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Draconically Dedicated
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Freforos's Comments

  • Freforos's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 330 320 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Funny meme. 

    It would work best on a deck with a lot of high cost cards when playing versus a deck with low cost cards.

    The problems with this card are multiples: paying 5 mana for a 6/5, the high inconsistency of the card, the fact that the opponent is going to be the first one to have a chance to play the card that he drew.

    Being a meme epic I'll surely open 4 of them, it's a trend 

  • Freforos's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 330 320 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    It can be a nice tool to disrupt your opponent tempo, you can drop it on turn 1 versus aggro decks and it will work most of the time, killing a 1 drop and stopping your opponent second turn can be huge versus decks like zoo or murloc shaman.

    Maybe the fact that cost 1 less than doomsayer will make it viable even if is more fragile and isn't as strong?

    Later in the game, you can freeze the board and play this; dealing 5 damage is like killing all minions versus aggro most of the time, so not a huge difference there, but maybe will be too easy for an aggro deck to deal 5 damage from hand at that stage of the game and in the end doomsayer will still be the preferred choice.

    Or maybe a deck would run both? 

  • Freforos's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 330 320 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From AliRadicali
    Quote From Freforos

    I think people are overrating this card quite a lot, i personally voted this 1 star. 

    For make this card good you have to run a ridicolous amount of dragons (you want to draw them almost every turn!) , basically to justify including this card on your deck you have to play an horrible deck in the the first place.

    Kaleseth and Luna's pocket galaxy aren't comparable at all with this (and I'm super happy about it), because the decks where they are played are good regardless, and become broken when they are drawn.

    For this card to reach the power level of Kaleseth or Luna's you have to have a deck with like 15+ dragons that works, that deck isn't going anywhere.

    I'm pretty sure that this card won't see much play after the meta settles. 



    You don't need this to discount 30 mana for it to be worthwhile. In fact, as a 4 mana 5/4, it barely has to do anything to be a playable card, and reducing expensive dragons in your deck by 2 is a hell of a lot more than nothing. People play Emperor Thaurisan to get a couple of cards reduced by 1, and that's a 6 mana 5/5. Reducing mana costs is one of the most consistently busted mechanics in the game.

    We are on an agreement that cheating mana cost is one of the most bust mechanics in the game, no doubts. 

    But i think i've been misunderstood, what i mean with the example of the 15+ dragon is that to even remotely compare this card to Luna's or Keleseth (i always mispronounce him KAleseth) you have to play it in a deck with a ridicolous amount of dragons.

    Is obvious that those decks will not be as strong as the ones that did play/are playing Keleset or Luna's, my point was basically that this card is not the new Keleseth (and, again, i hope that a "new Keleseth" will never be a thing) because the decks where his power level is comparable to Keleseth aren't good, while the decks that played Keleseth are good even without him, he just brings them to another level.

    I actually builded a druid deck and a paladin deck with a lot of dragons to see how a deck that focus on making Frizz very powerful would look like, you can see them in my page here. 

    Now i'll try to explain why i think this card isn't good.

    Realistically a dragon deck would not run more than 8 dragons (unless they start reveal a good amount of very good low cost dragons from now), but let's say a good deck that runs 10 dragons will exist; 

    You spend your turn 4 to play a 5/4, which isn't super bad, but we can't pretend that is good either because the 5/4 isn't a good body versus aggro decks. The problems come after, with 10 dragons in the deck you should have already drawn 2-3 of them, so in the deck there are like 7-8 dragons. Is already turn 5 when you'll draw the next card, the game will not last much longer, so most of the time you will not even draw a dragon before the game ends. Or just draw one, and in that case the reduction in cost has to matter, otherwise if the cost reduction didn't matter the card still didn't nothing (the counterargument is that it always grant at least a "free" hero power).

    So basically even in games where you drop this on turn 4 the card did very litte, at some point people will start putting a card that does something instead of this one. I can be wrong, but i suggest people to wait a while before insta-craft this.

    I think the comparison with Emperor is not a good one, because discounting the cards on hand means that you are guaranteed that the cost reduction will matter (and it makes every kind of combos possible, as you decide what to reduce).

    Time will tell, but i hope that maybe this time i was more clear about why i think this card is bad

  • Freforos's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 330 320 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From RavenSunHS
    Quote From Freforos

    It never existed a tier 1 deck with 15+ dragon in it, if i remember correctly. 

    the decks that played the highest number of dragon and were quite strong were tempo dragon warrior and tempo dragon priest (called simply dragon priest) they didn't reach at all 15+ dragons and plus these dragons where good in a tempo deck specifically (the 3/6 with taunt for 4 mana, the 2/3 for 1 mama for priest, the non-dragon 2/4 taunt for 2 mana for priest). Those decks played like 10 to 12 dragons

    Then basically existed only dragon priest, with two versions, one combo (inner fire) and one control, both played from 7 to 8 dragons.

    I remember specifically (played a lot of control dragon priest) that trying to run more dragons just to make the "having a dragon in hand" requirement more consistent did make the deck a lot worse, so I'm sceptical that running a ridicolous amount of dragons is a good thing per se

    Nonetheless, there is no way in the world that this card is worth just 1/5.

    Even without the Battlecry, it would be a 2/5 at the very least.

    With the Battlecry, it is at least a 3/5, up to 4/5 on paper.


    I think is more a personal way of rating cards at this point. 

    Without the battlecry this is a 5/4 for 4 mana, is not the absolute worst, but I would just never vote this card 2 star just because the stats are ok-ish for what you payed. I'd vote that card 1 star because it isn't included in any deck/ you have literally zero reason to run that.

    But i see what you mean (like If you randomly have this card in hand and is the best play you play it and don't feel super bad about it), as i said is a different way to evaluate cards

  • Freforos's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 330 320 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    It never existed a tier 1 deck with 15+ dragon in it, if i remember correctly. 

    the decks that played the highest number of dragons and were quite strong were tempo dragon warrior and tempo dragon priest (called simply dragon priest) they didn't reach at all 15+ dragons and plus these dragons where good in a tempo deck specifically (the 3/6 with taunt for 4 mana, the 2/3 for 1 mama for priest, the non-dragon 2/4 taunt for 2 mana for priest). Those decks played like 10 to 12 dragons

    Then basically existed only dragon priest, with two versions, one combo (inner fire) and one control, both played from 7 to 8 dragons.

    I remember specifically (played a lot of control dragon priest) that trying to run more dragons just to make the "having a dragon in hand" requirement more consistent did make the deck a lot worse, so I'm sceptical that running a ridicolous amount of dragons is a good thing per se


    EDIT: this was an answer to UVE, i clicked on reply under his post but it seems it didn't work

  • Freforos's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 330 320 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I think people are overrating this card quite a lot, i personally voted this 1 star. 

    For make this card good you have to run a ridicolous amount of dragons (you want to draw them almost every turn!) , basically to justify including this card on your deck you have to play an horrible deck in the the first place.

    Kaleseth and Luna's pocket galaxy aren't comparable at all with this (and I'm super happy about it), because the decks where they are played are good regardless, and become broken when they are drawn.

    For this card to reach the power level of Kaleseth or Luna's you have to have a deck with like 15+ dragons that works, that deck isn't going anywhere.

    I'm pretty sure that this card won't see much play after the meta settles. 



  • Freforos's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 330 320 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    this is a tech card, the problem is that it feels really bad to run it if your opponents doesn't run any weapon.

    Maybe if in the future pirate warrior will be a thing and they start to run this to have an edge in the mirror? Would be funny to see that

  • Freforos's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 330 320 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    will not see play in costructed, like the other spider tanks that don't have good effects. In arena is a 3/4 for 3 mana, so good.

  • Freforos's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 330 320 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    This kinda of cards are good in decks that are a bunch of healing and removals to win the aggro matchups (in those matchups you play it as a 2/3) and use this card to generate some value versus slower decks, to convert cards that don't do nothing against those opponents in threats (similar to first Elise).

    The problem is that decks that want to win games with value alone are in a bad spot right now. The other non-aggro decks at some points start to do broken things to close the game, generating random legendaries isn't good enough.

  • Freforos's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 330 320 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Is always nice to have tech cards.

    The problem is that we don't have a sideboard in this game, so running this just to win on a small percentage (sometime you'll not draw this in the matchups where you want it; or you still lose even after you played it) of a small percentage of games (you play this card only because is good versus highlander decks) isn't worth it in my opinion.

    In turnament settings card like this are good to exist.

  • Freforos's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 330 320 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I voted this card 5 stars.

    It will be run in all of the decks that are highlander, probably in quest druid too.

    The card is obviously amazing, i personally don't like the fact that has too much variance, sometimes gives you 2 faerie dragon and sometimes the nuts...imagine getting screwed because your opponent gets the new maly with her and discover a 1 mana polymorph that prevent you from winning, or when she will be generated by her.

    So the power if the card is 5 star, no doubts, but personally i'm not happy about it, especially because we'll see a lot of it being a good card.

  • Freforos's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 330 320 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I think this card is super strong.

    You run this card in an aggressive/tempo deck that run at least 6-7 pirates, it creats a huge value alone without losing too much tempo. In wild it will see play right away, in standard maybe it will not see play now (maybe strong pirates will be revealed) but if more good pirates are printed in the next expansions i can see this card with a pirate package replacing the Galakrond package in an aggro/tempo warrior deck (just because the invoke cards are bad to run in the deck).

  • Freforos's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 330 320 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    The warlock legendary dragon was an important piece to see if dragonlock will be a thing, sadly this is not the case. 

    The card has a soft taunt, too bad that if the opponent can kill you he'll kill you even if that means that you are making a full board of huge dragons while he hits your face for lethal damage.


  • Freforos's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 330 320 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I think this card will be played as one of in quest shaman, where it can deal 10 damage to face and close games. 2 of them in that deck seems too many.

    Maybe other kind of shaman can play even 2 of these, more like tempo tools than pure face damage.

    It has to be seen if a 5 mana card that requires you to be overloard isn't too clunky to be played in the new meta, for now it seems a very good card. We didn't see Galakrond yet, maybe this card has some synergy with it too?


  • Freforos's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 330 320 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I don't like it.

    Generally isn't a card that you want to run, because it will be bad most of the time. But very rarely will win you games on turn 5, without your opponent even knowing what to play around.

    Isn't funny when that happens to you (will make epic Trolden videos tho!)

  • Freforos's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 330 320 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    If the eggs hatches the stats of this card are insane for 6 mana, key part is "if".

    Even if your opponent have the decision to clear the 2 0/3 or clear the 5/5; he clears the 0/3s so his minion don't get damaged, in the end the 5/5 stays alive one doesn't feel that having a 5/5 survive is a big punish.

    Seriously, in that case is like having played a 6 cost stealth tiger.

    This card is very good if played on a clear board or when you are ahead, maybe in shaman deck that will happen so frequently that this card will be worth it, for now i doubt it.

  • Freforos's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 330 320 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I don't know, not a huge fan of these type of cards.

    I know you can do broken combos but it feels like in the actual game, where there is an opponent that is trying to kill you, they are too impractical.

    Just let's say you want to do waxadred things with it, first you have to play waxadred, then activate is deathrattle with a cards like the necrium weapon or vial, after that you play this and finally profit.

    Maybe if the meta will be heavy control, but i'm not sure it would even works there.

    In wild i think card like these can be very problematic.

  • Freforos's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 330 320 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    is a nice tool for priest to clear wide boards of small minions.

    This card for now is the only breath where actually you don't mind if you have a dragon in hand or not, so i can honestly see this played in a deck with zero dragons in it.

    Maybe the priest needed a low cost board clear to complete his set of removals, so i think this card has is merit. But still we don't know how priest is going to close games (i mean control priest, inner fire priests still work wonderfully).

  • Freforos's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 330 320 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    This card is not bad, but i don't think is that strong. Will maybe see play in a highlander mage deck, unless the dragons played there will be so few that most of the time people will start cutting it.

    Not the strongest breath, but maybe the reason is because highlander mage seems to already have a lot of strong cards

  • Freforos's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 330 320 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I see this working in a dragon mage deck and in highlander mage that includes few dragon.

    Probably the deck that will be stronger or viable at all will be the highlander one. So in highlander mage currently we have this card and Malygos that require to have a dragon in hand at all cost (about the 1 mana spell and the 2/3 dragon, if they will be even in the deck, isn't so important if you don't have a dragon in your hand) which means the number of dragon you have to run isn't as big as other dragon decks, for example a druid that reliably wants active the breath at turn 2.

    The dragons that you want to run are: old alex, new malygos, new alex and kalecgos. I think that about 6 or 7 dragons should be enough so we are almost there, especially as we can run the 2/3, we aren't very happy about it but not sad either.

    So this card gives our deck a good tempo turn, it helps clearing a board and putting some pressure, playing luna's pocket galaxy (even a turn earlier!) without losing too much tempo. At 10 mana can give you surprise lethal playing a pyroblast for 6 and then fireball for 16 damage total.

    very very good.

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