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economicaooc's Comments

  • economicaooc's Avatar
    460 464 Posts Joined 03/04/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Japan did implement a stay at home order in late March though. The stated 'secret' was that Japan has been at the PRC's throat ever since the vietnam insurgency and the south china sea dispute, so they had very little movement of people from the mainland anyway. South Korea is similar, but over their CPC-aligned friend to the north.

    I never stated that the unemployment of the labour class was not effecting the economy, my statement was that native labour is only part of the problem. The analogy of bakers needing wheat farmers needing fertiliser plants etc. was my point, that keeping industry open right now is not actually in the best interests of industry because some part of every production chain in a modern globalist economy is overseas, they would either have to price-hike or operate at a loss, and that furloughing labourers provides an unfortunate but fair solution.

  • economicaooc's Avatar
    460 464 Posts Joined 03/04/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Your source at smallbiztrends cites a paper that does make your claim, but it was published in 2003. The economy has seen a marked drop in the influence of small businesses since then. Even assuming that this data is still accurate, you are misunderstanding my point. Economies suffer when international trade stagnates. Closing borders means more bureaucracy slowing down imports, so trade falls away as it becomes less profitable. Lockdown has little effect on the economy when the base resources for industry are in depleted supply. The USA is a mass exporter of some raw materials, but industry cannot function when foreign raw materials are so expensive. This economic collapse is not being caused by the lockdown, it is caused by the closed borders. The lockdown isn't doing nothing, but industry would not be profitable right now anyway. Implementing the lockdown helps counteract the outbreak and is a logical course of action when the economy is closed down anyway. If you look at the spanish flu of 1918, they had lockdowns then and economies recovered without major problems. (The Great Depression was a more normal, if very extreme, recession unrelated to spanish flu)

    Sweden's economy is just as poor off as the rest of europe, because trade with EU states makes up most of its international trade, and Sweden is an export oriented economy. Sweden's major ports are quiet because swedish goods cannot enter the eurozone without buckets of red tape right now. Sweden is not like other countries because Sweden is mostly empty. Low population density is a natural barrier against epidemics, as we are seeing in other countries like the UAE and Russia.

    About east-asian countries, they have been, broadly speaking, put through the washer. They have passed the peaks of their outbreaks and are opening their economies again. Your claim that jobs/homes were not sacrificed is false. The response from the PRC was questionable at best, but their neighbouring countries have undergone systems of lockdown harsher than the EU's.

    (A slightly disrespectful sidenote?: please cite sources that don't list their sources in images without providing a Ctrl+C-able bit of text to hook. Their source's actual source is hosted at'_Contribution_to_the_US_Economy_A_Closer_Look)

  • economicaooc's Avatar
    460 464 Posts Joined 03/04/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    You are either ill-informed or willfully ignorant in this case. The reason sweden is not implementing lockdown is the YGL, which makes it illegal for the state to restrict movement. The economic issue cannot be fixed, because the major cause of the depression is stemming international trade, not internal trade.

    Every country has closed its borders because doing so is common sense. As much as the loss of native industry harms individuals, recessions like the one the world is seeing now are not caused by "mom and pop" stores going out of business, but by mass drops in the import/export industry.

    The lockdown is doing very little to harm the economy. When nobody wants to buy anything, not making anything is not bad business.

    Sweden's successes are largely geographical. Stockholm is the largest city by a long shot, and travel into and out of the city is nearly zero now.

    As much as personal losses can hurt a community, collapses of big businesses, like amazon, can have domino effects that lead to economic collapse across entire industries.

    Your friend at the SCVMC is probably correct, but only because Santa Clara county only has ~ 2600 cases right now. If movement out of LA increases, the cases will increase by a long way.

  • economicaooc's Avatar
    460 464 Posts Joined 03/04/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    The string on the "Deckbuilder" tab states "Share a deck with the Out of Cards community by using our deckbuilder, updated for Galakrond's Awakening."

    That is technically correct, but should this be updated?

  • economicaooc's Avatar
    460 464 Posts Joined 03/04/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Whoa, people really didn't like the cards this time around.

    Congratulations to LutriSpellcaster.

  • economicaooc's Avatar
    460 464 Posts Joined 03/04/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    I can honestly say that I have never hated any deck since naxx-era undertaker aggro, and even then I was just parroting what other people thought.

    The deck that I like playing against the least is probably all-in odd DH, just because the matchup is over before either player can make many real decisions.

    Despite the endless complaining of reno players, the mage quest nerf has actually been a big hit to the deck. If you play durdle.dek, you will lose to combo decks. That is just how card games without hand interaction work.

  • economicaooc's Avatar
    460 464 Posts Joined 03/04/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

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    A weird idea. Not sure what class it goes into, but I think that this could play a lot like astral communion.

  • economicaooc's Avatar
    460 464 Posts Joined 03/04/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Well done to all finalists.

    Not sure if power level relative to hearthstone as it actually exists today should be considered, but I would be very afraid of new plan if it were printed.

  • economicaooc's Avatar
    460 464 Posts Joined 03/04/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Not sure what's going on in standard, but none of these cards were problems in wild.

    It will be a shame to see scavenger's ingenuity get nerfed, it was a good enabler for slower hunter strategies.

    The buffs will also have nearly no effect. I maintain my theory that libram paladin was the best deck in standard in playtesting and they are confused by its failure.

  • economicaooc's Avatar
    460 464 Posts Joined 03/04/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Making Saltscale tutor for spells makes it able to tutor for Bloodlusts or Everyfin is Awesomes. Doubling the battlecry in a deck with cheap damage spells could also enable burst damage.

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    As for Feuerrabe, some feedback:

    Fel Drainer: I assume that this would only work for random discard effects, otherwise this is very dangerous. Assuming that, this is probably fine, but a bit unreliable to actually go into discardlock. A nice idea, but I think it is either way too strong or does nothing, never in between.

    Cub Training: This one I like, largely because it lets you run a small suite of minions in the classic yogg'n'load shell. In terms of serious usage, I would imagine that this only works if you need to tutor something, even though it is one of the only draw effects in hunter. I know Small-Time Recruits already exists, but maybe a similar effect could be good?

    Sandwater Chargeleader: Not a huge fan of this. As with any random from a tribe effect, it can be too random to be fun sometimes, where the difference between getting a Murk-eye or Warleader and getting a Tinyfin is so massive.

    Stalwart Axe: I think that I prefer the +durability, just because sitting on a weapon waiting for it to get to high attack feels a bit slower. The pressure given by an immortal weapon, as shown by Stormhammer, is not too strong, and the constant source of attacks also works very well with hack the system.


  • economicaooc's Avatar
    460 464 Posts Joined 03/04/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Hello Demonxz95,

    I think Mummy Sigil is a very interesting card that opens up an interesting direction for paladin. The ability to put this effect onto minions that copy themselves or that you copy with emperor wraps could be a good value tool in a class that lacks powerful value tools. I would wonder if Primalfin Champion + Spikeridged Steed/similar + This every turn could be a problem, but it would probably be too slow to be oppressive.

  • economicaooc's Avatar
    460 464 Posts Joined 03/04/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Hello Xarkkal,


    Marshfin Spiritcaller: I think that this is a little weak, but fits the bill of a double quest deck very well. If it were a more aggressive card that ancestral spirit-ed a murloc that could be fun, but maybe less on-theme.

    Nature's Wrath: This one feels like a deck that has use for one mode would never use the other to me. Plenty of real cards already have that problem though. I think the power level is good overall and could be a good bit of removal in a class that struggles with it.

    Runaway Hatchlings: I really like this card. The potential for combos is interesting, even if I can't see any right now, and could be a great addition to a midrange-ier hunter strategy, pulling out glacial shards and similar.

  • economicaooc's Avatar
    460 464 Posts Joined 03/04/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    A new design.

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    Maybe this is too strong? I think that powercreeping novice engineer in a class card is okay. Maybe this should cost 1 more and discount by 1 more?

    EDIT: I realise that I somehow capitalised 'it'. Sorry.

  • economicaooc's Avatar
    460 464 Posts Joined 03/04/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Thank you for your comment anchorm4n. Sorry for not filling in watermark/rarity. The card was a draft, and I usually think of rarity/set once I'm sure about the card's mechanic.

    On your analysis of the ability: I think that I agree with the power being too high. I think removing the rush just makes the card into a worse Grumble though, so I'm going back to the drawing board.

  • economicaooc's Avatar
    460 464 Posts Joined 03/04/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Huy Dag, Beatdoof.

    On your cards:

    Boarmaster: I like this card a lot, potentially combo-able but not too strong. Very nice.

    Leyline Contriver: I think this one is not as dangerous as it looks. The strongest possible case is in a non-reno quest mage style deck, where it would discover maybe 3-5 cards? Not too strong compared to evocation, and the cast trigger is slower than flamewalker.

    Candleseer: I think this one is very dangerous, in a way that would make a burgle rogue deck dependant on drawing it to win. If you somehow dulled the snowball potential, z.B. the tokens cost 1, I think it would be a lot better.

  • economicaooc's Avatar
    460 464 Posts Joined 03/04/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Hello all!

    I've been away for some time, sorry for that.

    My idea:

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    One issue I have is that the battlecry doesn't double up very well, so maybe I should attack it from a different angle?

  • economicaooc's Avatar
    460 464 Posts Joined 03/04/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    It looks small, but the open the waygate nerfs is enough that they will now struggle to complete the quest on turn 4 without exhausting all of their resources. Waygate decks will now be much more efficently countered by aggro, and will continue to beat durdling control lists.

    Happy with the felwing nerfs, even if I wasn't in standard to see the apparently problematic happy ghoul 2.0.

    Altruis has been removed from odd demon hunter, which I think it doesn't really care about. Battlefiend is now in line with the squire, as I had expected.

    Inexplicable Libram of Justice buff. Maybe Libram paladin was super competitive in their playtesting and they are upset that it's seeing roughly 0 play.

    Bloodbloom dies, and darkest hour is no longer able to compete with quest mage. Mecha'thun warlock struggles to pull off the combo now, but it was never super powerful anyway.

    Albatross is also removed from odd demon hunter. Maybe these nerfs will force the deck to adopt a different play style, without a proper reno counter.

    Kael'thas is now slightly worse, and this probably helps to stop the inner demon combo from being a useful finisher in standard. It now costs more than an auctioneer, so storm druids would probably prefer to go back to the pre kael'thas deck structure, without UI and overflow.

  • economicaooc's Avatar
    460 464 Posts Joined 03/04/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    "Change the health of all enemy minions to 1. Target player equips a 1/4 weapon"

    I would guess that they are probably changing it in a more drastic way, maybe one sided equality + give a divine shield?

  • economicaooc's Avatar
    460 464 Posts Joined 03/04/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Battlefiend to a 1/2, so that it is effectively the same as the 1-drop from TGT with inspire: +1 attack.

    Waygate vargoth was never a real problem because it was so slow to get active, so I'm glad that they aren't killing vargoth for no reason. Slowing the quest down by increasing the requirement to maybe ten would limit the ability of quest decks to play time warp + giants on curve, which is probably enough that aggressive decks can counter effectively.

    Glaivebound was one of odd demon hunter's only reach cards, so I really hope they just bring down the statline rather than the damage from the battlecry.

    I hope they don't kill felwing. Maybe it was too strong in standard, but it is an important tool for aggro in wild. I would be fine with +1 to cost or -1 to health.

    Also, if bloodbloom gets nerfed to 3, even mecha'thun warlock cries. Darkest hour is probably weakened, but it has enough board wipes to carry it to slightly later win turns.

    Albatross is a card that I was a big fan of, like a competitive weasel tunneler. Highlander is not an archetype that I enjoy playing or playing against.

    Kael'thas amounts to effectively nothing in wild now that the allure of storm druid has worn off. I assume they are targeting demon hunter's double inner demon combo, so maybe mana cost up? The card's ability is not the problem in most cases, and nerfing to every fourth or fifth spell ruins the flavour.

  • economicaooc's Avatar
    460 464 Posts Joined 03/04/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    I don't want to seem argumentative or rude, but the hatred levelled at big priest/ raza priest seems to come from a place of ignorance.

    These decks are not good in wild right now, they have poor win rates and have unfavourable matchups against combo decks like waygate/DH and against aggro decks like discardlock.

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