March of the Lich King has been out for a few weeks now and we love us some golden cards! We've gone through the new collectible cards and decided on which ones really stand out.

If you want to see all the golden cards for yourself, you can head on over to our database where you can find all March of the Lich King's collectible cards, viewable by their golden art.

The Best Golden Animations

Here are our top picks for March of the Lich King's golden animations.

#10 - Incorporeal Corporal

Undead dude plus awesome blue animation that flows from the bottom to top of the card might not be the most appealing from a color point of view, but it really makes the card feel alive and gives it a ton of depth when compared to the normal version. Any animation that takes up a large chunk of the artwork is going to look incredible on the board which is what starts us off.

#9 - Beetlemancy

Beetlemancy has incredible depth to its subtle nature. We've got beetles jittering all over the card, in front and behind our main character, and that beautiful green flame makes for a killer point of interest. There is a lot going on, even if its subtle, and that's why this makes the list.

#8 - Eversong Portal

Eversong Portal brings us jumping kitties! Sorry, lynx.

There's a good amount of movement going on and that portal effect in the background is filled with beautiful colors. The art in general also just shows us what is possible once you get some Spell Damage set up on your board, with multiple kitties coming to get you. This card would have been higher if the improvements to the card had different artwork that added lynxes as it became more powerful. Maybe next time?

#7 - Foul Egg

Eggs in Hearthstone are a joyous occasion and definitely a reason to celebrate. Blizzard did this one right by making it rock back at forth just like Serpent Egg from Saviors of Uldum. We even get a solid animation out of the "Undead Chicken" that is summoned with some wintery goodness.

#6 - Soulstealer

Purple. Check.
Lots of Purple. Check.
Awesome looking art? Super check.

Maybe I'm just a sucker for some Shadow magic, but Soulstealer has an incredible swirly Shadowy animation that says ain't nobody messing with them. The animation definitely matches the card's text!

#5 - Shockspitter

Shockspitter, a card that has already been nerfed, hopefully won't be seeing any nerfs to its animation. That shock of lightning strikes fears into your opponents and looks wicked.

#4 - Light of the Phoenix

Light of the Phoenix is one of those cards that has the entire art taken up by its animation. When you've got a phoenix, you want to give it the best treatment possible so we've got fire everywhere. There's not much to say outside of badass.

#3 - Animate Dead

Oh Blizzard. I'm so glad with a card name like this you managed to give it a solid animation! That hand going back into the ground, although not the craziest motion we've seen on a card, is just so fitting that it is worthy of a top spot on our list.

#2 - Meat Grinder

Meat Grinder is one of those cards that when you first saw it, you were thrilled to see it in the game with such juicy flavor - especially for those of us that remember the Meat Wagon Warcraft III. This vehicle unit would pick corpses up to them fling at your opponents, or use them to summon Ghouls. Meat Grinder looks absolutely terrifying.

#1 - Vast Wisdom

Why does it seem all the common and rare cards get the best animations these days? Featuring the beloved Varden Dawngrasp, they can be seen surrounded by scrolls of the three flavors of Mage magic (Frost, Fire, and Arcane), and all of them are levitating! Lots of movement and glowy hands makes this a seriously awesome golden card design.

Special Shoutout - Devourer of Souls

There's a special place in my heart for the Devourer of Souls. Coming off of the Burning Crusade Black Temple experience on World of Warcraft Classic, this annoying boss getting a fun animation makes me appreciate not having to walk people through that encounter anymore.

Which golden animations from March of the Lich King do you love the most? Let us know your favourites in the comments below!