infinite nzoth or oracle depending on how the match goes out inner fire is probably a bad matchup i can't say for sure since i only face the deck twice just keep kill their minions as fast as probably and then drop a nzoth to win

Rogue (odd thief quest and kingsbane rogue) (mostly not favored):-

Mulligan : zephyrs backstab eviscerate reno and a taunt

Notes : thief and quest rogue are an easy win odd rogue is a hard matchup but can still be winnable kingsbane rogue on the other hand is an almost auto-lose if you didn't have zephyrs early i don't run ooze in the deck cuz weapon-based decks are all not that popular rogue as a class is not that popular

Shaman (even quest reno evolve and murloc shaman) (mostly not favored) :-

Mulligan : doomsayer zephyrs backstab eviscerate

Notes : reno and quest are a win with going infinite with oracle all the other matchups are bad because devolve is a card

Warlock (snap mechathun reno and cube locks) (mostly not favored) :-

Mulligan : zephyrs and hope the rest of your hand is good for deck your facing

Notes : i know what you are thinking why did i write that sentence in the mulligan cuz i can never know what deck im facing when i face warlock seriously that class is so strong now if you are at high legend you are probably facing alot of snaplock then mulligan for removal and when they hits fatigue kill them with the oracle renolock is an easy win if they didn't dirty rat or gnomeferatu an important card cubelock you have to be careful cuz sometimes they might have lethal you don't see also remember to always have something to deal with their mal'ganis and use your vanish carefully

Warrior (quest odd and pirate warrior) (favored) :-

Mulligan : reno zephyrs eviscerate and deathlord

Notes : quest warrior is an easy win odd warrior is an easy with going infinite oracle pirate warrior is an winnable game if you don't have a bad hand

the changes in the deck :-

removed :-

brewmaster : he is like a worse zola

beneath the grounds : no reason to run it

mct : not good enough and most of the time is a coin flip

mugger : there are better cards to run in the deck he is not the bad though

healbot : we have enough healing in the deck

added :-

the coin : it is good combo enabler and allows you to play your high cost cards earlier

glacial shard : the best 1-drop i can see to be added to the deck freezing a minion can help you survive also a good combo enabler

thalnos : a good card draw and you can use him with fan of knives backstab and eviscerate bring him back with nozth is not that bad sometimes you need that card draw

novice engineer : a nice and cheap card draw

zola : because you know why we run her

cards that didn't make it :-

sprint/emperor thaurissan/jepetto joybuzz : they are all slow

shadowcaster : i really tested that card 5-mana is alot when compared to zola

acolyte of pain : sometimes your opponent would mill you and is slower than novice engineer and mimic pod

some combos to remember (without the dk) :-

Thalnos+spells that deal dmg

Glacial Shard + doomsayer

nzoth + prep + gang up

nzoth + shadowstep then nzoth + gang up

(with the dk) (shadow refers to the extra copy of the card you get form the hero card passive) :-

oracle into lab recruiter into lab recruiter (shadow) targeting the first lab recruiter you played to go infinite (you can play brann first if you have have)

zephrys into zola into zola (shadow) targeting the first zola played

zola into zola (shadow) into zola

nzoth + coin + coin (shadow) + gang up

nzoth + shadowstep then nzoth + prep + gang up + gang up (shadow)

Notes :-

they are cards i didn't test yet cuz i don't them or have dust to craft them like evasion

it is okay sometimes to play some cards with getting the benefit of their effect just for tempo or to enable another card's combo

if you can do any the nzoth or oracle shuffling combos but u still have that shiny reno or zephyrs in your hand don't play them just do the shuffling

you don't have to play the dk right away choose the right time it is important

you don't have to play vanish on any board you see sometimes you just have to for your opponent to use more resources

you can play doomsayer after vanish to slow down your opponent but don't do that against warlock with void caller

you can play a battlecry card then vanish or prep+vanish to play it again on the same turn or later

keep track of your hand space (how many cards you have in your hand so you won't mill a card also remember to count the shadow)

sometimes you want to save the brann to play him with the oracle

remember the cards you need to do the combos cuz sometimes you might wanna save that prep or shadowstep for one of those combos

you can test and replace whatever cards you want in the deck this is just my version

if i made a mistake in all this plz tell me feel free to ask me any questions you have and always remember to have fun and do your best

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