The honorable battle at Alterac Valley is underway, and our community members have been busy testing the new cards. Let's see what kind of awesome decks have emerged from their breweries!

Don't forget to check out our theorycraft post for more Wild deck ideas from the community!

Tempo Thief Rogue

While a lot of Thief Rogues go all-in on the burgling plan, Reddington1 has tried to find a balance between tempo cards and the stealing, resulting in this list.

Handbuff Paladin

This deck from anchorm4n originates from Born to be Wild Discord channel, where it was shared by BenFromWork. The new Paladin legendary Saidan the Scarlet is quite an obvious fit to the archetype.

Malygos Warlock

Despite the temptations of OwlTK Warlock's performance, Thonson has decided to follow the call of the Aspect of Magic instead. The two decks share a lot of the same control and survival tools, but only one of them has the nostalgia of the now-rotated Malygos.

Bolner OTK Shaman

Freeze Shaman seems to have become a popular and well-performing archetype in Wild (what a sentence to write!) but if you want to try something different, NamelessOne has shared this Corrupt OTK list. Some Freeze cards have made their way here as well but their role is more on the stalling side of things rather than synergy.

Tax Paladin

GetMeowth has been actively sharing new Wild lists on Twitter (and theorycrafts in YouTube), and this deck was shared with a simple caption: "Troggs Rule". The prevalence of Freeze Shaman is already seen in the Living Dragonbreath tech; a worthy consideration for other decks as well?

Eager to join the Wild battle in the snowy Alterac Valley? Keep yourself warm with more community decks.

Came up with something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!