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  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I have been visiting the other site as I always used to do, just in case I miss something news related but I think I won't be doing that anymore because they have an article that includes a list of decks that are popular and one of the decks isn't even a real deck, it's one of those ways to get "secret achievements." So, logged out and loaderted!

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From L5G4ND


    He is the BEST Warlock 'hero' after Gul'dan. Nemsy is cute and funny and her wow emote is the only wow emote which isn't used ironically, but she is no Gul'dan. Mecha Jaraxxus is kinda meh imo, but some people love him.

    But Tekahn is almost as badass as Gul'dan. He is cool, calm, arrogant and evil. He is everything, what a Warlock should be! And his voice is perfect for the character.

    Also, the special interactions with Haro Setting-Sun and with Xur'ios are really good too.

    I like Tekahn, too. Gul'dan continues to be my favorite deciding between all the Warlocks that are available now. Nemsy is my least favorite only because people who use her often overdo the emotes. Mecha Jaraxxus is always funny when he concedes.

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Seeing these wild deck lists and things about wild this week makes me wish I had tried to grow my collection more and had been more serious about the game a few years ago. I didn't get serious about collecting cards from expansions until Boomsday. Maybe in the future I'll be able to buy one of those wild pack combo offers if they repeat that sale. We often hear wild players talk about the problems, but it's nice to see that people also have fun with their decks in wild when they're not irritated with the BP issue.

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I think they should introduce the "Fair Format." It would be, above all, fair to play, without spending any money or dust or gold. In the format, all players would have the same amount of luck.

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Darkshire Alchemist

    Has Darkshire in its name

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Armored Warhorse

    A minion with a "reveal" type of battlecry.

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From nmego

    I thought of playing the game at one point and watched a few gamethroughs of it, but got turned down when I noticed that the community isn't that active in the recent years and the recent reviews on steam doesn't help. If It was a game with more-active players and a better future I might have actually given it a try.

    This is my experience with the game, nobody is talking about it. Steam is a harsh world, so maybe it was a mistake for them to offer it on there. I'm also relieved to learn that I'm not imagining things. The web search results I get are always old when I'm looking for something a little beyond the basics for advice or strategy. There is a website devoted to deck building where people share their decks, but it's like a recipe book of deck lists without much in terms of how to use the decks.

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I downloaded this on Steam yesterday and still haven't gotten around to trying it. I definitely will give it a shot, so thanks for any suggestions anyone has about it. Trading card games can get expensive if you decide to buy things, but free-to-play is always an option if it isn't going to be a main game.

    In reply to Eternal CCG
  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Has anyone been playing Elder Scrolls: Legends with some tips for newbs? I started playing the game last week and haven't decided if I like it or not. I finished the free adventure and played arena quite a few times to get more free stuff. I've also played some ranked games and have gotten to rank 9. After losing a few ranked matches I started searching the web for ideas and / or advice and found the usual things. The only thing is that when I web search for things related to the game the links seem really old. Nobody seems to be talking about the game anymore in the year 2019. I find this sort of weird, given how there is a new expansion coming (or already out?) I think the graphics are kind of lame, so maybe the lack of cosmetics is the cause of the internet's silence?

    I think I've got the basic strategies down for playing the game correctly. My problem right now is that I need more knowledge and experience. However, I've got to say that the pre-made newbie decks are pretty effective for playing ranked matches at the lower levels. For now I've decided to just keep using the free stuff to play on ranked because I don't think I could afford to invest money into TWO card games. Also, even though I feel kind of stuck in ranked play, I don't feel like I'm at a serious disadvantage with my decks. I've been losing probably due to lack of experience, given that my opponents don't seem to be all that great yet. I feel like I lose because "oops" more than anything.

    So, if anybody has anything to share to help me out with my free-to-play Elder Scrolls: Legends (mis)adventures, I'd be grateful. If you think I should buy something, I don't consider that bad advice, if it's a good buying tip. Still probably won't buy anything, though, for now, but I could think about it and put it off for the future.

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I really would want Ol' Barkeye the Hunter Gnoll. Sometimes I just choose hunter for an adventure so I can hear all his interactions, including with the bosses. He just reminds me of my childhood cartoons on Saturday mornings. "Locksed up and loaderted!" I never get tired of saying that.

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    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Zwane

    Tony you have reached an elevated state of Hearthstonery. I only like taking damage when I have the lethal in hand for next turn, or when they hit face while they should have eliminated this minion. I find it impossible to not feel anything when losing. Some losses are worse than others of course. On the other hand, when I win too easily with a deck (I recently won a couple of games very smoothly with some tempo/aggro mage variant) I get bored :)

    I am flattered you consider it an elevated state! You could be right. Since I got in this mode I have been taking more risks in my decision making. I'm not sure how long this will last. Maybe it can last forever. I'd feel lucky. Like I said, I think taking more risks is helping me out

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From AliRadicali

    I really like the above definition. Since hearthstone effectively constrains the player to interacting with enemy minions or their face (yes, there are *some* exceptions), a non-interactive deck is one that wins without a board, whether by a combo, a collection of burn spells or even fatigue. 


    Freezemage variants are an extreme case in that they also use board freezes, doomsayers, ice blocks to limit the opponent's options even more, although the latest iteration at least wins with giant discounted minions hitting face, so yay progress..?

    Right? It makes total sense. The only thing is that smacking the face can undo all that in some situations, like say you're playing a bomb warrior versus a summoner mage. You see a board situation that is totally outrageous, so you smack the face with Wrenchcalibur while you have an Elekk whatever it is (the beast that shuffles cards) and also use your handy Brawl card to wipe out your mage opponent's minions. Hell, maybe your shuffle beast wins the brawl. On your turn you smacked the face and did a control move, hoping to swing the game in a non-interactive way. Maybe next turn the mage draws the bomb and dies. The whole point of smacking the face was not to smack the face, really. It was to screw over the opponent in a non-interactive move. The mage couldn't do much in response to that. Non-interactive

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From RavenSunHS

    You will never find a clear definition, because everyone stretches the meaning as they see fit, while staying in a dualistic system of meaning, which is objectively wrong. Just a rethoric trick.

    We can go past that empasse, and define it as a spectrum of interactivity as it follows:

    - the more a deck acts THROUGH* the board, the more interactive it is. **


    *"Through the board" means using the board in order to reach the Face. This implies that a full-blown Control deck is very little interactive, equally to a Burn deck, just on opposite sides: the former mostly stops on the board, ignoring face, the latter mostly ignores the board and goes straight on the face.

    ** Despite all the other different actions, this is a board-centric game, designed to fight on the board. Anything else can only be indirectly answered at best (eg Aggro against Mill, Aggro counters Milling, but cannot really counter the forced card draw), hence being contextually uninteractive.

    Interesting take on it all, really, and that's really true if you wish to leave out comparing Hearthstone to other card games, and it probably summarizes really well what players mean when they are playing Hearthstone and not comparing it to other games. However, you are assuming that the goal of every Hearthstone player is to smack the opponent in the face, or to take the liberty of doing so. That's not really the goal, but a means to achieving a win condition. Feeling like you're being "interactive" is not achieving "face-smacking." Your theory is interesting, but you assume that the goal of every player is to face smack. Sometimes the face smack is a way to get control of the board, not a result of controlling the board. And again, that requires taking a turn, which is only interacting with the state that results from a previous turn. How do you account for that in your definition?

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    How weird I find this right now at just this moment! I have just now learned that I have become a detached, soulless thing that won't even bother with the salty thread anymore. Earlier today I would have answered this question with "chuck all my electronic devices onto a fire pit and burn them all up into toxic fumes." But today was the day I was broken. I am now a broken Hearthstone player. I have now been brainwashed by the software algorithms. The computer is my boss and the things that happen in a match are what I deserve. Randomness is my master. I must obey the master. The master knows what is best for me and I must accept the will of the master. I will click buttons to the best of my ability and allow the RNG to decide the rest. If I lose to the RNG I will coldly press the "Play" button for a new matchup and play some more RNG cards into the void and see what I can do with them, all the while drawing from the deck that I created. If the other player can draw the nuts, I will just lose and feel nothing and play another game of Hearthstone after. 

    It's sort of like how you could imagine yourself being Mecha-Jarraxxus. A robot warlock. That's my state of Hearthstone mind now. Cold. Unfeeling. Capable of taking damage for fun. Because I'm a mech. And a warlock.

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Congratulations! That's a lot of time, energy, dedication, and patience, none of which I currently have. Enjoy your new card back at the end of the season and flaunt it a little!

    In reply to First Time Legend!
  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Have you had a match where you just sit at your computer and put some minions on the board only to have your opponent freeze them over and over again, so it gets to the point where all you can do is press "end turn"? That's what we call a "non-interactive" match. You are not doing anything because your opponent has made it impossible for you to do anything, by design. All you can do is watch yourself die eventually.

    Another example is when you kill a taunt, and then another, and then another. Then your opponent resurrects all of them three times and you have nothing to do but concede or press "end turn." Or, if you have anything left to use, you could try killing those. Eventually, you will die from not being able to answer the board effectively by design.

    Finally, maybe your opponent just found this cool way to kill you in one turn. Boom, you're dead. Nothing you could do to prevent that. They got the right combo on their turn and zapped your rear.

    This is what is meant by "non-interactive" in the most extreme sense. Hearthstone is not interactive as other games might be because your opponent can create situations by design that make you feel like you are watching them play solitaire. It stems from the fact that players can't interrupt each others' turns or intervene. Other card games allow for more interaction from your deck. Or your hero. Or both. Hearthstone turns are total turns. One player does a turn, then the next player does a turn. During a player's turn there is no interaction from the other player which can lead to scenarios I just listed as examples. In Hearthstone, your interaction is with the cards, not the opponent, which makes it "non-interactive." You do what you can with your hero power and your cards against your opponent's cards and hero power. You can't respond to what your opponent does on his or her turn and therefore you have no interaction with that player and / or their actions, just with the state of the board when they finish a turn


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    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Sick of playing against Mages that always seem to have all the right cards at the right time.

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From DontDirtyMyRat

    I cannot beat Dalaran level 5 at all. If I don't lose to that idiot with all the secrets at number 9, I get screwed over against Khadgar at 12.

    I've barely played ranked this month because of trying to complete it, and every time I have a deck I think is great because I'm destroying everything in my path, I draw terribly in match 9 and end up getting destroyed myself. 

    Anyone got any tips?


    Bare in mind I'm a pretty casual player so I've hardly unlocked any extra decks or powers  except with Mage and Shaman. 

    I finished Chapter 5 in normal mode and it took me a while. Really, you need two things: 1) Time to grind it 2) Get the right treasures and card buckets making sure your deck can take different strategies. I beat Khadgar with Paladin. I had "Robes of Gaudiness," a "Baboomba" or whatever it's called, and two "EVIL Propaganda" cards. I stuck with a control strategy and he overdrew his deck to die. I really needed all the control tech. I cleared the board a couple times and stole his minions twice, too

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I had a lot of fun with it so much that I wore it out, so I took a week or so off from it (maybe 2 weeks?). I got burnt out on completing Chapter 5 in normal mode to have all chapters done. After I finished everything in normal mode I took a break. I've gone back to it today to try and see if I can finish all chapters in Heroic mode. The new challenges in heroic make it like a whole new adventure and since I took a week or two off it all feels new again. It's definitely replayable for me.

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