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Joined 01/15/2020 Achieve Points 430 Posts 130

TriMay's Comments

  • TriMay's Avatar
    430 130 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    The only problem I've ever had with this games wording is when they switched "ally" to mean what I originally thought it meant.  So I had a moment of confusion when my cards could heal my nexus, and another moment of confusion when newer heal cards didn't

    But, yaknow, it was in beta, changes were made.

    It could be just my programming background and my tendency to think about things differently and more logically compared to most people in general, but many of these examples just sorta made sense the first time :/

    Riptide Rex: In this example, it helps to know that if a card references another card/token in its text (in this case, Cannon Barrage), you can right click the card and scroll through.  linkblade91 already broke down this card earlier, though, if you need more information.

    Statikk Shock: I don't get peoples misunderstanding/problem about this cards wording.  "Deal 1 to An enemy or the enemy nexus" not only establishes the subject and "An enemy or the enemy nexus" , but also tells you that the enemy nexus is a different subject than an enemy, leaving only enemy units as what an enemy could possibly mean.  "And deal 1 to another" by definition would be an additional different subject of the same type previously established: "An enemy or the enemy nexus"
    So yeah I don't really get why people hate Statikk Shocks card text.

    As for Vlad.  Yeah, Vlad only requires that he can do damage to an ally, not that it survives said damage.

    Also, as of recent text changes since beta
    Ally / Allies = Friendly Units, champion or non-champion.  Does not include nexus.
    Enemy / Enemies = Opponent Units, champion or non-champion.  Does not include nexus.
    Follower = Non-champion Unit.

  • TriMay's Avatar
    430 130 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Perhaps, as a suggestion (this is assuming this isn't a 3rd-party plug-in and you can achieve this)

    Make the word search's internals case-insensitive, or truly all uppercase

    I noticed the full capitalization of the wordsearch was just CSS and I could find the start of every name by finding the true capital letters via chrome devtools (I'm a dirty cheater, remove my achievo's if you think I'm undeserving)

    This (based on educated guess) is also primarily the reason why only one "Vi" on the board is accepted.  The board filling phase does what ever it wants while the ONLY true "Vi" that's accepted secretly has a capital V while the others secretly don't.

  • TriMay's Avatar
    430 130 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I admit, burst damage negation is annoying...
    But the spell costs 6 mana :/
    Learn to be cautious of your opponents remaining mana, especially after the first time they pull something like this off.

    My question is, does it fully disengage them and let you do whatever with the 2 units? If 2 units both being challenged are targeted, does it disengage them both? If so, that IS pretty busted and sounds buggy...

  • TriMay's Avatar
    430 130 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    My suggestion: Turn off auto-skip

    It's a huge information dump when your opponent sees the game instantly skip your turn, they immediately know nothing currently in your hand can stop another attack, and in this case, you yourself are not given enough time to realize why you couldn't block and learn from that.

    But that's my opinion :/ I'm constantly spamming the spacebar so I'm not taking too much time, but I can see why people wouldn't like anyone having autoskip off if it increases game time.


    But otherwise, there's not enough information here to know why the game skipped you, but if auto-skip IS already off then it's definitely a bug.

  • TriMay's Avatar
    430 130 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Didn't they say you can no longer transform minions into dormant minions?
    Or is my memory failing me.

  • TriMay's Avatar
    430 130 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    I suppose, but now it will be nice to actually be able to do something with the 13 mana I have on stock with my full board on frostbite or stunned units or opponent not attacking or something, as rare of a situation as that is

  • TriMay's Avatar
    430 130 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    So much yes!
    I've had multiple times, my opponent has the attack, and just refuses to, because they know I can't play anything if they don't attack, so they just end up passing and wasting 10 of my mana and therefore all of my lead >:(

  • TriMay's Avatar
    430 130 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 4 years ago
    Quote From JunLong

    learn to have fun.

    And it's fun to be forced to play a specific way in a game with hundreds of other options because one archetype is impossible to deal with otherwise?

    It's fun to lose to the other decks constantly because your deck isn't built to be able to handle anything other than elusives?

    It's fun to have a deck specifically hating on elusives and still lose to them on occasion? Because EVEN IF your deck is a hate deck, the odds that you draw the exact answers to their exact draws on the exact turns you need them.. is not that high


    How about you learn to let others have fun and not tell people they're wrong and stupid because they dislike a mechanic you obviously love and probably play mainly.

  • TriMay's Avatar
    430 130 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    As far as I remember you have to:
     - Complete the new player ranks and get to rank bronze 10 (which used to be rank 25)
     - Own a wild card.
        > As stated by KANSAS, your first Old Gods pack will also give you the legendary C'thun as a bonus, but I'm pretty sure any wild card/pack works.
        > Alternatively, you should still be able to claim the "Knights of the Frozen Throne" adventure for free by navigating to the out-of-game Blizzard Store (, and simply searching for "Knights of the Frozen Throne adventure", the intro to this rewards you with a Legendary Hero from that set.

    Also: From a quick read online, you might need every hero to be level 10, not entirely sure on that part though, but this should already be done by the time you get to bronze 10.

  • TriMay's Avatar
    430 130 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Dude this "spoons" guy has to be the rudest person I've met on this site...

    Also, yeah, no, contrary to their belief, runettra doesn't treat elusive as if it were 0 mana, if that was the case, Cithria of Cloudfield would have elusive, Greenglade Duo would cost 1, etc.

    Though in fairness to the argument, I'm sure some of these cards would still be played if they were nerfed further, treating elusive as if it were a 1.5 - 2 mana keyword, but what they could ALSO do is maybe perhaps make elusive only work on their first attack / strike, or introduce a keyword that can block elusive (much like Magic's reach), etc.

  • TriMay's Avatar
    430 130 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    As an Ezreal player imma tell you a controversial secret that will probably land me in a sea of many downvotes

    Just kill the Ezreal.
    It is, in my opinion, generally a good idea to have a few spells that can deal with low hp, low attack, backrow or elusive units (I mean, what's an Ezreal player gonna do against a Culling Strike?)

    But no really, I don't understand how you could possibly take 20 damage, in a winning position, from a "few spells that don't do damage normally", that's 10 spells, what was he playing, poison puffcap Ezreal??
    Edit: I forgot Dawn and Dusk was a card and is incredibly stupid with Karma

    In reply to ez karma...
  • TriMay's Avatar
    430 130 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    What are you talking about?  The game only ever gave people 1 expedition token a week, therefore only giving 1 champion, not 3.  Entering expedition otherwise costed exactly 1 champion in shards or gold anyway, if you want the other 2 "guaranteed" champions, you can just spend the shards or gold you would have spent on expeditions on the champions instead :T

    Unless you mean to tell me you consistently 7 win expeditions

    Edit: New expedition rewards:

  • TriMay's Avatar
    430 130 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    I'm slow apparently :) 10's accross the board, except for Demacia at 13, and Piltover at 20

    In reply to Your region progress
  • TriMay's Avatar
    430 130 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Yeah except it's an "on play" ability, so, there's that going against this point, also, it glows yellow if active in hand :/ Though yeah it probably wouldn't hurt to add one more 4-letter word

    You can't exactly word everything perfectly for new players to be able to understand everything the first time.  I understand a lot of these posts have fair points, but in this case, it's such a weird way to think about it that, at some point in time, you gotta let them learn by not playing correctly.  I've had more than my fair share of "For Science!" moments :)

    Also seeing a player play this inactive doesn't necessarily mean they don't understand it.  I've had to tempo play it with a bad hand at times :T

    I will admit...
    I didn't refresh the page at all to check if anyone else had said the same thing as me before I posted, I thought I'd be the first, sorry

  • TriMay's Avatar
    430 130 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    *-slowly raises hand in shame-*
    Frostbite Ashe-Ezreal was actually my solution to counter the Elusive and other aggro decks

  • TriMay's Avatar
    430 130 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    To be clearer, my main issue isn't how many mechanics Ionia has, but that they dominate in the ability to say "no", most of their cards are "no put that back in your hand, no you can't block me, no you can't play that spell, no you can't attack this turn" (that last one is hilarious when combined with other regions who have the rest of stun, or frostbite)

    And while Ionia is saying no, your other region is free to do whatever it wants, not that Ionia is strong on its own


    The only thing that doesn't match "say no" is hand buffs, but that one has the potential to be strong from how many times they can recall their own units to do it again and again, or through Dawn and Dusk

    Actually that sounds like a funny meme, I'm gunna make that deck later

  • TriMay's Avatar
    430 130 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Just a little salty after playing against it almost every game

    But I did a quick search in the collection manager including unowned cards.  The following is a few keywords, followed by a number of all existing cards that have it or interact with it, and a number of said cards existing in Ionia, and a few notable examples.  For most of these, Ionia has over half of the cards of a given keyword in their pool, and if not, most of the cards.

    Elusive: 21 exist with the word in it.  11 Ionia.  Examples:  Greenglade Duo, Shadow Assassin, BADCARDNAME, Kinkou Lifeblade, Yusari, The Empyrean

    Lifesteal: 7 total exist.  4 Ionia.  Herald of Spring, Emerald Awakener, Kinkou Lifeblade again, Spirit's Refuge

    Recall: 10 Exist, 8 Ionia (11 / 9 if you include Zed's champ spell).  Yasuo, Will of Ionia, Minah Swiftfoot.  2 Fast spells forced to target ally, but can be used to save units.  1 Other card that buffs for each recall or stun.  Only 2 using recall as a "cost"

    Stun: 10 Exist.  4 Ionia (the other 6 all in Noxus).  Yasuo, Fae Bladetwirler, Steel Tempest, Yone, Windchaser

    Barrier: 12 Exist (if Heimerdinger counts),  5 Ionia (Sedond to Damacia which has 6 but only if you count Fiora's Champ Spell).  Shen, Greenglade Caretaker, Spirit's Refuge again, Ki Guardian, Stand United

    Heal an / Heal your: 6 exist, 2 Ionia (tied with Freljord).  Health Potion, Ritual of Renewal

    Ephemeral:  Now the problem here is how many Ionia has.  The problem here is they're the only ones that can give it to the opponent.  Death Mark, Shadow Flare, Ren Shadowblade

    Ally in hand / Allies in hand (Hand buffs): 8 Exist, 5 Ionia. Inspiring Mentor, Ki Guardian, Jeweled Protector, Sown Seeds, Greenglade Elder

    And honorable mentions:  Deny, Twin Disciplines

    So do I have the right to be annoyed at this point?  Does anyone else share my feelings?  Anything that I missed?  Any opposite opinions?  Some other region that somehow has top spot or over half of 6 different annoying mechanics or mechanics other regions would love like... any... healing?

  • TriMay's Avatar
    430 130 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From Hellcopter
    Quote From TriMay

    I personally think 20 hp is too low when your unit HP stat follows Hearthstone rules, even if your unit blocking follows Magic rules.

    Personally I think the only reason Magic gets away with 20 hp is the fact that pretty much every creature effectively has Regenerate.  And healing is incredibly common on top of that, and you can overheal.  Where as in Runeterra that is not the case.

    But that's just my opinion :/

    You do realize its only possible to attack every other turn and oponnents can also play spells there right?

    Okay think about it this way
    I had 1 mana to set up my first attack
    You had 3 mana to set up your first attack
    I had 5 mana to set up my next attack
    You had 7 mana to set up your next attack :)
    So yeah you attack "every other turn" but you also pretty much have an incredible amount of mana to set up those attacks, compared to Magic and Hearthstone where it's your 1 mana setup -> my 1 mana setup -> your 2 mana setup -> my 2 mana setup, your 3 -> my 3, etc.

    And UNLIKE Magic and Hearthstone, you can attack with a unit you JUST played this turn.

    To quote someone else

    Quote From KANSAS

    I think the reason aggro is so good is because, basically, everything has haste and vigilance.

    Meanwhile elusive, on top of what Kansas had to say, is difficult to get rid of for a non-elusive deck (which is pretty much anything that doesn't play ionia in it...), yaknow, if your opponent can just Deny a lot of spells you got to kill it, or buff their elusive units health temporarily, or, just, yaknow, play more elusive units

    The stat-lines gotta go down for aggro elusive cards or the nexus hp has gotta go up, in my opinion at least ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • TriMay's Avatar
    430 130 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    I personally think 20 hp is too low when your unit HP stat follows Hearthstone rules, even if your unit blocking follows Magic rules.

    Personally I think the only reason Magic gets away with 20 hp is the fact that pretty much every creature effectively has Regenerate.  And healing is incredibly common on top of that, and you can overheal.  Where as in Runeterra that is not the case.

    But that's just my opinion :/

  • TriMay's Avatar
    430 130 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    This thread puts a smile on my face :)

    Today I learnt I've been playing MTG wrong this whole time, and the actual ruling makes me happy (:

    Also salty guy gets countered by research, that always puts a smile on my face.  But seriously it's not that big of a deal, even if this rule does somehow come as a surprise to you.  Just learn the rule and learn to play around it and not just hyper aggro 100% of the time.  You stopped your attacking unit from taking damage at the very least.  And if you lost a game from it, so what?  That's how we as a species learn: fire = hot, don't touch again.

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