We've entered a new decade but some things, like the timing of these Wild posts and the wackiness of that format, haven't changed much. Let's take a look at what our community members have been tinkering with this time, shall we?

Galakrond Zoolock

Still remember Darkshire Councilman? Its synergy with the invoked Hero Power is pretty strong. Hydrafrog has also included everyone's favorite 2-drop into the deck.

Highlander Dragon Druid

Last week's dragonic post had plenty of deck but no Druids, time to fix that. Luckily sgabe has shared this Highlander variant with us, and the deck is just jam-packed with value generators.

Spectral Combo Rogue

Couple of week's ago we took a look at Dorkpork's Rogue list that included a big Spectral Pillager combo. Now LyraSilvertongue has stepped up the gears and made this meme-tastic OTK combo.

Lyra has been living the meme dream, also sharing this Togwaggle Priest with us.

Highlander Handlock

If Zoolock isn't your cup of tea, here's a Control Warlock deck from Pyronix. The deck has combined multiple strategies into one and has both old and new synergies in play.

Beast Hunter

After a short tour through the internets I spotted this Hunter list from Duwin, with which he's already hit Legend this season. Those Albatrosses sure didn't bring bad luck to him.

If you like to be more Secret-ive, check out ChocolateChipCooke's Even Hunter list.

Looking for even more Wild? Take a look at these decks.

Came up with something Wild yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in comments below. Don't forget to write a guide!