It's time to cast aside those flashy legendaries and take another look at one of the unsung Common heroes of Scholomance Academy. Last time the spotlight was on Pen Flinger, and now we'll investigate how Animated Broomstick gets that extra spring in your minions' step.

Combo Hunter

The Broom is showing it's strength in MCMitta's deck. In addition to just rushing any minion into some quick trades, it can also be combined with Toxmonger and multiple other 1-drops for devastating swing turns.

Odd Guardian Druid

The Broom in its natural habitat, helping RavenSunHS to that Rush effect even if Guardian Animals fails to do so. Playing Baku will feel much better when you can trade right away.

Odd Demon Hunter

Feylog seems like a person who has no time for games, as even Odd Demon Hunter wasn't fast enough without some extra Rush. Granted, this is not your average Illidan list, as it runs Hobgoblin, Magic Carpet, and Wrathscale Naga to cash in on the plethora of 1-drops.

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Pogo Rogue

When you play some big Pogos, you naturally want to smack something with them right away. KmemBM has found the solution: the Broom.


Broom was a Zoolock favourite before the Darkglare nerf, but other Warlocks can put it to good use as well. If puffy's list is anything to go by, Archwitch Willow might find her way into the archetype as well.

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Odd Warrior

This Legend deck comes straight from the Chinese ladder. Patches will enviously look how our animated friend can attack the turn it gets played - while encouraging its fellow minions to do the same.

RenoJackson has also played a Broom-containing Warrior at Legend.

In need of additional brushing? Here you go!

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