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Joined 05/08/2020 Achieve Points 1060 Posts 339

Thraxus's Comments

  • Thraxus's Avatar
    1060 339 Posts Joined 05/08/2020
    Posted 1 year, 4 months ago

    Agreed, no DK buffs please. My two cents:

    • The corpse mechanic while fitting flavor-wise is largely redundant; in theory this should place a further restriction on cards and limit the overall power level, in practice I find this seldom to be relevant at all (apart from making some generation and thief mechnics much worse for the non DK opponent)
    • Arena: Arena is my main game mode and it is in one of the worst states I can remember; it's basically draft DK or go f*** yourself; above 5-6 wins is DK territory; my personal win rate against DK with non DK classes is maybe 20% and I am a fairly experienced Arena player
    • Rune mechanic seems restrictive and unfun; again I feel this was designed to fit flavor-wise but not gameplay-wise

    That being said I don't expect any meaningful changes coming soon.

  • Thraxus's Avatar
    1060 339 Posts Joined 05/08/2020
    Posted 1 year, 4 months ago

    I had around 14 standard packs and got like three legendaries from it including two signature ones. Just thought, ok best pack opening ever. Well, looks like compared to others that was still on the low side :)

  • Thraxus's Avatar
    1060 339 Posts Joined 05/08/2020
    Posted 1 year, 4 months ago

    I would like to add that HS is also experiencing shrinkflation since solo content was cut since the last expansion. This is something I really do not like. But there is no point in getting mad on points like price and content. Just quit if you don't like it. I personally will continue to play as long as this games provides some fun to me, but certainly not going to buy any bundles.

  • Thraxus's Avatar
    1060 339 Posts Joined 05/08/2020
    Posted 1 year, 4 months ago

    My (personal) explanation:

    • Country flags have some political dimension and they don't want politics in the game
    • They only did a couple of countries (might be seen as discriminating against others)
    • A certain country flag could be seen as offensive due to recent events
  • Thraxus's Avatar
    1060 339 Posts Joined 05/08/2020
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    I also got the survey and I sincerly hope most of the ideas never see the light of day. Like cross overs with Manga or other fantasy (one question actually was if I think Harry Potter and HS would be a fit). The lore is rich enough on its own. Or if I would like celebrity partnerships (No thanks).

    In reply to In-game survey pop-up
  • Thraxus's Avatar
    1060 339 Posts Joined 05/08/2020
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    To anyone who has an issue with all the Pogo Hoppers. Earth Shock is your answer, shitty against other decks but shuts Pogos down completely

    In reply to All-Star Squad
  • Thraxus's Avatar
    1060 339 Posts Joined 05/08/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    One word of warning: The Ozumat fight is pretty bugged right now. For example if you use destructive effects like Deadly Shot Ozumat will not lose health. If you want to win this you need to attack the tentacles and overkill them. In general I would advise to wait until they patched it (there are bugs in other fights as well.).


    @ Dapperdog: If you think Ozumat is infuriating you obviously have not meet Queen Azshara. Apart from several bugs you also get a shit deck and have to hope for RNG.

    In reply to Defeating Ozumat...
  • Thraxus's Avatar
    1060 339 Posts Joined 05/08/2020
    Posted 2 years ago

    This level of spam is unfortunately pretty common. I rarely see spam comments though and if these are pretty recent ones, which is a testament to the very high level of supervision the team obviously puts into this. Thanks for that.

    In reply to Multiple Spam Posts
  • Thraxus's Avatar
    1060 339 Posts Joined 05/08/2020
    Posted 2 years ago

    Going first is generally an advantage but seldom game deciding. In Hearthstone the current system is pretty good imo. The coin is a decent compensation and afterall someone has to go first. In fact I would say it is as good as it can reasonably get. In other card games this is a much more significant issue. Just look over to MTGA, there going first in a highly optimized meta envionment is a significant, often game deciding, advantage.

  • Thraxus's Avatar
    1060 339 Posts Joined 05/08/2020
    Posted 2 years ago

    Hmm ok. Thanks for the info, will give it another game then. I previously stopped at task 7 which is horribly designed. 

  • Thraxus's Avatar
    1060 339 Posts Joined 05/08/2020
    Posted 2 years ago

    First of all many thanks for the wild reviews! As a wild player I really appreciate it!

    Two points that come to my mind:

    • Mech Mage looks really interesting but a bit too slow to become more than Tier 2/3
    • Commander Sivara is unfortunately an incredible support for Open the Waygate which was detested almost to the level of Big Priest when it was prevalent; I predict another nerf (not soon but eventually)

    All in all things don't look like too good for Mage. Right now it is the worst class in wild and I doubt this will change much (apart from the much loved Open the Waygate which might become playable again)

  • Thraxus's Avatar
    1060 339 Posts Joined 05/08/2020
    Posted 2 years ago

    Don't push this too hard. Some investor might actually start throwing money at you :)

  • Thraxus's Avatar
    1060 339 Posts Joined 05/08/2020
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    At worst this will be draw three and summon a 3/3 with taunt, which is not that bad. I think on average you can at least get a 6/6 out of it which seems pretty solid to me.

  • Thraxus's Avatar
    1060 339 Posts Joined 05/08/2020
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks for the multiple decks for different classes. I will update my old Noz deck with this

  • Thraxus's Avatar
    1060 339 Posts Joined 05/08/2020
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    FOMO is a psychological / emotional issue. I avoid it by looking at it from a rational perspective.

    I tend to look at the whole issue from an economic angle. HS like other games not only consumes your money but also, in my mind much more important, your time. Time is a resource which comes with an opportunity cost. Opportunity cost in essence means giving something up in order to get something. In the case of video games what you get is fun or a sense of satisfaction. What you invest is your time, which could have been invested otherwise. For example hanging out with friends, reading a good book or whatever you like. You have to weigh your options. 

    When you chase the next achievement or try to complete the battlepass just think about what other things you like you could spend this time for. In other words what is the cost and what are the gains. If I come to the conclusion it is worth it then I do it, if not I just stop and spend my time differently. Or more simple: Do I have fun or not?

    Example: I have been playing since Blackrock (?) and have never achieved Legend. The reason for this is I just don't think that it is worth. D5 is usually a breeze for me but then the grind starts and my fun stops. My personal cost is getting too high at this point and outweighs the sense of satisfaction I might get.  Therefore I just stop and do something else. That being said for others it might be totally worth it. After all the whole issue is largely subjective.

  • Thraxus's Avatar
    1060 339 Posts Joined 05/08/2020
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    My personal wild meta experience (not claiming statistical significance):

    • Quest Pirate: ~50% (I sometimes have 3-4 games in a row against them)
    • Quest Hunter: ~25% (still extremly strong)
    • Ramp Druid: ~10% (this is clearly the most viable control option right now)
    • Other: ~10% (some less viable decks from other classes and some classics, e.g. recently encountered Big Priest and Cavern Rogue)
    • Various homebrew decks: ~5% (there are some idealists out there still)

    As I said no statistical signifcance here, but this is how it feels for me. How to solve it? Well in the short to medium-term only nerfs will have some effect and I doubt that they will do it just for wild. In the longer term we need more tech / counter cards printed. You already mentioned Loatheb, which is the best ever tech card for me. Remember when Secret Mage was one of the most popular decks and many people complained? While it was pretty strong you could relatively easy tech against it, which is much more difficult against the current quest top decks. So yes, print more disruption cards. Just look over to MTGA which has a lot of hate cards. That being said holding the balance will always be a problem and not overdoing counters is also a challenge.

  • Thraxus's Avatar
    1060 339 Posts Joined 05/08/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    I wanted to write a longer text but basically all I wanted to say was already mentioned above in a more eloquent manner. What I want to stress:  Most of the "red lines" you mentioned are in my mind not real digressions from basic game principles but a mere evolution. Imo the first real "red line" crossed was the introduction of Genn / Baku. These grant you a real big start of game advantage for a downside that is actually rather minor.

    Some speculation on future red lines crossed:

    • Spells that can be cast in your opponents turn
    • Graveyard mechanic

    The latter is probably more realistic. I could imagine them doing an undead themed expansion with some sort of graveyard mechanic

  • Thraxus's Avatar
    1060 339 Posts Joined 05/08/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Hi there,

    many thanks for the list. Some other cards that come to my mind:

    • Robber of the Rich: Haste, reach and the ability to steal cards from your opponent; do I need to say more?
    • Containment Priest: Hate card able to shut down entire archetypes
    • Goblin Electromancer: Looking to chain cheap spells in Izzet? Look no further

    On a side note, I always found the non-bear two drops more influential overall. Just look at Thalia, Snapcaster Mage or Stoneforge Mystic

  • Thraxus's Avatar
    1060 339 Posts Joined 05/08/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    I would actually like to watch some of it but due to the schedule I will pass. Certainly not going to stay awake in the middle of the night for a video game. Not a surprise though, this is not the first time. Guess we have to pay the pretty much highest prices for HS but are still not a priority :)

  • Thraxus's Avatar
    1060 339 Posts Joined 05/08/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    I had a very similar issue a couple of days ago, which was due to an active deck tracker. 

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