We breezed through the reveal season and now we're just patiently waiting for the expansion launch on December 7th. Although our community members are already hard at work with theorycrafting, we'll be taking a look at some of their creations that are already playable in the Wildest format instead.

Vanndar OTK Shadow Priest

As Swizard has been tinkering with Drek'Thar in the midweek posts, it's up to this weekend post to bring balance and spotlight Vanndar. Cost reductions are what the craziest combos thrive on and who would welcome those combos more than MarkMcKz?

Handbuff Paladin

The new-ish Righteous Defense can be a very annoying card to play against, as transferring stats over and over again can create pretty ridiculous burst from hand for a class that isn't known to have that in its arsenal. In addition to this list shared by BogAl, MarkMcKz has naturally dabbled with this potential OTK fodder as well.

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Quest Hunter

Our loremaster GoliathTheDwarf has been tinkering with Defias Blastfisher with this Beast-heavy Quest Hunter as well as a more Pirate-y version that does not include the Quest.

NudeWookie has also created a similar list, even adding Captain's Parrot for a more guaranteed Blastfisher draw.

Mecha'thun Demon Hunter

Fallugaloog states that the deck is still work in progress but it seems so amusing that I couldn't help spotlighting it already. Your opponent will surely expect a more traditional Questline Demon Hunter, at least until Emperor Thaurissan drops on the board.

Eye of the Storm Shaman

Something spicy from the Chinese community in the form of this list shared by LovelyDuke on Twitter. The deck goes all-in on trying to cheat out Eye of the Storm as early as possible which could mean turn 1 if you're lucky skilled enough.

Leaving Stormwind for an adventure in the Wild? Replenish your supplies with more community decks.

Found something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!