Well, we have a surprising amount of things to talk about this week! We have another special competition lined up, along with a few news articles to check out! Hopefully I don't get too distracted by the Battlegrounds Brawl and manage to get this up on time...

Anyway, yeah, lots and lots to talk about, so we'll get straight to it!

Drop Top

The WCDC this week had Xarkkal taking the top spot with their Mana Droplet! Congrats!

They'll be in charge of the theme for next week - which is also the last competition of the season! Exciting!

How To Slay Your Dragon

We saw the return of the Fan Community Spotlight over the weekend, this time taking a look at MrRhapsody's "Dragonslayers", a mini-set with a fairly intuitive theme.

The concept of a mini-set is something that I hadn't personally considered before, but now that I've seen one I'm tempted to make one myself. Being able to narrow your focus into something is very exciting, design-wise. Where adventures were 'mini-sets' in that they were smaller than full expansions, MrRhapsody has gone in a different direction, focusing in on a few classes and fleshing out a concept in them, rather than trying to come up with something for every class in a full expansion.

I'll leave you with some of my favourite designs, but be sure to check out the full interview at the link above, where you can also find the full set!

10 Million?!

You may have seen the news yesterday, but in case you hadn't - congratulations to Hearthcards on reaching 10 million cards made!

They shared some awesome stats about the most popular kinds of card made on the site, so check out the news post to see the full details! We also have a fun little promo going to design yourself as a card and leave it in the comments there, so get creating!

One interesting tidbit they shared was the fact that The Witchwood was the most popular expansion to design cards for. While it's surprising that Classic doesn't take that mantle, it isn't hard to imagine why Witchwood inspires so many people to get creating - the Odd/Even mechanic, Echo and Worgen mechanic are all fantastic concepts to play around with, and more than that, the theme lends itself well to working as a backdrop for any Hallowe'en or otherwise spooky cards.

To celebrate this milestone, we've cooked up a special competition for you to take a crack at. We've all been creating cards for a long time - it's time to get the cards to do the creating!

I Cardly Know Her!

Of course, we still have our regular competition ongoing this week too. It's time to get referential with your cards - and no making a token effort! Click the banner for more details.