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  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Next: A druid card.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Quote From linkblade91

    Submissions are now closed; best of luck to everyone :)

    My prompt is next…what could it be?

    The next theme will be up to him, and I'm sure it will be legendary.



  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Quote From Xarkkal

    Hey guys, sorry it's been a crazy couple of days and I haven't gotten around to giving feedback to anyone yet, which makes me feel bad :(

    Thank you everyone for your feedback I'll try and go through and find people who haven't submitted yet and get some feedback out. 

    I think I have finally come up with the card that I'm going to go with. I have some balancing concerns and wanted to see what everyone's thoughts on this one are:

    I felt it's effect was too powerful to be a neutral card like the other Chickens. I'm thinking because of the mech tag and the ability to magnetize onto this, that 1 mana might be too cheap for it. Think it's safe at 1-mana to stay with the chicken flavor?

    If I recall correctly, the other chickens don't get the benefit unless their health is raised somehow.  If you want to match that, I'd say make it so that it has to survive damage instead of just taking it.  Other that, you're good to go!

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    @DestroyerR.  Thank you very much! I see the synergies now.  When I first saw your card, it reminded me a little of another card in the thread that doubled your bombs, so that was all I could think of lol.

    For those who just changed their cards:


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    I really liked the new version until KANSAS pointed out that it could have been printed like this:

    Maybe increases its health so it doesn't die to small minions?

    Edit: Never mind, its already submitted.  Its the one I like the so the most so far.


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    Only one copy?  Why not go all the way and make it three?  Only friendly minions?  Why not any minion? I can't think of a way that casting a Gang Up for your opponent could break the game xD

    In all seriousness though, I like this a lot better as your not giving up much for a benefit that you're not going to see until much later.


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    This seems really strong compared to the recently nerfed Bad Luck Albatross, but seeing that this can only work in a pure Paladin archetype, I think this is okay power-level wise.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    More feedback:


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    I think fits the requirements.  You should verify with someone else, though.  The card seems really low in power level to me.  You run have to run enough [Hearthstone Card (Thoughtseize) Not Found] effects, play this card, then play those cards in order to get a benefit?  It's not an effect that should be brought out early, so seven mana is fine, so I would bump its stats to 7/7.  To best of my knowledge, I would template the card like this: "Battlecry: For the rest of the game, your cards remove all cards from your opponent's deck that you copy."


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    Horrific Vision:  This card is very high variance.  The minions from your opponents deck, so you have no control over what happens.  Cards like Dimensional Ripper and recruit style effects are fun because there is some control over what happens by building a deck to maximize its effect, while cards like Free From Amber and Power of Creation mitigate the inherent randomness through Discover.  This does neither and can lead to some very-feel bad moments because the card costs 8.  I would make this a Discover effect to reduce the variance and make this more fun to play, and maybe increase the cost to 9.

    Nether Ritualist:  This card is fine design-wise, but it doesn't stand out to me all that much as a scaled-up Gnomeferatu.  I would make it a 3/4.  This type of effect isn't as strong as it appears in my opinion, but I rather leave as a minion then as a spell that Yogg effects can cast multiple times.


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    Yes, I think it counts.  What happens after all the bombs explode?  Do the removed cards get shuffled back into the deck?  If that's the case, it's an interesting idea.  I think the card needs some fine-tuning, but it could end up a being a solid card.


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    The design is solid but I don't think this is the type of effect that makes for a good play experience.  The fact that it scale ups so much means that the opponent could get locked out of the game by drawing only imps.  I'm a fan of exploring different types of disruption and counterplay, and I think the game could use more of them, but there's a point where it can shut down the opponent completely and I'm afraid that this card could easily do that.


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    Vampiress Bloodrose:  Interesting, not sure if its a benefit or a drawback.  I could see this in a zoo deck if not for the lifesteal, but it makes sense for the flavor the card.  No complaints here, pretty cool card.

    Wildfire:  The second sentence could be shortened to: "Remove a card from your opponent's deck for each."  (see DOOM!).  As for the design itself, its a good nod to Druid fatigue decks of the past,  but it would be giving the class direct milling for the first time, so I'm not sure how that would be received.  As for the name, how about Scorched Earth?  Its references a war tactic and still fits the flavor from my point of view.   I would keep it at 4 mana.


  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 4 years ago



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    Benedictus, Corrupted: I'm not really a big fan of this to be honest.  It seems like a downside 90% of the time and the only time I would want this effect is when I'm already far ahead and I want my opponent's draws to be less consistent.

    Infiltration:  This effect is cute on paper, but seems really hard do anything with in practice.  Unlike Treachery, you can't interact with the card you just gave to your opponent on the same turn.  It's not a bad idea; I'm just struggling to find a reason why I would include in any of my decks.


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    Burning Chainwhip:  This is a demon hunter weapon, I presume? I can't really tell. Also, it seems a little awkward for me that I'm forced to attack with the weapon I've just equipped with and I can't choose where it attacks.  

    Toxic Longtongue:  I like this better than the weapon.  You can decide where it attacks.  I would probably word it more like Wild Bloodstinger and add more health, but it might make the card too powerful.

    Switch Teams: Isn't this card Duel!?  That card was 5 mana, and it didn't see any play.

    I like Toxic Longtongue the best out of the three.


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    Blasto McBoom: As others, have said, this card seems really niche and best functions as win-more card.  I don't have much else to add.  It's not a bad card.  It's just really swingy.


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    Incitus, Living Flame:  I like the design, but I can't help but think that most players would not be thrilled to pull this from a pack.  It's a symmetrical effect which doesn't seem very appealing if one can't figure out what its supposed to be used for.  I prefer this over the other card.

    Roaring Inferno:  There's a reason while Blizzard stays away from forced discard, and it that it just isn't fun to play against in a game where you can't interact with your opponent outside of your turn.  At 3 mana, this just seems like too much, even if not done right away.  I would increase its cost to 5 or have if shuffle two instead.


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    Librarian Donathon:  I'm not sure what this does.  Does the top card have the highest mana cost, or the bottom?  Either way, it seems really disruptive to the opponent and I'm not sure it would be a fun card to play against.  

    All-seeing Raven: I really like this card; it's my favorite out of the three. It's very skill-testing, but there's something a little off the wording imo.  Maybe make it "Choose One: Leave it on top; or put it on the bottom.

    Despair: I like this works differently from the other secrets, where your opponent is incentivized to kill the largest minion instead of the smallest. Solid card.


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    Solid design.  Has some interesting implications on deck building and when to play.  I can't help but feel this might make some combo decks too good, though.


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    I get that the [Hearthstone Card (Sightless Watcher had the original effect) Not Found], but I'm wondering if this might be better off as a priest card.  As far as I know, only priest so far has the ability to look at cards from your opponent's deck.  Otherwise, it's a cool card.


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    Banish seems ok, but isn't this type of effect similar to what The Amazing Reno's battlecry does?  Yes, you eventually get the card back, but this functions as a Recycle most of the time.  I like the art.


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    Slumber Lord Go'thol:  I think this is an interesting idea, but this type of draw disruption is not something that I'm sure that Blizzard would like to see in the game.  It could make opponent's life pretty miserable.

    Doomsser Anaxxis:  I like this one the most.  There's some UI and memory issues concerns, but I think they can be dealt with.  I like the idea of having fatigue set in temporarily, and that it's symmetrical, so it can abused heavily.

    Silkmother Siqara: This effect just seems too narrow to me. There's not that many of the those types of cards in the game, and Bomb Warrior is sad that it can't run it (though it's probably too good for that type of deck).


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    Xavius, Nightmare Lord: This card would slow down the game significantly.  I'm not sure that it would to a good play experience for either player.  Other that, I think this card is pretty good.

    Hemet 2000:  I think that this is a solid effect, but this seems a little overcosted to me.  Also, this seems more like a tech card, rather than as a build-around.  I'm not sure that I would make this a legendary.


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    I don't think this card works for the competition.  You'll have to ask someone one of the mods to verify, but while the card cares about your opponent's deck, I don't think it really interacts with it.  In my opinion, this card is too win-more of a card.  If you opponent's deck is empty, they're probably running out of steam already.


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    I like the idea of punishing your opponent for running too many neutrals, but this card seems really annoying to play against.  This might be too harsh an effect, but I don't really know how to fix it.


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    I would probably have the card removed from the deck instead of placing it on the bottom.  It's essentially the same effect and is cleaner and more elegant to read that way.  I don't have a preference between that and replacing the chosen card with a coin.  Both work for me :)

    I get to the rest of the cards later.

    I'm a little weary of submitting a tech card, plus I need to think of a better name for it (it just sounds weird to me) and maybe more fitting art. So here's another idea.  It's way for priest to remove minions that also gets around deathrattles. It can be used early and also scales up in the late game.

    Edit: I've gotten a lot of positive feedback for Cleansing Surveyor, so I'm going to go with that.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Here's what I have for now:

    The tech card nobody asked for, it hoses primes, bomb decks, anti-fatigue decks, fun rogue decks, jade druid, Bad Luck Albatross, Ysera, Unleashed, Archbishop Benedictus, among others.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    So many rogue secrets...

    Btw, since I'm still pretty new to this, what happens if I or someone else submitted a card that had the same design?  Would they be disqualified?  I don't think it's fair for someone to submit a card early and get lower scores because someone else submitted a card later that did the same thing.  There's no way of knowing, of course.  It could be just a coincidence.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Thanks for the feedback :)

    I have another idea for the mage secret instead of Spell Capture.  The reason why it's at 10 health because that is the maximum health you can play Molten Giant for free.

    Someone else already submitted the rogue secret, so that leaves Molten Summons, Divine Entity, and possibly Killer Instinct among what I would submit.


    Coup de Grace seems hard to play around.  I feel like that there many effects that could cause this to go off by accident.  That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it might not be very fun for your opponent to play against.  Also, it should be "equal to its cost" instead of "equal to it's cost".

    Saving Grace seems pretty cool.  It's somewhere between Ice Barrier and Ice Block, but I think healing all the damage dealt on top of the damage prevention might be a little too much.  Maybe set the health to 5 or 10 instead of healing?

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Here's my feedback:


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    I like [Hearthstone Card (Counter Strike) Not Found] a lot as it allows small minions to trade with bigger ones and forces the opponent to be careful.  The only think I would watch out for is the possibility for burst damage, but I don't think this should be an issue since you don't have control over what gets the buff.

    Smokescreen doesn't seem to work from the way it's worded, if I read that correctly?  It activates on the opponent's turn, then your turn starts and the minion loses stealth right away.  I think you meant for the stealth to last for a full turn, but I don't know how to fix the text to reflect that.  Anyways, it's a cool design, but seems a bit situational in practice. You need a combo piece, this secret, and have the minion survive damage.  Don't know if that's worth enough for a 2 mana secret.

    [Hearthstone Card (Feedback Blast) Not Found] seems good and does something unique.  Seems good in a midrange or control deck.  I have a feeling that it could make your opponent really salty, though :) 

    I would go with [Hearthstone Card (Counter Strike) Not Found] or [Hearthstone Card (Feedback Blast) Not Found].


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    As some others have commented, there's too much text on this card to be made realistically.  What happens if the next spell your opponent plays doesn't cost less, does the secret just never activate?  I like the idea of stealing your opponent's spells, but this card just seems too clunky for me, unfortunately.


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    This seems really good in the early game, being a potentially better Mortal Coil in paladin.  I would probably change the wording from "Whenever your opponent plays a minion" to "After your opponent plays a minion" to keep it in line with Snipe and Explosive Runes. Seems great and elegant!


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    I can't find the image of [Hearthstone Card (Pitfall Trap) Not Found], so I'm afraid I can't comment on this.

    I find that [Hearthstone Card (Retaliating Flame) Not Found] can backfire pretty badly.  I think that it is different enough from Flame Ward now, but I'm sure how others might feel how a secret that could have such a low floor.  Overall, its a pretty solid card.


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    This is a really cool effect.  I could imagine a situation where your opponent would try to play around it by not doing anything.  At the same time, if they play the wrong cards, they won't be able to play anything at all when it restarts.


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    The non-legendary version of [Hearthstone Card (True Companionship) Not Found] doesn't really do it for me.  It seems ok, but it doesn't seem all that exciting.  The legendary version is REALLY swingy and would probably end up being either useless or game-ending.

    [Hearthstone Card (Stray Arrows) Not Found] is interesting.  Not the most flashy, but it does make interesting gameplay decisions for the opponent.

    I like [Hearthstone Card (Counter Shot) Not Found] the most.  That's just me being biased though as I'd had the idea of a secret that counters a spell to the opponent's hand for some time now.  I would go with this one.


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    This seems really cool, urrrr no pun intended.  This might push secret mage and freeze mage up a little too much, but I don't really see a problem with it.  I think what favors this over Frost Nova is that your opponent can play around it by attacking first.  The card still has its uses without being too oppressive.


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    Xarkkal had a similar card to this, just in case you weren't aware.  I really like this idea; there aren't many counterspells in Hearthstone and I would like to see more printed.  I'm not sure that the way this is worded would actually "counter" the spell.  Maybe it does, but it didn't seem like it did when I first read it.


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    A free attack on the opponent's turn with your weapon seems like a neat idea, but I'm actually 100% sure what happens.  Does your hero attack the enemy hero back, or does attack one of their minions randomly?


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    Leeching Poison is probably too good with Kingsbane.  It doesn't excite me too much.

    [Hearthstone Card (Dismantle) Not Found] would be better if more classes had access to weapons.  Right now, some of the classes don't have a reliable way to activate this secret.


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    I like [Hearthstone Card (Spell Duel) Not Found] the best.  The rogue and the hunter ones seems a little too narrow for me.  They seem difficult to activate reliably.  I also like [Hearthstone Card (Sleeping Beauty) Not Found], but some may not find the flavor/art the most fitting for Hearthstone.


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    [Hearthstone Card (Self Harm) Not Found] seems really powerful, compared to Swipe.  I would leave it rogue, since Hunter already has Swipe.  I would probably change the name though.

    Not a big fan of [Hearthstone Card (Another Card to Play) Not Found] as a secret.  Your opponent can't interact with how it activates in any way, and it reads more like a spell with a delayed effect.  You could play this card, then draw another card on the same turn to get the benefit.  It doesn't function how a secret should, imo.


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    A 4 mana rogue secret just isn't going to work, no matter how well designed it is.  Unless Blizzard suddenly starts making a bunch of 4 mana secrets for rogue, it's just going to stick out like a sore thumb.


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    I like [Hearthstone Card (Unseathe) Not Found] the best.  I don't think it is too similar to what Nirast has.  [Hearthstone Card (Draconic Avengers) Not Found] seems a little narrow to me, and [Hearthstone Card (Rabid Dog) Not Found] could backfire horribly.  The minion your opponent plays could kill one of your minions and you could end up essentially giving an enemy minion rush.  I'll review the rest of the cards later.


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    This effect seems a bit weak to me.  I like the design, but I rather play Daring Escape.  The opportunity for my opponent to remove the minions I want back to my hand doesn't seem worth the discount.


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    The card seems pretty good to me, but I word it to specify that it activates at the beginning of your turn.  So it would read something like this: "Secret: At the start of your turn, summon a …"


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    I like this card.  Your opponent could play around it, but you're still getting some value.  Rogue likes cheap cards, so it can take better advantage of the copies.


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    Tricks of the Trade is the favorite of the one I have seen so far.  I've thought about making a secret that reveals itself to be another secret, but could not make a design that implements that idea very well.  The execution here is clean and plays well.  It plays differently from other secrets and in very unique.  I feel like the others class version is more consistent with the rogue identity of burgle effects.

    The Paladin card is very similar to card I had, except it summoned a random 1-cost minion instead of a 1/2 mech.  It's a solid card.


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    As kansas has said, this only works the way its worded as a tech card against ….. tech cards!


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    [Hearthstone Card (Getaway Wagon) Not Found] needs some cleanup and the flavor seems weird to me.

    [Hearthstone Card (Fume Trap) Not Found] seems good to me, but the art seems really blurry.


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    This card seems very narrow.  Most murlocs don't have a lot of health, so I'm not even sure how much its going to able to attack before it dies. As others have said, the grammar needs fixing.


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    I don't have much to add to this.  It's a cool idea but others have submitted similar cards already.


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    Very nice!  I like how if the copy you summon doesn't cause both minions to die, you can the first to take advantage of it.


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    Once you fix the wording, the card seems solid to me.  I think there are flashier cards out there, so you might not get that many high scores.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    I made a secret for each class.  I didn't look at any cards before I made these, except for the paladin one which I had to change from its original design.

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