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Lava Coil
Joined 05/03/2020 Achieve Points 135 Posts 98

Vincent3383's Comments

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I feel like Jinx level up is still to weak when compared to the two other champions that are most like her. Her level up ability is essentially a variant on Ezreal and Lux but is substantially weaker.

    Lux ability is free, hits a unit and face, and can be used multiple times in one turn.

    Ezreal ability hits face for half the damage of Jinx rockets but can be triggered many times in one turn, is free, and essentially burst speed since you don't have to cast it.

    Jinx only hits face, same as Ezreal but hits for 4, but her skill is slow speed like Lux, and can't be chained unlike both Lux and Ezreal. Then to top it off it costs 1 mana. So its not even free. But it requires just as much prep work to pull off as the other two.

    Jinx rocket should firstly be free at the minimum and be able to be cast multiple times a turn just like her competition. Jinx should be the middle ground between Lux and Ezreal. Not the ugly step child they keep locked up in the attic and occasionally feed fish heads to from time to time.

    In reply to Jinx level up buff.
  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    It's a small gripe. I love how every unite have voice lines, but some of them need work. Like for example, the Legion Veteran.

    He says; "The young fight for glory, I fought for legacy."

    Wait, what? So he fought when he was already old? That's a contradicting statement. What is he trying to say?

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I don't understand. I heard a few streamers say that. But the deck sucks. It completely revolves around you getting Heimer. If you don't get Heimer you lose. Plain and simple. Vi only protects him that's it. How is that the best deck  in the game?

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From DoubleSummon

    Did you also run von yipp? since it's obvious you don't have to rely 100% on mind meld you need to have back up plans? were your champions fizz/teemo?

    I see a Mind Meld deck as a finisher for a Fizz/Teemo deck that runs both Professor von Yipp and Suit Up!.

    that way you get rid of the "awkwardness" of mind meld I don't see why Swim thinks the card doesn't fit Bilgewater, there is a 1 cost spell generated tokens in the region, and a lot of card draw/fleeting.

    something like this:


    mind meld von yipp
    A Runeterra Deck created by DoubleSummon. Last updated 31 minutes ago
    0 3 0


    Fizz is elusive post Mind Meld and so is Teemo, so here is the solution of getting shump blocked, also there are some 1 drops that have elusive or even fearsome as well, running bad cards in your deck to make a bad card work is never a good idea.


    Those are some good suggestions. Ill try them. Thanks.

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Mind Meld Card Image

    You can skip to the solutions on the bottom if you don't want to read the following explanation of the cards problems.


    The reason the card doesn't see play has nothing to do with the cost. It's the effect/pay off. The problem with the effect is as Swim stated the card wont's you to do two completely different things that contradict one another.

    One it wants you to play a ton of spells. Easy enough. Then it wants you to flood the board with units. How do you do that? You can't have both. Its either one or the other.

    At least that is what I thought till I made a deck that I have found can consistently do both and leave you with a full board of unites to buff up to anywhere between 7/7 - 11/11 by turn 7 or 8 and almost always have a mind meld in hand by then. By consistently I mean literally every time I played it. After 10 games with the deck I never once didn't have the mind meld and a full board by turn 7. I used all the multi unite spawning type spell cards between BW and P&Z with the usual P&Z board control spells and lots of BW an P&Z draw spells to find mind meld by turn 7 or 8. 

    The problem is mind meld is meant to be a finisher but it fails at its job. Up until turn 7 or 8 all you have are mostly low cost 1/1 chum blockers who you can't afford to block with most of the time. Then your reward for making it to turn 7 or 8 is to buff them all to 10/10 unites that all end up getting blocked then turn back into little 1/1 unites at the end of the round.

    So you cleared the board but didn't even harm the enemy nexus 99% of the time. So unless you have another MM you are now dead in the water.

    PS: I also tried using unites that spawned spells rather than spells that spawn unites but you rarely had a full board by the time MM was ready to be used.


    I'm sorry this took so long but I felt I had to first point out the problems before I could lay out the solutions.

    Option 1: Make the effect stay. This would allow for you to clear their board, defend yourself during their turn, and hopefully finish them off on your next turn. It would also allow the enemy player time on their turn to take out some of your unites and build a defense for your next attack or do a board clear of their own.

    Option 2: Give the unites Overwhelm or Elusive when under its effect. Though this maybe OP.

    Option 3: Make the spell either burst or fast speed. This would allow you to attack in when you see a good opening where the enemy player can't block all your unites then when they confirm their blocks you hit them with MM and hopefully win.

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Zolgear

    At the end of every season there's a partial reset based on where you placed:

    • Master accounts will drop 800LP (8 divisions). 
    • Diamond and Platinum accounts will drop 750LP (7 divisions + 50LP).
    • Gold and Silver accounts will drop 675LP (6 divisions + 75LP).
    • Bronze and Iron accounts will reset to Iron IV.

    Right now, there's not much difference between seasons aside from the player icon you get as a reward at the end of it.  However, starting with the new expansion launching in late August, new cards will be introduced into the game every two months. That just so happens to be the length of a season.  When that happens, each new ranked season will feel like a brand new meta to try and figure out.


    Ok that sounds cool about the new cards. I'm also glad to see they aren't just throwing a bunch of master level players into matches with new to the game Iron tier players. It's also nice that I won't have to far to climb to get back to where I am.

    In reply to How do seasons work?
  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Do they reset your rank every season? What is new about every season?

    In reply to How do seasons work?
  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Do their effect count for puffcaps? They are technically spells. They just have lingering effects that could last long after the Funsmith or Keg is gone.

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    As it stands now the  Neverglade Collector feels slightly over tuned and far exceeds the Phantom Prankster.

    I think what they should do is make it so he only heals the nexus 1 for every death. Not drain. That way it tones him down and makes for phantom prankster to become a viable option. Like if you are looking to push out burn damage you would pick Prankster. But if you need more sustain through healing you would pick the collector.

    As of right now the collector does both so why would you ever pick the prankster?

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Its a win condition card that requires a whole deck built around it too work most of the time. By your logic Accelerated Purrsuit needs a nerf too since it leads into; Catastrophe Card Image

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From ViktorVonVox

    Not a Good Indicator of my skill level, but currently Silver I 50-ish LP with a 45-11 record. (I don't play much, like 3 games a day). I heard I am on course for Master Tier with that winrate, but I take it with a grain of salt as it's my friends stuck in plat saying this. Not sure if any master players can confirm this or not, but I am slowly climbing.

    I hate to say it but that win rate doesn't mean much. I had a really high win rate too till I hit gold 2, then it started to dip. At gold 1 I struggled a bit but finally moved into plat. At that point you really have to have a basic understanding of most cards in the game and make very few mistakes to climb. I was stuck in plat 4 for quite some time before something clicked one day and now I dance between plat 2 and 1.

    At some point I'll get into diamond then I'll work for masters then top 500. I'm invested now. I liked the game so much I put enough money into the game to buy every card and I do mean EVERY CARD. Not just the ones I needed.

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From CursedParrot

    Currently, LoR does have random mulligans, since they would definitely have informed players if it wasn't random.

    However, why doesn't LoR make opening hands less random? What if LoR implemented a rule change that when you mulligan a card away you will always draw a card that costs less than it if possible? Given that LoR is online, I see no reason why they would keep Mulligans random when they have the ability to bias them to help the player. They could also do something like make it so that you never get a 7+ cost card in your opening hand, since it doesn't feel particularly fun to get a bricked out hand and be unable to play.

    I think just sending the cards you muligan out to the bottom of the deck or somewhere in the middle maybe best.

    As sometimes you want at least one large spell for turn 3 or 5. Like for example turn 5 Fiora + Unyielding Spirit.

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Like MTG. With a max of like 10 cards you can swap in or out at the start of a match once you see their champions/regions. The side boards would be limited to only none champions and spells and you can't change your region combo either or add one if your using a mono deck.

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Most of the time if you throw back a few cards its fine but when you are throwing back just one card the system fudges up. The chances are insanely high that you will end up getting the exact same card back if you only muligan one away. Over many many games I have tested it and like close to 80% of the time you get the same exact card back. Unless of course you only have the one. But if you have two there is a good chance you will get it back. If you have 3 its damn near a guaranty. If you have three don't even bother trying to muligan it.

    Oh and if it does get you something different you can bet that card will pop back up within the next one or two draws anyway.  

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Grumpy000

    or to play a DEEP deck that is helped by the stealing ...

    This is actually quite funny. Especially when they accidentally send you into deep and basically hand you the win. :D

    Update: They must have changed it in a patch. I remember it used to count to your deep but I was playing deep today and the other guy stole some cards and it didn't count towered deep. Oddly enough it glitched the cards. They ended up showing that I was in deep but the deep effect didn't kick in till a few draws later.

    In reply to 2 mana steal 2 cards?
  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Swim gave some advice on one of his streams which sounds like good advice, but I'm unsure how to use it properly. He said; in the lower tiers like plat and below the game is about getting the most value out of your cards. Like attacking when you have a good opening, but in the higher ranks value starts taking a back seat to probability. For example; there is an opening you can use to deal some good damage to the enemy. Now you have to ask yourself; what is the probability he has something in hand that could either stop it or put you at a disadvantage in the next round? If so. What is it? How could you play around it? If you do play around it; will it make a difference?

    He said that's why you sometimes see master level players making moves that don't seem to provide much value at first glance, but that's because they are most likely trying to either play around something they think the other guy has, or they are trying to give themselves an advantage in the next round or two.

    Well I'm reaching that point where you have to shift from value to probability because I'm stuck at plat 1. How do you make that change in mindset? 

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    She is basically a 7 mana Miss Fortune. They both do the same thing. They hit everything for 1 damage on attack and both have an extra life. Anivia has her egg and Miss Fortune doesn't need to attack to set off her ability. So its the same thing. Then at level up Anivia only does 2 to everything when Miss Fortune does 3.

    Again Anivia is 7 mana. Miss Fortune is 3 and does the same things and has a stronger level up. How does that make sense?

    Anivia Card Image Miss Fortune Card Image

    In reply to Please buff Anivia
  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Quote From Author
    While i agree with you Unyielding Spirit can feel very oppressive to play against when we are losing, given it takes away all hope for a comeback (as every other card i've listed), it should almost never win games we are ahead outside some crazy combo with a big Lifesteal unit.

    US is OP and needs to be changed now. Not a month from now. Now! Today!

    When every top 500 master rank streamer is saying its overpowered and broken; it needs a change.

    When 80% of people I play against just forfeit the second I place it on a good follower or champion; it needs a change.

    When you hear about and see new players come to the game and admit they liked the game but quit playing because US is impossible to beat unless you are in one region (Ionia) or play a deeps deck; IT NEEDS TO BE CHANGED!

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Question I have about the tracker. Does it show what cards were taken or obliterated from your deck? Like with Deep deck or Pilfer? Because that would be cheating/hacking.

    What I mean is say your deck was obliterated by a deep deck. You just look at the tracker and see what cards you have left to know what cards were destroyed. Infermation only someome with the tracker would know. Or with pilfer. Just look at the cards you have used so far, see which ones are missing, and bam you know know which ones they took. Again cheating.

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Just saw a video on this where three top 500 master players discussed LoR and other card games like it in general and they said in order to have a healthy card game like this you have to balance around constructed play not draft. But with that being said US is bs even in constructed and should be down right banned in draft.

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