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Lava Coil
Joined 05/03/2020 Achieve Points 135 Posts 98

Vincent3383's Comments

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From meisterz39
    Quote From dsodemian

    Both cards are BS separately and shouldn't exist in the game, but combined they make the cheapest, most boring, skilless, frustrating, unfun, unfair, and overwall bulls--t combo in all card game history.

    It is a 2 card combo that has 0 counters and can single handely win you game, you don't need to play ANY other card, just those 2 and you win the game.  Seriously, how are you supposed to deal with it? How is that fair?

    If that wasn't enough, the only silence this game has cannot target champions. Like, come on. Why don't you make Unyielding Spirit unable to target champions? That would be a start..

    I think you can pretty easily make the case that Fiora is boring - her plan to win is incredibly linear and the deck you build to support her is pretty obvious (lots of barriers and buffs to keep her in play and killing stuff and/or lots of Frostbite effects to protect her). But I don't think she's BS from a balance standpoint (at least in and of herself). She's fairly vulnerable to removal, recall sets her back considerably, and she lacks things like Quick Attack to make her self-sustaining.

    Unyielding Spirit, though, is definitely a very poorly designed card. As you pointed out, there's basically no silence in the game, and none of it can target champions. There are still other answers to it, but they're also few and far between. The Obliterate keyword gets around it (it's functionally like MTGs Exile, so the immunity to death is irrelevant), but there's only card that can do that to an enemy champion - Devourer of the Depths. Recall also works, but that means you have to be running Ionia.

    Honestly, I think there's a clear trend of thing kind of thing in LoR - powerful cards that can stomp over most regions. The result is that you either have to be playing more aggressively than the enemy (so they don't get a chance to play their nonsense) or you have to be playing exactly the right region for the match-up. Riot has a long way to go to getting the balance right in this game.

    I feel like most of this BS could be solved if there was no limit to how many factions you could use. That way you could always slot in a card for almost any situation you may come across. But I get it. Since there are no mana colors like in MTG it would be hard to balance that too. But if that's the case they need to provide every faction with at least one answer to every possible card to balance it out. Like for example every faction should have at least one Obliterate, Deny, or Silence type card.

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    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I feel like most of the time once they place the card on either Fiora or Radiant Guardian. Well that's it, you're done, game over. Which is dumb.

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I like them but I feel like they could be a lot better if the game would allow for over healing. But since they don't have a lot of alternative game winning cards yet to balance out over healing I can see why they don't allow for it yet. But in the future I'd still like to see it added once there are a lot more alternative ways to win or maybe even healing denial type cards put into the game. Like for example a card like Warding Stones that make it so as long as its on the board neither side can heal. Something like that.

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Greysil
    Quote From Vincent3383

    I kinda think the card is slightly broken as there isn't many things in the game yet that can out right remove someone who is already enchanted with it. There are options like Recall, Deny, Riptide, and or out right Obliterate them, but only two factions do that stuff well. Bilgewater and Ionia.

    Bilgewater has two options, Riptide and Devourer of the Depths. But Devourer of the Depths can be countered himself by simply damaging him so he doesn't have enough health to obliterate his target.

    Ionia on the other hand is great at it. As Ionia has a butt ton of ways to recall them, stun lock them, or out right "Deny" the ability from being used.

    On a lesser note. A heavy frost centered Freljord deck can also shut it down but I don't know of any meta worthy frost decks that exist.

    First off the DENY is a completely wrong option since the ability is Burst.

    This effect is astonishingly bad, in some matchups you cant do shit about it. So its either you have demacia and silence, or like recall and ionia which is like 2 actual decks that have it.

    Riptide is also quite questional tech to remove it since you have to have nautilus on board. The same is with the fish and Devourer.

    So yeah if you play recall Yasuo deck or Nautilus Depth deck you can deal with it. Otherwise good luck son. If the guy manages to stuck this on some annoying minion you basically dead with no counterplay.

    UPD: Also to anyone saying burst effect for 8 mana is for the late game, I disagree. It cant be a late game effect, if you play it on turn 5, on the minion you stuck on the board previous turn.  You usually play some power heros on turn 5 or later even and BOOM. Deal with it the turn before it. So yeah, nice effect.

    Thanks for the correction. I forgot it was burst speed. It should really be fast speed not burst since its so stupid powerful. But not slow speed. That would be an over nerf. I feel like slow speed makes most spells unusable at times.

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I kinda think the card is slightly broken as there isn't many things in the game yet that can out right remove someone who is already enchanted with it. There are options like Recall, Deny, Riptide, and or out right Obliterate them, but only two factions do that stuff well. Bilgewater and Ionia.

    Bilgewater has two options, Riptide and Devourer of the Depths. But Devourer of the Depths can be countered himself by simply damaging him so he doesn't have enough health to obliterate his target.

    Ionia on the other hand is great at it. As Ionia has a butt ton of ways to recall them, stun lock them, or out right "Deny" the ability from being used.

    On a lesser note. A heavy frost centered Freljord deck can also shut it down but I don't know of any meta worthy frost decks that exist.

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago


    I'm not saying he needs a nerf, or that he's OP, or anything like that. But he is awfully annoying. :P

    What champs do you find very annoying even if they aren't actually broken.

    In reply to Heimerdinger
  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    She is almost useless. Even if you run three it is as if you only have one. The power you build up doesn't stay on the others and unless you have her in your opening hand she takes to long to power up. And even if she does level up there are normal none champion cards that could do her job but better with half the resources put into them.

    In reply to Buff Vi.
  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From BlueSpark
    Quote From Vincent3383
    I don't think its a bad mechanic. I just think there are to many of them. Its such a strong mechanic in and of it self it should be dedicated to a few key cards but not be made so you can literally build a complete deck full of them.

    I think limiting Elusives this way would only delay the problem, though - as more expansions come out, the natural expectation would be for more Elusive cards to be released eventually. So I'd see it as a short-term solution at best. I'd rather they try to balance the actual mechanic and/or the units which possess it for the sake of the game's long-term health.

    I have been thinking about it since making that post and I agree with you. I think a good way take make it balanced would be if the elusive card has either taken damage or done damage in any way. They lose their elusive statues since they have now been seen.

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Biloves

    If you want to save your game, take "deny" out of it entirely.

    Actually I would argue we need more deny type spells. It's kinda a core mechanic to building a good control deck and it forces people to play around it when they know you have some. Like only dropping what you can get away with while saving mana for your heavy hitting spells for when your enemy is tapped out. This game actually makes it even easier to counter deny spells with their reserve mana mechanic which I'd kill for in MtG. lol.

    In reply to Doomed game
  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    It has been said but healing is a direct counter to aggro. It hits aggro hard since aggro relies heavily on lots of small damage over time. Well if you heal that damage they end up stalling out by mid game.

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Alecsharks

    I know it can be beaten (mainly by shadow isles ... ). I know there's way around it.

    Still, why is such a toxic mechanic in the game? Wether it's op or not (I personally think that buffs are the main problem in terms of those decks being op), playing against mass elusives is EXTREMELY boring, anti-fun and generaly just toxic.

    Even if you play the perfect counter deck, if they draw the right buffs at the right time, you'll lose,  no matther what you do. I just played a game where my opponent played Solitary monk on 3 and buffed it +9/+9 with triple Take heart on turn 6 after blocking 1 of my attacks. Unless you play instant  removal from Shadow isles (Vengeance, which would still be a stretch on turn 6) or some gimmicky spells like Purify or Noxian Guillotine, there's is no way you ever ever win that game as any decks even if you play and draw perfectly. 

    A mechanic LITERALLY based around avoinding any kind of interactions with your opponent should NEVER be a viable part of a card game.

    I don't think its a bad mechanic. I just think there are to many of them. Its such a strong mechanic in and of it self it should be dedicated to a few key cards but not be made so you can literally build a complete deck full of them.

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    It heavily favors aggro decks. I have a really good frostbite control deck that is fun to play and has a ridiculously high win rate. I have even pushed decks like Ezreal and Karma, Deep Monsters, and Yasuo Control to just running out of cards and losing to milling out. The decks not even made for that. Its just made to stall while throwing in chip damage here and their till you get the two finishers.

    The problem comes in where I also have an aggro deck that is a net deck (Burn Aggro). It wins way less but gets more rewards. Like say I win 5 games in a row with the control deck and the aggro deck wins 3 out of 5. Well the control got more rewards right? Not when you factor in time. If the aggro deck can play 5 matches from beginning to end in the time that the control deck can maybe play 2 at most. Then the aggro wins out. So the aggro deck will get more rewards over time. Even through it wins less games.

    So basically if you want to either climb the ranks or unlock rewards fast you will have to play an aggro deck.

    I think the winner of a game that has gone on for a very long time in the form of rounds to complete the match should get more rewards than someone who just steamrolled the other guy in 4 or 5 rounds. Like for every round played you get more exp and rank progress for a win. Then balance it so if some aggro build wins 5 matches by the time the control build can win 2 they both will still earned around the same reward. It's just a question of if you want your rewards given in small but quick doses or large chunks that you really have to work for.

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    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    It happens a lot! I have had it many times where I mill like 3 cards and every single one of them comes back as the same card I milled. It's like the game is saying; "Oh you don't want those? Well, f**k you! You have been winning to much lately so now we have to screw you over somehow." >_<

    \rant over.

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I don't think it would be OP since most champs needs decks built around them so having to many in a deck would lead to none of them really performing to the best of their abilities.

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From DoubleSummon

    Seems like a bad idea, specially since you can't really manipulate your hp. 

    Also it doesn't fit Annie, she is all about fire and burning stuff, why is your hp stat suddenly the source of her power. 

    A 20/20 for 1 mana doesn't feel fair, you also get punished for winning. 

    It doesn't represent her current state in league, tibbers keeps attacking for a few seconds when Annie dies..

    Annie isn't useless without tibbers either, she has a shield (should translate to barrier in LoR) and a small aoe stun/burning could be translated to some kind of aoe stun on level up (her R) 

    Also I hate the idea of de leveling. 

    Can't find anything salvageable about you design, except her summoning tibbers on level up which is quite obvious.

    Well to be honest I have never played LoL. I only know of her from the Origin story video. I don't care for Moba games. I only really played Smite for a bit some time ago and that was it. Plus I hear LoL community is super toxic. So yeah no thanks to that.

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Basically the idea is all her power is found in her level up and she will have a unique level up in the sense that she can also de-level. She will be a very weak 1/1 for 1 mana champion with no abilities. Her level up will work like a reverse Darius. If you have 10 health or less she levels up. But if you go back over 10 health she levels back down. This is because her level up is linked to her emotions. When you are lower than 10 health she thinks you need protecting and will summon her bear and if you gain more than 10 health Annie will de-level and the bear will vanish.

    Now here is the interesting part. The bear is freaking massive! It's a 20/20 body that has a permanent bearer. So it can't be damaged in anyway and it can't be targeted by anyone with anything. It can only be blocked. That means even the player can't put something like elusive on it or some other ability out right. But it can be effected by area of effect spells or abilities. Like for example a buff that gives all allies overwhelm would work on the bear too. But remember that the bear is 100% linked to Annie. If the enemy kills Annie, they kill the Bear, and vise versa. If they return the bear or Annie to your hand the bear goes back into Annie and she goes into your hand. Also you have to be careful when he comes out. If he comes out and you don't have room for him he will instantly die and thus instantly kill Annie as well.

    So its a bit of a juggling act. For one you want to remember to make sure to have room for her to level or risk losing them both. You also want to have some ways to heal yourself to keep yourself alive while the bear is putting in work. But you also don't want to over heal yourself and accidentally de-level Annie and lose the bear. Also you have to literally baby sit Annie and make sure she stays alive or you lose them both. Remember she is still just a 2/2 with no abilities when leveled up. But on the plus side the bear is a threat the enemy has to answer no matter what. Or else they will just keep losing unites to it and if you ever get a chance to buff it with something that will let it through their defense it will kill them in one hit.

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    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I got daily quest for the first day but after completing them I haven't got another one for over a week.

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