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  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From BasilAnguis

    Two variations of the same idea. I really like thre art of the first one but the second probably is better. The whole scarlet crusade and inquisition fits the "pure priest" theme perfectly.

    I think having the ability to steal your opponent's Deathwing and hitting them for 12 would make for a miserable play experience.  Limiting to 4 or less attack or specifying that the stolen minion has rush would be make it less unfun for the opponent.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    The prompt says to make a card with an effect that happens with no neutral cards in the deck, but could that effect be .... not activating a drawback? 

    I'm not sure if this card would be vaild for this week, but the idea is that this minion is gatekeeping you from summoning it by making you pay a price unless your deck is full of Warlock cards.  I'm following in shaveyou's footsteps by making a semi-playable minion without having to commit to the theme.



    Demonxz95 -  This looks really good.  Control hunter needs tools and this is a good reward for this type of restriction.  I don't see any suggestions for improvement.  This looks like it could be a winner!

    shaveyou - There's definitely room for Troll Batrider to be better, but this might be a little too much.  I would suggest 2 damage instead. As for the no neutrals effect, it's a little weird for hunter to get straight-up hard removal.  Lightforged Crusader also stretches that paladin identity a little with massive card generation, but it does feel more natural to me by rewarding a full paladin deck by giving more paladin cards.

    TheHoax91 - As demonxz95 said, it's easy to negate the downside by running just a few neutral cards.  Maybe make the spell damage part of the no neutrals effect?  It would admittely make the card useless outside a impure deck, but it would stop any loopholes.

    linkblade91 - This seems .... anticlimatic?  There's the pyroblast problem, sure, but if you're not hitting face, it doesn't impactful enough to spend all those resources to essentially destroy a single minion.  I think if it would be better and more fitting of the character's standing if it dealt damage to all enemies instead.  If face damage is too much, it could damage only enemy minions instead.

    Arkasaur - Not a lore expert, but I'm not seeing the Skyhold Val'kyr connection to warrior.  My first impression is that is should be a priest card because priest gets resurrection effects, but maybe there's a flavor reason that I'm not seeing.

    I think I prefer Stampeding Riverwallow, both from a flavor and mechanics perspective. It provides a good tool for midrange and control hunter build which can easily adapt to a no neutral list.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Thank you, Link and Demon!

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Good luck to everyone!  I've included a list of possible class combinations for this comp below from the most number of entries to the least, if that interests anyone.

    Class Combination/# of Entries
    Hunter/Rogue 5
    Demon Hunter/Rogue 4
    Druid/Priest 4
    Druid/Warlock 4
    Mage/Warlock 4
    Paladin/Shaman 4
    Druid/Paladin 3
    Hunter/Priest 3
    Priest/Rogue 3
    Druid/Warrior 2
    Mage/Warrior 2
    Paladin/Rogue 2
    Rogue/Shaman 2
    Rogue/Warlock 2
    Demon Hunter/Druid 1
    Demon Hunter/Warrior 1
    Druid/Mage 1
    Druid/Rogue 1
    Hunter/Paladin 1
    Hunter/Shaman 1
    Hunter/Warlock 1
    Mage/Paladin 1
    Mage/Priest 1
    Paladin/Warlock 1
    Demon Hunter/Mage 0
    Demon Hunter/Paladin 0
    Demon Hunter/Priest 0
    Demon Hunter/Shaman 0
    Hunter/Mage 0
    Hunter/Warrior 0
    Priest/Shaman 0
    Priest/Warrior 0
    Shaman/Warlock 0
    Shaman/Warrior 0
    Warlock/Warrior 0

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Pokeniner - Looks good to me!

    Arkasaur - I like the card a lot, but it shouldn't have a classic watermark because dual class cards don't make sense there.

    ultraheroic - It's too hard to make use of the effect at 8 mana.  4 mana 4/4 or 5 mana 5/5 would be better.  Also, I prefer a custom watermark instead of classic.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Wailor - Crew Cook is nice and I like the effect, but yeah, I agree that that it is not a good flavor fit for priest.  I don't know about Serpentine Fang. It benefits demon hunter a lot more than druid, which only has its hero power while demon hunter has plenty of weapons.  Demon hunter would also have a 3 mana Assassinate, and I don't know if taking face damage is enough of an additional cost.  I also like Feed the Swarm, but I have the feeling that some people might think that it might be too narrow a card to vote highly.

    BasilAnguis - I like the first one the best, both art and name.  The light in the backgrounds of the other arts are distracting when looking at the card imo.

    GoliathTheDwarf - I don't see how the effect fits in mage.  It feels more like a druid-only card rather than druid-mage card, as both effects fits well into what druid can do.  

    Pokeniner - Seems a little too strong in the early game and too weak in the late game. Early on, you're not going to play the drawn cards anyway so it becomes a 4 mana draw 3.  In the late game, the overload is too costly unless you hold the cards in your hand, which is too slow.

    thepowrofcheese - A little boring for an epic, but the card is balanced and well designed.  It could work the way it is worded currently, but secrets are normally put on the battlefield from the deck, such as Glacial Mysteries, not cast from the deck.


  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Ardin - I like the original the art best, because the other two blend in with the frame too much.  The first version requires some bookkeeping that Hearthstone currently doesn't have (it supports only costs and stats, not keywords), and the third version is not as exciting as the others, so I would go with the second. 

    You could change the wording a bit to make it clear that the elemental bonus only applies for the turn for the second version and not like the first version. They both say "the next elemental Rush" and I initally thought they worked the same in both versions. I can't think of a better suggestion, sorry.

    KANSAS - Love the design! 

    Some small suggestions? Personally, I don't like seeing hero capitalized unless its says hero power, but that's just me being picky.  I managed to get rid of the orphaned text by removing the word and, separating the effect into two sentences, and shrinking the text. That might explain why you didn't feel too sure about the ability.

    bigcums - Attack should be captialized, and it should say "your weapon's", like Phantom Freebooter.  It also affects itself, it that's what you intended.  Reminds me of Steeldancer a bit, which I really like.  It could be scary in aggro decks, but I'm not sure.

    BasilAnguis - Sanctum Defender needs a comma after the second divine shield.  Arcane Blessings is too RNG for my taste, and not in a fun Yogg kind of way.

    allthehype - It's a little awkward that if you activate the outcast effect, you wouldn't be able to attack the same turn you play it without losing stealth.  I recommend activating the stealth effect at the end of the turn.

    Neoguli - I’d like to see this work, but how does this work well with Warrior, exactly?  It is because they have a lot of rush minions? Not bad, but I think the bonus could be tricky to keep track of doing the game.

    Hordaki - I like it. I don't really much to add.

    Pokeniner - I like the first version of Thunder Adrenaline best and Keymaster Alabaster wouldn't work for this challenge, as rogue/mage is not allowed, though I really like the card personally.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From Demonxz95

    I did decide to change the name to "Conjurer" off of feedback. I also thought about what side was better to put the classes on. Do you guys prefer the first one where the two "halves" of the artwork match their other respective halves and clash with the side their on, or the second one where each side of the artwork matches the side of their card?

    I'm not really sure on the idea of changing the size of the card.

    [Hearthstone Card (Commancement) Not Found] fits with the second, as with [Hearthstone Card (Gift of Lumience) Not Found] and Raise Dead to a lesser extent. I would go with that.

    linkblade91  - I not sure balance wise. I'm inclined to think it's ok, but it might spook some people.  If people find it too scary, maybe make the entire effect a combo like the original Van Cleef instead of a battlecry with a combo component.

    TheHoax91 - You would want to specify "each other spell" so it doesn't count itself.  Its a cool card, though I'm not sure what makes a paladin card other than it would be good in paladin, as you mentioned.  I could see this being a mage-only card without any issues.


  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From linkblade91
    Quote From grumpymonk

    I've been thinking about what watermarks to use for this comp.  Should it be Scholomance Academy, since that's the set where dual-class cards first appeared, and it wouldn't make sense to use another watermark? Or should it be something else, since Scholomance didn't have the dual-class combination of the cards we're submitting, even if the card flavorfully fits?

    If ever there was a time to use a custom watermark, I would say the time is now. Do not use Scholomance Academy, and definitely don't use an older watermark. Assume that Blizzard came back around to using dual-class cards in a future expansion; this provides you all the breathing room you'll need to flex the card's flavor and mechanics.

    Yeah, I agree. It feels a little weird for a dual-class card to be from Scholomance Academy if it doesn't match of the existing combinations in the set.  I changed the watermark so to better represent a druid night elf who also learns paladin magic.

    thepowrofcheese:  I can't help but wish stealth was more relevant to the card; it's just there for flavor purposes as the beasts immediately lose stealth after attacking.  Other than that, nice card!

    shaveyou: I think enabiling a tempo priest is a good idea.  It hasn't been explored enough.

    anchorm4n: I like the effect much better now.  The card text looks a bit cramped, but I don't see how to make it shorter without changing the effect.

    linkblade91: The rush version was better imo, even if it made the card too good, because it made the card rogue mechanically as well.  Right now, it reads as a paladin card depicting a rogue charcter that rogue can also use, rather than a paladin/rogue card.  Usually, dual-class cards depict an effect that wouldn't fit in either class alone, or a weird enough effect that it could well in both classes.  I don't see that here, and this could have just been a paladin-only card.  I hope that made sense.

    BloodMefist:  3 attack might be a little too much.  How about 3 mana 2/4? On second thought, I don't really see a strong connection to paladin compared to druid or even hunter, other than that it works well with buffs?  It's probably ok, but I could see this as a druid/hunter card as well, wouldn't be allowed in this competition.

    Nirast: Personally, I like the old version with more armor, but this is good too.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    I've been thinking about what watermarks to use for this comp.  Should it be Scholomance Academy, since that's the set where dual-class cards first appeared, and it wouldn't make sense to use another watermark? Or should it be something else, since Scholomance didn't have the dual-class combination of the cards we're submitting, even if the card flavorfully fits?

    Anyways, more quick feedback:

    Show Spoiler

    Nirast: I like the card a lot.  The flavor is cool and the design is neat.  It might be a little underpowered, as its adding 2 mana to a 2 mana effect for the benefit of 6 armor.

    DestroyerR: Another really cool card.  I like the symmetry between effects.  It might be abuseable in warlock if the discard becomes a benefit.

    anchorm4n: I prefer for the effect to be targeted instead of random.  I don't think it would be overpowered with the change.  Not sure what make this rogue flavor-wise.  Do rogues have spirits? My first thought was druid, but I could be wrong.

    Ardin: Cool card! This could struggle to find play, as its hard to pull off both sides of the effect in the same deck.

    BasilAnguis: I think it could just have taunt without any conditions attached, as having stealth removes taunt while stealth is active.  It would make the card less wordy, as it's a little confusing to read.

    Sinth:  I love the idea.  Might be annoying to play against, however.

    Elfensilver: I like the first version the best.  The murloc and turtle are really cute!

    KANSAS:  I'm assuming making the card dissappear from hand doesn't trigger discard, like how making a minion dissappear on the battlefield doesn't trigger deathrattle, is that correct?

    Shivershine:  Seems really similiar to Potion of Illusion, but worse.  I don't think having two copies of the same minion is worth 4 mana. I could see this being 3 mana and still be balanced.  I don't see what make this a priest card, the effect seems exclusively rogue to me. *edit* (Nevermind, it didn't see that it could get enemy minions too).

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Congrats anchorm4n! I really liked your card.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Gee, I bet no one saw this theme coming :)

    Paladin gets a choose one effect, while druid gets some stats setting that paladin normally gets, such as Humility and Keeper of Uldaman.  The effect is not particularly efficient but very versatile, either by buffling a friendly minion or weakening an enemy one in two ways.

    Quick Feedback

    Show Spoiler


    Wandering Monk: It feels a little weird for hunter to damage friendly characters, but I like the idea of buffing the hero power in both of these classes that feels natural.  Not to be nitpicky, but hearthstone doesn't support target more than one target at a time, so it would be better to put "affects" instead of "targets".

    Edwin, the Revolutionary:  I like the card a lot.  It's interesting for Rogue, and maybe not as interesting for Paladin (its probably going to be in every pure paladin deck).

    shaveyou: Priest doesn't have a lot of beasts to target, but other than that good card!

    KANSAS: I'm not exactly sure how this card works. I think it works like Star Student Stelina, where you pick one of three options and the replaced card ends up in your opponent's hand and not yours. If that's the case, you might want to change the wording to be more in line in that.

    BloodMefist: I like the flavor and creativity.  You could add more health to make it a little stronger, as it also makes the deathrattle harder to activate.  The word attack needs to be capitalized.

    bananenparty: Baby Amalgam is too underpowered imo, as neutral 0 mana 1/1s come with a tribe.  I also don't see a good reason why this isn't a neutral card.

    Bipolar Elemental is interesting, though I don't like the name. The healing option is much weaker than the damage option.  I could see this at 6 mana and not be overpowered. The word one and the word health on the card text needs to be capitalized.

    Elfensilver: The word down in the card title and rush in the card text needs to be capitalized.  I think the card is a bit narrow, as you need a lot of one drops to be useful, but it could be useful in an aggro deck.

    Demonxz95:  Very cool card! I've seen this effect a lot in the Hearthcards gallery, so I'm not sure if it would affect how people vote on it. Nice catch on making this even cost.

    MrRhapsody: I think you need to specify that it destroys one of your mana crystals and not your opponents (that would make it op) and that it discards a random card unless you're intending for you to choose which card to discard.

    RealJC1234TheToonist: It's good to see you here :) I'm happy to see new people making their own custom cards! It looks like you've submitted your card already.  You can't change the card after its submitted, so you should wait until after feedback is given next time before submitting.

    That being said, I think the card is very interesting.  I think it could use a bit more stats since the card needs to be built around to take advantage of the effect.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    So excited for a new season!

    Demon hunters have a lot of energy, but they could use some improvements in technique.



    I like it.  It's possible to make it 2 health, since it only works with a specific subset of cards and you can't take advantage of the effect on turn 1.  It reminds me of Blackjack Stunner in a weird way.


    It feels weird that it can keep giving copies of itself if it's the only minion that died.  I also think it makes it harder to build-around since it can get your opponent's stuff, making more a value card like Disciple of Galakrond rather than Raise Dead.


    Card and design are solid.  Admittedly, the art feels more Uldum than Un'goro to me. Also, there's a comma is missing between 'dies' and 'gain'.


    Love the flavor!  Would probably struggle to find a home in standard but it could work in wild.


    I think it would be more exciting if the card discovered any Warlock spell, not just basic and classic. The pool is small and it feels bad to be offered Sacrificial Pact and Sense Demons all the time.


  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Really glad to see custom comps come back.  I was worried that there wouldn't be anymore for a while.

    My guess for the theme is to design a 1-drop.  You've got to start small on your first day!  Plus the minions of the banner are all 1-drops (that can't be a coincidence, right)?  Also, what does playing First Day of School give you?

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    We can't let this thread die!

    Next: A pandaren with an effect that has something to do with minion death.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Congrats to Linkblade!

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Congrats to LesserHealer!

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I don't see the competition(s) for this week - are we waiting for the written in the cards comp to finish up first?

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Three ideas so far:

    Clever Marksman is a simple card to help with the hunter cards in Rise of Shadows.  It can work with Arcane Fletcher and Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury.

    Drill Sargent can be used in mainly in midrange and control warrior decks to provide tools needed to control the board, by dealing with either multiple small minions, a medium-sized minion, or a large minion with an enabler.

    Brigitte Abbendis is a payoff for self-damage warlock decks.  Since you're most likely be dealing enough damage to yourself that you're low on health, Mal'Ganis can protect yourself and buff your other demons.

    Feedback (in progress)

    Show Spoiler


    Mistress of Fate is interesting and I like the idea.  1 needs to be in parentheses, because it's referring to a cost. I think that with 2 of these in your deck, you can have 8 Plot Twists, which might be too many and make the quest too easy to complete.  At the same time, the Plot Twist takes up one of your draws and the deck needs tools to be able to survive to complete the quest.  I think I like it with 2 copies shuffled in and some sort of casts when drawn effect instead of the cost reduction.

    I don't think that Cause of the Light provides enough of a reward unless your deck has mainly neutral cards, which makes the quest hard to complete and provides less of a reward since your deck will not have many cards left by the time it is completed.  I think it I prefer having it shuffle 10 or 15 copies into your deck instead with a higher requirement (maybe 5 or 6 paladin cards).  It would help Pure Paladin the most but still supports decks that want to run neutrals.


    I like the card, but does the healing need to be restricted to spells only?  I think it could open up more possibilities if it could work with all of your healing, even if means increasing the requirement. Also, try to arrange the text so that Lightlord is not the only word in the fourth line in the card. The text looks a little crammed in to me.


    Seems really solid.  I like seeing classes get support for archetypes that haven't been seen yet.


    The text seems really crammed in to me, so it doesn't look great from an aesthetic perspective, but there's really no way to fix it othet than changing the effect.  Other then that, I like how the abilities work with one another.  It provides a way for Demon Hunter to deal with bigger minions that doesn't undermine its weaknesses.


    I think that the Beast Training Manual might be underpowered because both Play Dead and Tracking are 1 mana spells and Play Dead would be unless if you're not running any deathrattle minions.

    I like Surprise Element the most in terms of gameplay, but I like the Weather Forecast the most in terms of flavor and creativity.  I think they are both very nice cards.  For Weather Forecast, Casts when Drawn doesn't need quotes.  I don't mind Blizzard as one of the spells because it's an effect that could fit in Shaman, even if its a mage spell, but I think that Rain of Toads could also work since Lightning Storm is already a board clear.  


    I like the card and the flavor. I'm not sure what makes it worth epic rarity, or more importantly why is WANTED! an epic?

    Looking at the comments, let's just say the dentist is working on your behalf, but it wants to keep the coin for itself so it's going to give you a counterfeit coin. 


    I like cheese, so I'll be likely to eat this before the rats come XD

    3 might be a little too many, I think it would be better with 2 rats at 2 mana.


    The second option seems really slow.  Maybe have it add 3 or 4 Mark of the Wild spells to your hand instead, so it works like Gift of the Wild but with the option to play it in chunks?


    I think of the first version of Illidari Blacksmith, but with higher stats and taunt instead of the battlecry, would be best.  I feel like the battlecry doesn't relate to the outcast ability and makes the card feel like its trying to do too much at once.  The second might be okay balance-wise but it might scare some people.  

    The legendary card being able to add multiple copies of Twin Slice into your hand starts heading towards multiple card generation, which is supposed to be one of Demon Hunter's weaknesses.


    I don't like that you have to wait one turn to get Ragnaros to deal damage.  I think this would be better as a battlecry.  Other than that, nice card.


    I really like the 3 mana version without Rush.  It makes a good parallel with Lightforged Zealot.


    High Priestess Ishanah is way too powerful.  There's room to make Boommaster Flark better, but not by THAT much.  That being said, I like this one the most out of the three.

    Something Fishy functions more like a tech card.  I could see it used in some murloc decks to chain Hungry Crabs. It should say battlefield instead of field.

    Set the Table! I like because it can potentially give each discard a free 3/3, as well as potential discard targets later on.


    Toxin Alchemist might be a little hard to use, but I enjoy the design.  I don't much to say other than its a solid card.


    All three cards seem pretty good to me.  There's not one in particular that I like the most. Volcanic Guardian would be better off as a neutral imo.  I don't know what makes it a shaman card.


  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    A very similar card to Kirin Tor Chaincaster was already submitted, so I put in a replacement.  I wanted to find art like Shooting Star, but I couldn't find any, so here's two versions with different art. If I go with Riptide, I'll go with the 2-mana version just to be safe based on feedback.


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