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  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago


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    Isiset reads likes a tautolgy lol.  I didn't get the effect until I read the description.  Maybe it could be worded as "Other numbers in the text of your spells are increased by Spell Damage."

    I like Foxtrotter, though the amount of sap effects and damaging spells in Rogue are limited.

    The same goes for Anzu, and it also counts your opponent's stealthed minions, which I'm not sure I would have done.


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    Interesting card.  I think it should "destroy 1 enemy minion" to make it clear what the spell damage affects.  Destroying minions directly is a little weird in mage as opposed to dealing lots of damage.


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    I like that you can play the card on turn 10 and play another spell directly afterwards in exchange for a more expensive minion compared to Bloodmefist's Shaman legendary.


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    Lightning Aspect seems pretty balanced to me. You have to play several cards to get a benefit, and it has not quite premium stats otherwise. 

    Enraged Sporemancer has an interesting triggered effect!  I don't know how it fares balance-wise.

    Lightning Totem also benefits from your opponent's totems, and vice versa.  I'm not sure that makes for the best gameplay.

    As for my star ratings, I try to look for a combination of flavor, innovative mechanics, grammar, and balance.  I used to give exactly one star for each, but it resulted in a lot of 3s and not a lot of 1s or 5s, so I got more on my gut feeling than anything else, though I kept all of those elements in mind.  I don't find myself paying attention to the watermark - I just don't seem to notice them very much.  I find myself putting submissions I like at 4 or 5 stars, ones that I find okay as 3 stars, and ones I'm not a big fan of as 1 or 2 stars.

    1-star - I don't give out many of these, usually 3 or 4 at most per week.  There are significant problems and the card can't be salvaged in my opinion.  Usually, I don't understand what the card does at all, there a lot of grammar mistakes, or the card is confusing enough that the card ends up with 5 or more lines of text.  Or something silly like a 4 mana secret (no disrespect to anyone who might have submitted that). 

    2-star - There's some potential, but the card would have to be changed significantly.  I usually think these cards are "meh".  There's might be an interesting idea buried somewhere, but the card is grossly miscosted, or would not play out very well.

    3-star - There some things I like about the card, some that I don't like.  I end up giving the highest amount of submissions each week to this.  Sometimes, I'm not sure what the think of about a card, so I just give it this rating.  Usually, my thought is that the card is interesting, but there are problems with the execution.

    4-star - I usually give this rating out to cards that I find interesting and do something that could work as an actual Hearthstone card.  There might be some minor issues here and there.

    5-star - These submissions stick out to me, because I find them very interesting mechanically and flavorfully, and are reasonably balanced.  I think I should be it a bit more generous with these, I give out only 3 or 4 each week.


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    I like it. My only concern is that Priest doesn't have too many options for spell damage outside of board clears, so decks running this would need to run a lot of spell damage minions that aren't very good if you haven't drawn this card.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Xarkkal
    Quote From grumpymonk

    The I in improved should be in lowercase.

    I think this one can go either way. I've actually thought about the upper/lowercase a lot, and unfortunately, Blizzard has been inconsistent with the usage. The phrase has been used twice, on Unexpected Results and Demonic Forging. On the former, the pre-parenthesis text does not end with a period, so the "i" is lowercase, while the opposite is true on the latter. I'm assuming they felt the non-parenthesis text on Demonic Forging was long enough to warrant ending the sentence first. 

    Which brings me to my card. The phrase "Draw 1 card" has only been used on Galakrond, the Nightmare, which ended the phrase with a period even though additional text came next (including text with parenthesis). I took my queue from that and chose to add a period and capitalize the "I" in "Improved". I think really, it comes down to which version looks better. But maybe I should follow your advice and go with the lowercase "i" since people will think of Unexpected Results and assume I should copy that. 

    Where is Demonic Forging from? The upcoming solo adventure that's coming out tomorrow?  I was going to say Unexpected Results is like that because its improved as opposed to upgrade, but it looks like either Blizzard can't make up their mind or Unexpected Results is the exception.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Kirin Tor Chaincaster accumulates over the turn.  The second spell you cast gets spell damage +1, the third gets spell damage +2, and so on.

    Riptide gives healing that is affected by spell damage, which the Shaman class is designed to take advantage of.  Think of it as Shaman's own version of Arcane Blast. Still debating whether to make 1 or 2 mana.

    Feedback (in progess!)

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    I like that Savage Moonkin can help protect itself, unlike other spell damage minions where you play and hope that they survive until the next turn.

    Essence Drainer reads weirdly to me because lifesteal is given to cards and hero powers, not abilities, and lifesteal in this case is only given to a portion of the damage dealt.  Essence Leecher doesn't make it clear to me that it only affects damage increased through spell damage, not all the damage dealt from the spell.  I thought it essentially gave your spells lifesteal at first.  The best ways I could think of are "Your damage from Spell Damage bonuses restores Health to your hero." or "Your bonus damage from Spell Damage restores Health to your hero."

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    I like it!  Maybe the spell damage wording isn't completely necessary, but it's elegant and I can't think of any interaction issues, rules-wise.  Double Moonfire is a scary though on turn 6.  I think I would raise its cost and stats or reduce the spell damage to 3 or 4.


    First Arcanist Thalyssra - There too much rng for my taste and the resurrection part does not feel like mage at all.  It's also probably op.

    Arcane Brillance - The I in improved should be in lowercase.  I like it at 2 mana because spell damage requires effort to build around and there needs to be enough payoff to run a spell damage based deck.  At 2, you could at least cycle it and it wouldn't be too bad.  At 3 mana, it compares very unfavorably to Unexpected Results, and you can expect +2/+2 worth of stats per spell damage, which is comparable (or slightly better) to drawing a card.

    Mana Droplet - This is what elemental decks need in order to control the board while giving options to keep the elemental chain going. Looks good to me!

    I would go either Arcane Brillance or Mana Droplet.  I like them both equally.


    I think the words Spell Damage has to be somewhere in the text for it to count, for what I'm reading.

    Los the Summoner: I'm not sure I understand this completely.  Does the elemental get +1/+1 for each damage that the spell damage adds to your spell? I made a prototype in the spoiler below from what I'm interpreting the card as doing. Feel free to correct me if I got it wrong.

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    The cat seems pretty cool.  I like that it provides insurance against some board clears, and that you can damage it multiple times with your own spells to build it up.  I think it could be bumped up to a 4/4.  Your opponent would try to avoid targeting it and use their minions and weapons, which the vast majority of decks do, so it should be easy to deal with.

    MEGABLAST! : I don't like this one as much as it either really weak at 1 or 6 damage or another version of Pyroblast that can kill your opponent out of nowhere which isn't very fun to be on the receiving end of.  You would want the text to match Arcane Blast, including bolding and capitalizing Spell Damage.

    I like the cat the most.


    Grennan Stormspeaker: Mana Crystals should be capitalized.  I like it because he act as a soft taunt during the turns when you're overloaded.  I don't think the mana cost should be raised because the effect is relevant only on turn 6 or later, and having more overloaded mana crystals means having less mana to be able to play any spells on the same turn.  The worst that could happen OTK-wise is a 10-mana Malygos.

    Meryl looks fine to me, but there are like what, 3 spells with lifesteal for warlock in the entire game?  The game also uses double bonus, not double benefit (Arcane Blast).

    You forgot the r in your in Cyanigosa. I get the concern, but I think you're focusing on Cyanigosa's interactions too much with Malygos.  She doesn't do anything by itself and requires other spell damage minions to get any benefit.  I don't see any reason why I would want to run this card except if I could cheat it out and Malygos reliably.  It's just too slow otherwise.  Maybe give her Spell Damage herself?

    My pick would be Grennan Stormspeaker

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I made these weeks ago but I've figured I might be busy this week, plus these cards just happened to fit the theme well.

    Edit: Changed wording/grammar for Bestow Faith


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  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I made Lunar Wellspring 2 mana now, so it heals an amount equal to a multiple of 3.  Spell Damage +1 makes it heal for 9, +2 makes it heal for 12, and so on.  I've also have two alternative wordings.  I'll go with the other card if it they aren't clear.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From shaveyou

    So much more feedback. This makes me very happy.

    There have been several suggestions that this should be 4 mana. I think I'm going to leave it at 3, purely because it involves so many moving parts. The cost of +1/+1 to all friendly minions has been set by Mark of the Lotus at 1.  (Blessing of the Ancients was overcosted I feel, because they were worried about the effect of putting twinspell on that card.) So realistically, you need 2 triggers of this to get value. However, if you get triggers by trading in minions, then you lose part of the power of this, as it's one less minion to receive the buff. Board Clears are the best way, but that requires a 7 or 8 mana combo, and relies on you having a board already.

    While I understand this card could potentially steamroll on occasion, I think it has equal risk of ending up as a dead card, which balances it out. Most of the time, I would imagine getting +2/+2 to all (remaining) minions, after you've made the necessary trades to facilitate it triggering.

    Feedback Time!


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    I think it should say "Whenever an enemy minion dies this turn" (using Floop's Glorious Gloop as a reference).  This seems really bad if you're behind and really good if you're already ahead.  If you can't make one to one trades or better, the card is useless, even if you have a full board.  If you're ahead on board, you get to keep buffing your minions on each attack, making them more likely to trigger the card's effect again.  I think it be better if it triggered on friendly minions so it could function as a catch-up card, but it could mess with the flavor.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I would have like to gotten this out a little sooner but I kept getting card designer's block.  I hope these cards feel thematic enough.

    Star Augur uses her astromancy (reading of stars) to manipulate your next draws, helping you find good topdecks and options to use all your mana each turn.  Note that it only affects the card you draw at the start of your turn in the same way Timeline Witness does from the Taverns of Time event.

    Lunar Wellspring, like other Shaman healing spells, uses water but also harnesses the moon to augment it through spell damage, which the Shaman class is designed to take advantage of.  Think of it as Shaman's own version of Arcane Blast.




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    I like the idea - its a space version of Evolve, it's Space-volve lol.  What I'm not the biggest fan of is that this only effects small minions.  I get that your'e avoiding Desert Hare shenanigans, but the card is much less cleaner with the cost restrictions.  My ideal version would be a 5-7 mana version that transforms all minions.  Yeah, you can high roll, but it happens late enough in the game that it can be dealt with.

    As for the 3-mana versions, I like the third version the best.  I prefer the evolution to be large as possible to separate it from the original Evolve and match Explosive Evolution, but the original might be too powerful.  Also, there are cards that reference 1-cost minions, but not 2-cost minions.


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    I don't mind the watermark, but I'm not sure what makes the card fit in Boomsday in particular.

    I would specify that this also keeps any enchantments, as the way it is written only affects copies on the battlefield (See Kingsbane and Immortal Prelate).  Also, if your opponent also ran this card, buffing this would help both players, sort of like how murlocs used to affect both sides of the battlefield.  If you don't want to this to happen, you could make it affect friendly copies only.

    As for the infinite aspect of this card, I don't mind it personally, as it is below curve, but some people might read it as a neutral Jade Idol and end up being biased against it.  If you decide to get rid of the infinite value, you could make it shuffle in token copies without the battlecry or make it a start of game effect.


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    You might to look at this for the most consistent wording.  It's the same effect.

    I like the card a lot, but I would imagine that this character feels likes it should be bigger than a 4/4.  Also, you might want to consider having it awaken after you play 3 spells rather than casting, as you get to choose what spells to recast rather than potentially casting random spells off of other cards by accident.  Since its potentially a little slower, you could up its stats a little.


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    I like to see more Dragons and support tools in Paladin, but the Celestial Breath needs to be toned down a bit.  Its like drawing two cards that are more efficient than anything else in your deck.  Having direct damage to face in Paladin is a little strange.


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    I loved your idea so much that it inspired me to explore what other things spell damage can do, including one I've posted XD.  I agree with linkblade that it should only affect youself and with Xarkkal that dragons don't really belong in Boomsday, but I think the flavor and mechanics fit the set enough that you should keep it.


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    I agree with others that the repeatable this turn effect is not necessary.  It doesn't do anything by itself except changing your hand which you need to spend mana on to play cards from, in which you're not going to play this card again.  With 3 Sorcerer's Apprentices out, you get to cast this infinitely.  The effect reminds of Plot Twist and that was 2 mana, so I would could see this being 2 mana as well.


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    The first version has a condition that feels more like something that would be in rogue rather than in priest, as rogue is the class that specializes in shuffling cards into their deck.  As it stands, it seems more like a tech card against bomb decks than anything else.

    I like the idea of the second version, and I made a card with the effect for an earlier competition, except it was 6 mana and a neutral epic.  As others have said, this a tech card and it isn't the best thing to put on a class legendary.  Also, I imagine that Algalon would be larger than a 2/6.


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    I like it, but it should be in Warrior.  Not all classes should have access to unconditional single-target removal.  Also, Flik Skyshiv is crying in the corner :(

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Based on feedback and which of my ideas I like the most, I'm probably going to go with one of these three.

    I've played around with the costs a bit.  Hopefully, they're balanced.  Let me know what you think.


    More feedback:


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    Cragtorr is a decent design.  It might not be the most exciting to some people, but I like it.

    Lyris the Wild Mage isn't really my cup of tea. It's fine, but there's already of a lot of spell generation in mage and this doesn't do anything too differently from those.  

    Plaguemaster Rancel doesn't have much support.  Poisonous minions are already designed to kill anything it comes in contact with, so this functions more as a deterrent to board clears than anything else.  If you're trying to get value, they can just kill this pretty easily.

    You added an extra a between the o and x in Oxana Demonslay.  Doesn't feel like an effect that would go on a legendary to me, and I feel like it could cost 1 more.

    Xur'ios: I like it.  It should say spells from other classes though, as the way is worded right now implies that it only reduces spells from one class if you're holding spells from all different sorts of classes.  I might consider having it reduce the cost to 1, just to minimize the risk of any infinite combos that rise up.


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    Generated spells are from the class of your hero.  If you want spells from different classes, you have to specify it in the card text.  I agree with bigcums that this is too good for its cost.


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    Dancin' Deryl: So your minions can potentially swap places with your opponent's?  That seems really powerful, especially if you got a board of small minions and your opponent has a bunch of big ones.  

    Icarax dealing damage to heroes makes it seems more like warlock and less like warrior.  


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    There a typo with Craggtor, it should be Cragtorr.  I like the card.  The second option reads a lot stronger than the first, but maybe it could work in combo decks.

    I don't know how strong Wildtooth is, but I like it.  It can be used as a tool in control matchups that other hunter cards don't really have.

    It didn't occur to me that Kriziki would give your minions to your opponent and that you would get their minions at first.  I don't know how to word this differently but some people might misunderstand the effect.

    Jolene Knottley should say "Discover a copy of a spell" if you're not intending to take it away from the opponent's hand.

    The wording of Magic Mirror seems clear enough to me. It's very unique and I could see some interesting brews.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Feedback time!


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    Lord Marrowgar is solid, maybe not the flashiest, but still good.  Rikkar, the Pretender seems too hard to build around, as it requires a lot for it get it working.  You need to run both the spirits and the loa in your deck.  I'm not sure that's enough payoff.


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    Lyris the Wild Mage - I'm pretty sure I've voted on this card in a earlier competition and it didn't end up doing all that well.

    Manhunter Ivan - Interesting payoff for playing secrets.  I'm not sure what happens with some secrets, such as Misdirection, and Pack Tactics, that depend on the minion that triggered it.

    The Slipstream - Functional, but not very exciting to me.


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    I like it.  I assume it includes treasures from Rumble Run as well?


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    I like the middle wording the best, as it needs to be clear that Julianne dies too if Romulo dies without reading the token.  I like the statline of the first one the best.


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    I don't think the wording is entirely clear - can the minions switch sides?  Otherwise, I don't see this minion making much of an impact.


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    Sazin - If you swap Sazin with another minion and you swap it back, it now has two deathrattles?  Not sure what to make of this.

    Zaraam - I think this should help you instead of hurting your opponent.  Other than that, I like it.

    Glack the Scropid - I think that this should have poisonous.  It is a scorpion after all, and it would require to many hoops to jump through if it didn't.


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    High Justice Grimstone - I like it, but I would make him a 2/4 or a 4 mana 3/5.

    Magic Mirror - At worst, this is a 50% chance to copy the enemy minion you want.  Seem okay to me, but it's not as flashy as it looks.

    Tad, the Fisher - Hard to see why this needs to be 0-attack, flavor wise.  I also think you're overestimating the battlecry a little.


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    I like the abilities and how they synergize with one another.  I'm not sure how powerful this is.  On one hand, if the battlecry destroys the minion, it's like a discard for your opponent.  If it survives, your opponent can get a big advantage out of it.  I would not have gotten the Satyr Overseer reference if you didn't point it out.


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    I like Ozara the best, but I would lower its stats a little, maybe a 3/5.


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    I would go with Kizi Copperflip or The Scarecrow.  I think they are flavorful and that the cards play well.  I think the other cards could lead to unfun situations for your opponent.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Edit: Made a few minor readjustments.

    Here's what I've come up with so far.

    Battlecrier Jin'zo gives battlecry triggers without having to play the battlecry minions afterwards.

    Alda Petrik can draw a bunch of beasts if the deck is built right, but there needs to be a variety of beasts along the mana curve in order to take full advantage of its effect.  It can still be included in order to tutor a few select beasts.

    Hestutu Stonewind gives all your characters windfury, including your hero.  Your's hero attack must still be raised above 0 in order to make any attacks, such as equipping a weapon.  Because of the potential burst damage, there is the drawback of having the second attack only working on minions.

    Illidara Sundawn is a member of the Reliquary, a group with competes with the League of Explorers in finding magical artifacts and studying the past.  I'm a little worried about the potential with Lackeys, so I keep swinging between a 6 mana 5/5 or a 7 mana 6/6.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I have a question.... can the replacement hero power be temporary or be limited to a certain amount of uses, such as Metamorphosis does?

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Good luck everyone! Lots of really good submissions this time around.  I've been giving a lot more 4 and 5 stars than usual.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From CursedParrot

    I agreed with your comment that it doesn't really help Untapped Potential decks, so I made this version that could act as a finisher with cards like Oasis Surger in Untapped Potential Druid, and maybe even motivate them to run more Choose One minions instead of mainly Spells. I kept this version as a 5/3 because it seems a lot better. Do you think I should change the design to fit with Untapped Potential, or is it okay if it mainly synergizes with just one quest? 

    I think it's fine if the card doesn't synergize directly with a quest as long as its a card that those decks would want to play with.  Right now, the card is currently a 4-mana 7/5 with no drawback that has an additional option.  I would try to tone it down a little.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    More Feedback:


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    I could see this not needing the minion to have reborn to grant the deathrattle effect.  Maybe it might make it a little too powerful, but I'm not sure.  Just so you know, there's already a submission for a 2-mana paladin spell that has the same deathrattle effect.


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    I like the first one, personally.  If you go with the second one, you could drop 'another' from the text box.  The effect is already clear in what it does and it would get rid of the fourth line of text to make it read nicer.


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    I like the suggestion of making it a 2/4.  A 1/4 isn't going to effect the board very much and your opponent can overrun it easily even if manage to resummon it several times.  Having to heal requires some investment, either by using your hero power or running cheap healing effects in your deck.  I remember Mana Geode being way overhyped when it came out.


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    Grammar:  It should say "Add a 'Renew' spell to your hand" to make it crystal clear.

    Balance:  This is a little cheap for the amount of value it gives.  I would make it a 4 mana 3/3 if you want to keep the same cost-stat ratio.

    Design:  I like it. Seems pretty solid.


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    I think on-draw effects could be something that the game can experiment more with. I don't like resurrection effects in Hearthstone, and I don't like them when they're stapled for free onto a minion with premium stats. Sorry, not a big fan of this.


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    Some cards overload for multiple mana crystals, so this has the potential to snowball. I think it's fine for now, but if others find it too powerful, you might want to change so that it counts each card with overload instead.


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    I'd say go ahead and add the fourth point of health.  I struggle to see how it works with Untapped Potential outside that its a Choose One card.  I doubt that that those decks run many big minions to get a big advantage out of this.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago


    I like the weapon the best.  The second version fits the quest better because the first version doesn't have any special synergies with Hack the System.  If you're worried about the infinite durability, as economicaooc said, you can make it like Stormhammer except for taunt minions.


    FYI, if you go with the equal stat route for Lilliandra, anchorm4n made a card in this thread the falls into the same lines.

    I like Lady Anacondra's effect and I think is very unique, but it reminds of a Kun the Forgotten King that's much harder to set up for slightly better stats.


    I prefer the Blessed Templar, mostly because it does something new.  The Shaman card is solid, but it doesn't appeal to me as much because it's combining rather commonly used effects.


    I don't know, this seems really strong in face warrior.  My gut says that it would be absolutely OP if unnerfed Fiery War Axe still existed.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Based on feedback, I'm going to go keep these two.  I really like Tricks of the Trade but I'm afraid it might be too strong.

    Edit: Made tweaks, added Warlock card.  I'm not doing myself any favors by adding more cards, but I love this theme and I keep getting carried away :)

    Edit: Added Priest card

    Here's more ideas i came up with.

    Which one should I go with?


    Edit: More feedback

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    Grammar:  Should say "equal to your unspent mana".

    Balance: all good

    Design:  My only issue is that this seems slow in the Jungle Giants deck.  I'm not sure to fix this without changing the card.


    Is this better? 

    It doesn't take place in the water, so you might want to change the name, but I this is the best I could find.


    Grammar: Murloc should be capitalized.

    Balance:  all good

    Design:  I like it.  Seems solid to me.


    I feel like this card is strong now, maybe a little too strong.  It's only bad on turn 3 and on later turns, you could just play this by itself and build a large board.  It's above the curve at 5 or more mana.  On turn 7, it's 11/10 worth of stats.  


    The cost reduction can make this essentially a 0-mana 2/1 draw a card.  I would make it a 3-mana 2/2.


    Grammar: all good

    Balance: I feel like Runaway Hatchlings cost be costed at 5 and it would be good but not game-breaking.  Maybe I'm underestimating the value of the battlecries but it seems a little weak to me.

    Design: The whole summon and trigger their battlecries thing seems kind of awkward and inelegant to me.  I would make it draw 3 from your deck and reduce their cost to 0.  It wouldn't change the function of the card and would even make it a little stronger, as you can hold off on playing the minions.



    Hatred Warlock: missing 'in' between 'still' and 'your'.

    Twin Bloodsabers: missing 'minion' between 'this' and 'takes'.

    Balance: all good

    Design:  Not a fan of Oxynia's Whelp.  You wouldn't want to run galakrond if you're running either quest.  The other warrior card is too hard to set up.  The warlock is nice because the discard is not totally random and there's room for the player to maneuver on later turns.  The shaman card is okay, but I don't know if that resurrection-like effect fits in shaman. 


    Grammar: Shade needs to be capitalized in the text box.

    Balance: all good

    Design:  If the card is not for big priest, I'm not sure why the deathrattle scales up.  You're probably not going to play more than two of these per game outside of discover effects.


    Grammar: all good

    Balance:  This seems quite a bit weaker than Face Collector imo,  needing combo to activate and getting worse minions usually in place of 1 attack, and that card wasn't very strong.

    Design: It reminds me of Face Collector, but I like the idea of echo the help with the rogue quest.


    Grammar: all good

    Balance: all good

    Design:  Boarmaster and Leyline Contriver are fine, but they don't excite me that much. I think Candleseer has the most potential if balanced right.



    Old Mentor: Heroic strike should be in single quotes, not bolded.

    Geode Elemental:

    1. Should be "give this minion +2 Health" instead of "gain two health"

    2. Mana and crystal should be capitalized.

    Balance: all good

    Design: Old Mentor is solid, but I like Geode Elemental more.  It's well balanced and does something unique.


  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Ideas so far:


    Edit: Feedback

    I'm trying to give better feedback, so I'm dividing each into three parts: grammar, balance, and design.

    Grammar: Are there any misspellings, missing punctuation, or improper capitalization?  Does the effect of the card match the way that similar type of effects are printed in-game?   Basically, does it match how Team 5 would print the card if it was made.

    Balance: Do I feel that the card is appropriately costed?  Are there any potential issues that could make the card broken in a certain context?

    Design:  Does the card fit the class it's in, or if it makes sense as a neutral?  Also, if the flavor and art of the card makes sense.  

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    Druid of Patience: 

    1. It should say: "Battlecry: If your last turn ended with any unspent mana, gain …" because the way it is written now means that the battlecry will always activate.  You start every turn with unspent mana.

    2. Missing period after lifesteal.

    Blessed Templar:

    1. Taunt should come before reborn.

    2. Should say name instead of title.  I know it sounds picky, but the game refers to names.

    Mrgrlstrom Caller: Missing period after +1/+1.

    Balance: all good

    Design:  I like the Blessed Templar the best, and it does something unique to work with the paladin quests.  The other two are fine but don't blow me away.


    Grammar: all good

    Balance: all good

    Design:  I like it. No complaints here.



    Mummified Monkey: all good

    Determined Devotee: Should add minion after "resummon this".

    Balance: all good

    Design: I like them both.  The monkey is a creative way to get the original quest going and the and priest card is also a creative way to reward the healing quest deck.


    Grammar (besides the periods):

    Satyr Spelleater:  Is the discard random?  It should say so if it is.

    Zealous Priest: I think this works better as a triggered effect; "Whenever this minion's health is restored, give it that much health."

    Ogre Defender:

    1. Ogre Warmaul should be in single quotes.

    2. Ogre Warmaul should not be in bold.

    Morgl the Oracle:

    1. Missing the word random after summon.

    2. "you have" should be made into a contraction.


    Racing Minecart: I think the dwarf should be a 1/1.  The card has too many stats.

    Satyr Spellcater:  This card is too powerful is you don't have any spells in your hand.  It becomes Battlecry: draw 3 cards.

    Zealous Priest: I would remove 1 or 2 points from the health.

    Ogre Defender: Is too strong.  I would make it cost 6 or make it a 3/5.


    Racing Minecart only contributes to The Marsh Queen once, if you were looking for it to contribute two.  It says to play, not summon seven 1-cost minions.

    I like Ogre Defender the best.  Its a nice, solid card that captures the flavor of ogres well in a new way.


    Grammar: The first version should say: "Recast all spells you've cast on this minion this game", like Elistra the Immortal.

    Balance: It's a little weak if you're running the reborn quest, since you're not likely to be running that many buff spells, but it has the potential to snowball in the other quest.

    Design:  I like the second version better too. I like it.


    Grammar: all good, but they recently changed these types of effects to remove the words "from your deck", like Starscryer.  Some people find that weird to read, so either way is fine.

    Balance: Some people might find this a little too strong, but I think this statline is fine.  Unless they print some big murlocs in the future, this shouldn't really be an issue.

    Design: This works a lot better in the murloc deck than the battlecry deck.  The battlecry quest can't make much use out of this unless they're running a lot of murlocs.


    Grammar: all good

    Balance: Too strong.  I would make it cost 5 or a 1/6.

    Design:  Looks good to me.


    Grammar: all good

    Balance:  Nether Tempest scares me a little, but it might be okay.

    Design:  I don't think Masqurade works with [Hearthstone Card (Bazzar Burglary) Not Found].  The minion doesn't change until it hits the battlefield.  I like this more, but it might not work for this challenge.  



    Hakuna Matata:

    1. Choose one should be followed by a dash, not a colon.

    2. The semicolon should come right after the word Lion, before the word or.

    Balance: all good

    Design: I like Fiery Warbringer the best.  It's the most innovative of the three.


    Grammar: all good

    Balance: all good

    Design:  My only issue with Anubisath Guardian is that by the time you're leaving enough mana behind to get the benefit, you're already finished with the quest.  For the shaman card, I don't believe that transforming counts as summoning for the murloc, and there isn't much of a benefit to doubling the Battlecry.  I'm not sure if either quest deck would really want to run this.



    Chumsayer: "for" should be put in between "except" and "Murlocs".

    Balance: all good except for Chumsayer. That card is too good.

    Design:  I don't get why recurring thief only gets minions.  Rogues already have a limited selection of burgle cards  Restricting it only to minions makes it harder to it to help with the The Caverns Below.  I don't like that it also doesn't work in that deck unless it rules burgle cards, which those decks don't want to run because it reduces consistency.  I like the warrior card the best, even those it is similar to meisterz39's Fiery Warbringer.


    It look likes the mage and paladin ones are out, so I'm not going to comment on them.


    Make sure articles (the) and conjucntions (by, of) are not capitialized in the card names.  I put examples of the ones that were capitialized in your cards.

    Honorable Samurai: "Give you hero" should be changed to "Equip".

    Murloc General:

    1. Should be "three" instead of "3".

    2. Should be "that attack it" instead of "to attack it".

    Twin Ancients:

    1. Dash instead of colon after Choose one.

    2. Semicolon instead of comma after +2/+2.

    3. Reduce should be capitialized.

    4. Missing parenthesis around the final "2".

    Balance: all good

    Design:  The warrior card is too slow.  Scale is down a bit so that it can be played before the quest is complete.  I like Murloc General and the Man of Many Faces, but I'm sure how Man of Many Faces would be able to be implemented.  I'm not sure changing the class but keeping the same name is a rule that Team 5 would break.  Possessed Boar only counts once for the The Marsh Queen since it say to play, not summon.  The druid, warlock, and priest card are okay, but don't excite me that much.  I like the shaman and rogue cards the most.


    Grammar: 'your' should be capitalized.

    Balance: all good

    Design: I like it, but it may scary in some aggressive decks.


    Grammar: all good

    Balance: Too strong, I think one else had a 2 mana version that was worse.

    Design: I like it.


    Grammar: all good

    Balance: I don't like the combo ability.  It plays the quest itself for you.

    Design: It seems okay to me.


    Grammar: all good

    Balance:  I still find Baine Bloodhoof to be too strong. Arathi Weaponsmith isn't the strongest card, but this just seems leaps and bounds ahead of it.

    Design: I like them both well enough.  I like the warrior card more.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Next: A dragon from Un'Goro.

    Baby dragon

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago


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    Feuerrabe: I love the flavor, but I think this card is underpowered. Wolfrider but summons a 1/1 for opponent while adding an okay card to your hand?  Also, I not sure what makes the card a paladin card, mechanic-wise.  

    Xarkkal: I like the callback, and it's interesting to see the effect go in a new direction.  That being said, the effect is really swingy and not fun to play against.  It's either going to do next to nothing in some matchups, and or completely win you the game on the spot.  Mass discard is something I would shy away from in a game where players can't interact each with other on the same turn, and I feel like it suits warrior even less than other classes.

    Demonxz95: Lord Victor Nefarius: Interesting effect.  Rogue doesn't have many high cost cards and this could serve as a finisher for all the burgle cards you've been holding all game.  The reminder text reads weird to me though.  Is the intent to use coins to chain out a bunch of cards on the same turn?

    Al'ar of the Ice: This card seems fine, design-wise.  Is the extra point of health a call back to Ice Rager?  I'm not sure how many people are going to get that.

    KANSAS:  I like it.  It's quite powerful and flavorful.  The only issue I have with it is that there is a lot of RNG.

    MrRhapsody: Patches the Captain is really powerful is your're ahead and really bad if you're behind.  I would not go with this one.  I like Medivh and Loatheb the best.  There some interesting ways to play and build around these cards.  Yogg-Saron seems underpowered to me and I find it weird to have Mage equip weapons.

    TheHoax91:  The deathrattle on the hero card is interesting and what I like most about the card.  I don't find the hero power leading to a fun play pattern.  It seems too powerful and could easily run over opponent without much investment.

    Conduit:  I like the first one more.  The second reminds of Archmage Vargoth, but with more RNG.  I would change the templating to  "At the start of your opponent's turn, they cast a random spell for each spell you cast last turn." for the first one  or "At the end of your turn, cast a random spell for each spell you've cast this turn." for the second.  It's less words and matches with how Archmage Vargoth does this kind of effect.

    Shaveyou: Special Agent Sally is okay.  I don't find it to be all that exciting, but I don't see any issues with it from a design standpoint.  I like that the Saraad casts random spells even though some may not like the idea because it stop stuffs like double Fireball to the face and that king of thing.  I could see if it used to help lesser played decks like big-spell mage instead already powerful existing archetypes.

    Inconspicuosaurus:  The card you're looking for is Wild Bloodstinger.  Right now, it reads like a tech card and not all that interesting to me.  Yeah, its flavorful, but most of the time, its just a vanilla 8/8 for 7.

    MenacingBagel:  The sheep should be 1/1 or have something else instead of sheep.  Your opponent has to remember that the effect only lasts for 2 turns.  I would try to find some way to make the effect easier to remember.

    CursedParrot:  I don't like that it also care about's your opponent's stuff.  It feels more like a priest or rogue thing to do.  I like that it's support for an all legendary deck.

    anchorm4n: Double Feign Death?  That seems pretty good to me.  I agree with others that I would prefer to see this as a 6 mana 5/5.

    DescentOfDragonsOp:  I don't think there's an easy way to balance this effect.  I see where you're going, but I don't see a version of this that is balanced.

    linkblade91:  It is me, or I do I feel like the theme for this week was built around this card instead of the other way around?  It's an easy 5 stars for me.  All around great effect and great flavor.  The only thing I could see is that people might not get the reference and wonder why paladin get Twisting Nether stapled onto the body.

    SDhn2a:  Frantic Moroes is fine, balance wise.  It seems hard to take advantage of the windfury for the stewards; they would die to anything that didn't have 0 attack.  For the C'Thun, there's a really wide range of outcomes.  I wouldn't want Lazul's Scheme or Dr. Boom's Scheme, but I would really like Hagatha's Scheme.  I like Y'Shaarj the best.  It is the most distinctive for me design wise and flavor wise.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I made a common, rare, and epic card for my last three submissions respectively, so it only fitting that this one is a legendary.

    Maiev, the Warden can be used independently or in a stealth Rogue deck, which needs a tool to stop board clears from wiping it out.

    Kael'thas, Blood Mage is more of a proof of concept than anything else.  Verdant Sphere works similarly to Build-A-Beast.  The first card offered is a mage spell that costs 5 or less, than the second is also a mage spell that costs 5 or less, except it doesn't include secrets or targeted spells if the first one chosen was.  Does this require too much explanation? I hope this isn't too confusing.  I might exclude secrets from the pool if there are any potential UI issues if this was actually implemented for real.

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