While Blizzard didn't gift any Wild-targeted nerfs in the latest patch, our community members have continued to explore Alterac Valley and shared awesome decks for some holiday fun.

Questline Priest

In the spirit of giving, Fallugaloog is gifting the opponent some Albatrosses. Despite the Priest Questline not being the fastest one out there, the pesky birds should slow your opponent down to allow you to take your time.

Deathrattle Rogue

A gift for the achievement hunters from Thonson. The deck aims to spam as many Korraks as possible, and it should complete the summoning task in no time.

The same archetype was already explored in our midweek post by anchorm4n.

OTK Warlock

A gift for the JoJo fans? GoruGORUGORU didn't want to just play OwlTK but instead crafted a wombo-combo of their own with some good old Discard synergy.

Odd Control Mage

A gift for me in the form of my all-time favorite archetype. Frost Lich Jaina can definitely appreciate the change to Wildfire, and server58 has packed two of them in this almost-Highlander list.

Thief Rogue

Sometimes gifts aren't given but taken. This burgly list shared by LovelyDuke comes from China, where it has been used to reach high Legend.

Eager to join the Wild battle in the snowy Alterac Valley? Keep yourself warm with more community decks.

Came up with something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!