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tony's Comments

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I've been using this deck, minus Zephrys the Great since a week ago or so, and it is awesome. Quest Rogue has nothing to do against this deck, actually. And you don't need the big legendary Z card. This type of deck has saved me from being disappointed with the new expansion since I wanted to get the rogue quest card and didn't. Now I'm glad I didn't since this one mows them all down. It's super cool. But I'm a liar.

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    You have to delete one. That's why it happens this way. But I'm a terrible liar.

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I'm really tired of facing turn 7 Dr. Boom. But I'm a disgusting liar, a terrible person.

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I think the issue that conerns you now is how the software does not see a golden card as "an extra card to disenchant." You have to figure it out for your own taste. The bummer about the golden cards is that they cost the same to make as to unmake and the auto-disenchant button doesn't take them into consideration for the "auto disenchant" button. 

    But I'm a huge liar.

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I'm in this super supreme position of being a total liar and also not having this card in my collection. Using my tempo rogue deck I have won so many games where my opponent was hunter and misplayed this particular legendary card I don't have. But, I'm a liar, so you should definitely try to have this card in your collection. Nothing will stop you. You will play this card correctly now, always, thanks to this super awesome article.

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Synesthesy
    Quote From MisterKnott
    Quote From Synesthesy
    Quote From tony

    This is proof about how the Wild format isn't a dumpster for all the broken crap. Wins my confidence. Next time they sell a wild pack I'm ready to pony up. LOL not

    However, I can say that Standard isn't a money grabber... Except, not.

    Doesn’t Wild just mean that you’ve been giving Blizzard your money for longer?

    It may be, or it may be not. I will make you 2 examples:

    First, you can dodge an entire expansion and still be competitive in wild, while in standard you can't. There are a lot of good competitive high tier deck that can be played without any SoU cards at all. I am -for example- someone who like hearthstone and that have spent money on the game; but I feel so sicure that I can choose if preorder or not an expansion: I bought Boomsday, skipped RR, bought RoS, skipped SoU, and still I can play almost anything I want to.

    Second: there are a lot of old deck that can still be played. Yesterdey I played with success a Secret Paladin, the deck still have power. And there are a lot of budget deck, as the more cards the more you can find good budget substitutes.


    Back on topic, again, this is a OTK deck: the right tech is firstly playing the match in the right way. Be the beatdown, they said.

    Honestly, I was being sarcastic, but I can see that there is some good pro-con discussion on Wild versus Standard. There are lots of advantages and disadvantages. I think if I ever actually decide to play in the wild format, it will be with a particular deck and I'll probably use dust to get the old cards instead of buying packs.

    It is an OTK, to be sure, and there are lots of ways to tech. But you can also go way overboard with the tech cards. Probably trying to beat the opponent before they get the combo is a good strategy unless you face this deck over and over and over again

    In reply to 1280 Armor Druid
  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    You had a good lucky streak! Good for you! Now, play more than 100 games with it and get a good sample for some more reliable stats. I'm very tired of all the fake hype on decks.

    In reply to Starter Thief Rogue
  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    The suggestions for improvement are actually necessary to make this deck competitive. Without the legendaries it's not worth bothering with it unless you want to use it in casual to complete quests.

    In reply to Starter Thief Rogue
  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From ColinthePyro
    Quote From tony

    This is proof about how the Wild format isn't a dumpster for all the broken crap. Wins my confidence. Next time they sell a wild pack I'm ready to pony up. LOL not

    If only there was a minion that summoned a minion from your opponents hand. Oh wait there are several. If people don't want to put in tech cards, their choice. Just can't get mad when they get combo'd on.

    I know! You have to tech for everything and have decks that only tech against every possibility! You must be one of those younger people that doesn't understand sarcasm

    In reply to 1280 Armor Druid
  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    This is proof about how the Wild format isn't a dumpster for all the broken crap. Wins my confidence. Next time they sell a wild pack I'm ready to pony up. LOL not

    In reply to 1280 Armor Druid
  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From MmentoMori

    Playing new tavern brawl

    Picked priest

    Thought I'd have fun

    tfw your deck has 4 Mass Dispel in it

    OMG the tavern brawl was hideous. Last week with the chess bullshit I was seriously annoyed because of the stupid game mechanic of the pawns. This one was just disgusting. It's like, "hmmmm, I guess it's better than Russian Roulette, since nobody dies maybe."


  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Donut

    I have the same problem. From 6 almost 5 just before the new expansion now 10.....Fed up


    I think we need to get psychotic and superstitious about it, though. That's because after I quit the game and posted here whining about my low rank stasis I went back to the game and climbed to rank 13. I think if you complain here about your disappointment with ranks it helps you climb the ladder.

    Recently, in the past couple of months, my new normal has been to make at least rank 5 by the end of the season. Last season I ended really bad and started this one at 14, from where I soon plummeted to 15 no stars, where I've been now since a week ago.

    From now on, if I can't climb, I'm whining about it here. It helps. Maybe Blizzard Entertainment has a program that detects things like that in the salt thread and rewards you with better luck so you feel inclined to play some more.

    Get your foil hats on

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I'm very frustrated. No matter what I try to do, I can't win any matches. I will be at rank 15 not losing stars for the entire season.

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From FuRenz
    Quote From tony

    I agree with almost everything in favor of tracking that has been said in this thread except for that "Lethal 100% of the time" comment which I think was an attempt at sarcasm. I laughed a little, anyway, because if you've ever faced a Hunter using tracking late game and you're down on health you've probably held your breath a little!

    In my attempt to be helpful, I'll share how I use it in my Hunter decks and the reason why I might not include it. Not including it has nothing to with discarding cards. As a lot of people have mentioned, you're not really discarding them because you haven't received them in your hand yet. The concept behind using it wisely is this: You don't need all the cards in your deck to win the match. You need the right cards. Tracking helps you get the right card when you need it.

    Here is a list of how, when, and why I play tracking. I hope it helps the OP out in the quest for the Golden Rexxar (keep in mind I don't play in Wild format):

    1. Mulligan: I hardly ever keep Tracking unless I think I'll need it early on in the game. If I suspect I might need it early on in the game it's because I'm going first so I don't have an extra card with a coin and the situation makes me think I might want to keep a card that costs 4+ so I keep the 4-mana card and Tracking so I can fish for something to play on turn 3 or 5 if necessary. An example: I think my Mage opponent is going to have a Mountain Giant. A spell dealing 4 or more damage to a minion is a keeper because I probably don't need to put anything on the board on turns 1 or 2. For most situations, it's better to throw the Tracking back into the deck and draw something else because Tracking is a good late game card and not so good early in the game.
    2. Against Bomb Warrior or any other opponent that shuffles cards into my deck: After my opponent has shuffled a lot of garbage into my deck I look for a chance to play Tracking. This allows me to eliminate the bombs or whatever other damaging cards that were shuffled in and I can draw a useful card.
    3. Bomb or Mech Hunter: Tracking is very handy for fishing for Leeroy, Venomizer, or any other necessary card that can be used to wipe the board or finish off the opponent.
    4. Midrange Hunter: A good late game card to use when you're in need of the card you know is in there but hasn't surfaced. The later into the game you play your Tracking, the better your chances will be of finding what you're looking for and disregarding what you don't need because your deck is lower on cards. It isn't really for card draw anymore because of Master's Call, which is far better for that need to draw cards. This is why a lot of Midrange decks only have one copy of Tracking these days (or none at all).
    5. Secret Hunter: Tracking is not useful for this deck, usually, if you have Subject 9, so it isn't usually included in the deck.

    A lot ofplayers that don't have a lot of experience with Hunter or with Hearthstone often use Tracking when they're going first and have only 1 mana available, thinking that this is a good way to use a turn that would otherwise be passed without playing anything. This is usually not the best way to use Tracking. Tracking is much more powerful, in most situations, later in the game. 

    I hope this helps a little and good luck in getting your golden hero! I'm working on getting Rogue and Warrior golden portraits at the moment.

    Dude, without wanting to be disrespectful to all the others, your two comments were the most complete of those I read, THANKS!
    The points 2 and 3 are the ones I got to understand easily by myself and use instinctively. The rest, especially the explanation in 1, I'll have to train myself and the mindset used to play hunter.
    I've reached golden hero before posting this, was in fact one of the reasons behind it, having gold hunter and not understanding the mechanics behind one basic card so widely used.
    That said, the hero I got after it was rogue, much of it thanks to the tempo rogue glory days, but I think there is a chance now with the agrro rogue advertised by dekkster in here ->

    As for warrior, I would like to achieve it also, one of my favorite hero arts, but to achieve it nowadays, with the infamous 40min+ mirrors you are not certain to win..., it's going to be tough, good luck on that!

    I'm so happy this was useful to you! I'm still working on golden Rogue. I need 164 more wins. I've been frustrated with the golden hero thing and gave up on it last season, but this season I'm focused on Rogue and leaving Warrior behind, mainly because I'm not having much fun with the warrior decks available to me.  So, I'm in agreement with you about that. I'm hoping that maybe in the future warrior will be different.

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Paris

    Zoolock and old Dragon Priest (that with blackrock cards)

    I've had a lot of fun with Zoolock. At first I felt negative about it because at the beginning of the expansion it was just about the only thing I could build, but now I'm into it. I really want to try the new version of handlock, but I still don't have a Lord Godfrey

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From tony
    Quote From Zwane

    I have faced a lot of Druid quest opponents and lost some of them but won more of them. My mage removal and refill and card-draw was just better, and more chances on real crazy bonkers op stuff happening. Their main problem: they can not remove and fill board at the same time, and have limited draw. So either they can remove your board and its your turn to fill it again leaving you on top, or they put something on the board with some choose-one spell. While other decks have powerful remove-and-play-minion options available (stuff with rush etc).

    For instance the deck shown by RandomGuy: the highest stat on a minion in that deck is 5-10 or 10-5, while as a mage its not uncommon to summon several minions with stats >7-7 (mountain giants, 1-cost big minions using Luna, conjurer calling on some big dudes etc). So in theory the quest delivers nice cards to play, but the factual minions on the board are not that strong and easier to remove. 

    I haven't been playing quest druid, but I've faced a lot of quest druids today for some random reason. The strong quest druid players are the ones that hold onto their choose one cards until after they complete the quest. They know why those choose cards are in their decks and why they need both effects at the same time. This means that minion presence and minion removal is not too important if the player knows how to pilot the deck, especially with healing or with card draw. They can leave their side of the board empty until completing the quest and then flood the board with buffed minions all at once if they do it right. Give it some days and you'll find out that it's not so easy to beat, once the pilots get their licences

    I have beaten the good players of quest druid decks. It's not an overly strong deck. When they leave the board empty for so many turns you can use that to your advantage, too, depending on what deck you're playing. Of course, it's also possible to lose against them. But so far I'm not like, "OMG, nerf this thing!" It's a good deck, but it's beatable

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I'm totally ready to watch The Witcher on Netflix. I don't mind what story they throw onto it. It's just another one of many possibilities. 

    In reply to The Witcher (Netflix)
  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Blightnozzle Crawler

    A Boomsday project card that doesn't see much play in Standard.


  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Zelgadis

    In general, it seems most people (myself included) first try to make decks that complete the quests as soon as possible. For some quests that might be the right way, but in other cases it might be better to build a deck that completes the quest eventually, so treat the quest as a package and not as an archetype. clawz161 already mentioned this for the Paladin and Warrior quests. Although personally I would call the old Druid deck (Malygos/Togwaggle/Mecha'thun Druid) a template rather than a package, since those decks had about 25 fixed slots and 5 variable slots in which the win condition could be inserted.

    An upside to completing quests later is that Questing Explorer is more likely to draw you cards.


    In theory the Druid quest is crazy good, but when I'm playing against it, it doesn't feel exceptionally powerful. I've gotten wins against it playing decks that honestly weren't all that good. Maybe what is happening is that the plays that can be made with a completed quest have good tempo, but not insane tempo like the late-game options of some other decks. And the quest reward doesn't kick in until turn 5 (coin) or 6, while tempo has a bigger impact in the earlier turns.

    I'm wondering if a quest variant of Token Druid is possible. Cards like Power of the Wild, Tending Tauren and Cenarius become significantly better with the quest reward and maybe that's the extra pressure you need to defeat the likes of Control Warrior.

    Yeah, Quest Druid is not all that fantastic. I've beaten a lot of them very easily. I don't understand the concept of rating it "S-tier" except that all the hate always gets directed at the druid class every expansion. Quest Druid is best beaten with a lot of face smacking if you're aggro and if you're control you can just be Dr. Boom after clearing the board a million times and play an Archivist Elysiana and mill the fuck out them. If you're midrange it isn't so bad against this deck, either.

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I'd totally go into using this deck but jesus christ, where are those legendaries in my collection? It's just like maybe I'll rob a bank so I can craft the necessary legendaries I'm missing. I need three of them. 1600 dust times 3.  When I have the ability to waste my money and time to get that many new legendaries on day 3 of the new expansion, I'll give secret hunter a try. I miss the old days of secret hunter when you could pull it off with half the legendaries.

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