Wailor's Avatar


Design Champion
Joined 05/28/2019 Achieve Points 640 Posts 707

Wailor's Comments

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

    Congrats Sothis! It was one of the only two 5 stars I gave on the first phase :)

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

    I misread the prompt to any kind of card, so I had the idea of Rune spells. I liked it too much, so I decided to recycle it for a Legendary.

    Runes are collectible buff spells that can be applied to both minions and weapons. There would be three in the Initiate set, but later expansions would add more (I guess the first Razuvious should be worded differently because of this)

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

    New version of Deathmetal Encorer to differentiate it from Death Blossom Whomper.

    Late feedback

    I like it, but the name could be better (unless it's an actual type of wrench, but I couldn't find anything in Google)

    I liked the previous statline more, as it allowed it to be useful even if you don't trigger the effect. That said, the new one has the advantage of being easier to trigger, so I'm not sure.

    I'd probably drop the "giving Health" part and give it vanilla stats or Taunt to make up for it.

    Premeditate is the better card, but it should really be a Battlecry minion. Probably a vanilla one (something like a 2/3/2 or a 3/3/4), as the effect isn't immediately impactful and needs setup.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 8 months ago


    I really like Jaraxxus. Abandoned Laboratory is also nice, but Jaraxxus is the same but cooler.

    That said, I'm not sure if any of these cards count for the comp. I mean, Jaraxxus and the tokens of both cards are Mechs, but devoid of other cards to synergize with, that just seems flavor. It's like saying Blackwater Behemoth is support for Beast Priest. There are some neutral buffs for Mechs, so maybe I'm wrong with this assumption, but that's how I feel anyways.

    In any case, if you can't participate, I'd save Jaraxxus for another comp, because I really liked it.

    Arcane Lily is very charming, but you're right that it's too simple. Also, I'm not sure if it counts, as Druid hasn't received Arcane synergy so far (although he will surely receive it some day).

    Discover the Light is flavorful, but I'd say it's my least favorite of your cards. It's also a bit on the weak side, but I'm not sure how would I fix it, beyond making the discount bigger.

    Finally, Moonglow Stalker is probably my favorite of the bunch, despite being a bit similar to my Ferocious Wildcat (not sure if I'll end up going with it, so this might not be a problem for any of us). Besides this, I'd use a different watermark, since Rush didn't exist in Un'goro and the art doesn't fit the expansion anyways. Also, the restriction of only copying a minion 5 or more Attack seems a bit shoe-horned to fit the archetype. Overall, I think this can achieve a high score if you fix the small issues it has.

    SI:7 Scout is nice, but a bit too simple.

    Commander Akrula is more interesting, but I wonder if she could be a bit cheaper. I mean, I don't like cards that allow you to cheat stuff too early, but 8 Mana is a bit too much. Also, the minion won't stick to the board, so her effect is not as dangerous as other stuff which is actually cheaper. The alternative to this would be keep her Cost but make her a non-Legendary card.

    I'm not sure these cards count, since Holy Paladin, Silver Hand Paladin and Taunt Warrior have received support in a lot of different expansions.

    If I'm missing something and they support an archetype I'm not familiar with, I think I prefer Hold the Ground. I think it's balanced, as its infinite nature is held back by its low tempo and small effect.

    Advance Wave isn't bad either, but you should change the watermark, since neither Rush nor spell schools existed in TGT. Finally, about the artwork, I'd recommend using a generic Paladin art if you're unable to find a good one with Silver Hand Recruits in it. This is much better than reusing existing artwork, IMO.

    I'm a big fan of Archimonde as a character, but the 0-Cost makes him a bit scary. Setting the cost to 1 would make him suck, so I'm not sure how to fix it beyond lowering his Cost too (which doesn't fit Archimonde).

    For this reason, Malicious Magmacaster is my prefered card. The fact it supports two archetypes is very cool.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

    This comp requires pretty good memory!

    • Ferocious Wildcat supports Un'goro Quest Druid, like Giant Anaconda or Elder Longneck. Not sure if its powerlevel is appropriate, I tried to balance it around Illidari Felblade. The wording is also a bit strange, but I couldn't find a better way to phrase it.
    • Deathmetal Encorer supports Deathrattle DH, which hasn't been developed outside the Barrens. I tried to give it the same edge Deathrattle DH has had so far, which is cheating out the Deathrattles.

    EDIT: small changes to my cards that don't deserve a new post.

    Show Spoiler
    • Ferocious Wildcat is now a 5/3, up from a 5/2.
    • Deathmetal Encorer is now a 6/4, up from a 5/4. Also, he now has a different artwork, as the previous one was used by Mordresh Fire Eye.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

    I don't know if you have much experience designing cards, but this looks outstanding for a rookie. Great job.

    My favorite thing about it is the flavor, I really enjoyed the festive theme.

    I just wanted to ask how is Ghost Ship supposed to work. You use it and then it has that passive effect for the rest of the turn? Or each time you play a Pirate or a Shadow spell the effect triggers and you lose 1 Durability? I'm assuming it's the former, but I wanted to know.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

    Very cool Mini-Set. I really enjoyed the Timelocked cycle.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

    I need to stop posting my cards so soon, because they end up being very unrefined and I post a ton of iterations of them. Sorry, I promise I won't be so spammy in the future XD

    Ehem, since Redeemer of Sins was my best received idea, I made a new version of it.

    I also have an alternate form which is closer to the original Redeemer: it would be like a Razorfen Hunter with Infuse (1): Summon the minion that Infused this instead.

    Show Spoiler

    More feedback:

    The word instead shouldn't be written in italics, but it goods look otherwise.

    The flavor is good and I don't mind it being from GvG, but many people didn't play back then, so they might not know what Spare Parts did.

    That said, I'd like to see your other idea, even if it's initially presented with a very basic flavor.

    I agree with AeroJulwin: the first Infuse should be part of the basic Battlecry in both cards.

    Once this is fixed, I think I prefer Dcheming Deckhand (it's supposed to be Scheming, right?), but the flavor doesn't fit the expansion, so I'd encourage you to find a cool vampire artwork or something like that.

    Descriptions don't show up in the finalist phase, but I still encourage you to post the Choose One tokens in it, as they are too distracting otherwise. Not sure if I'm alone in this, though. The tokens themselves are very cool.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

    New iteration of Lysa Sinsong.

    She's now a Stoneborn, like Stoneborn Accuser. This is to make her fit better with the flavor of the expansion, but it also means she's no longer a Demon.

    I think the Infuse requirement, stats and Cost are balanced now, but I wonder if the Infuse should let you pick the enemy minion you want. Keep in mind she's meant to be a Token/Zoo card.

    Some early feedback:

    Spectral Split is a very believable card, both for the straight-forward effect and for the high quality artwork. Very solid contender.

    Party Greeter is more interesting from a gameplay perspective, but it's quite hard to judge if it's balanced. I mean, I initially thought it was OP, since it's a targeted draw that comes with a body and can be upgraded, but then I realised this card will rarely do anything if played on curve.

    For this reason, I think Spectral Split is a better option, even if I prefer Party Greeter after sitting on it for a bit.

    I really like Jealous Shade. The effect is very nuanced, and the flavor fits very well with the expansion. The artwork is a bit boring, but it's one of my favorite cards so far.

    About Well Fed, I don't recommend going with the version that stacks Divine Shields, as the card I submitted some comps ago ended up last place amongst the finalists. If you do, however, I recommend an epic rarity, as the effect is quite unique.

    The other version of Well Fed is cool, although I prefer Jealous Shade.

    Very cool card. The Choose One into Choose Twice is a very inventive idea, and both effects fit the flavor very well.

    Not sure if I would submit the Choose One tokens as I think they'll add to much noise, if that makes sense. They are cool as heck, however. Maybe add them as images in the description of the submission?

    Welcome back!

    I like the effect, but the artwork isn't good. In my opinion, it's better to find a single good piece of art and submitting the non-Infused version than to find a mediocre artwork that has two versions.

    I also agree with linkblade that the Infuse requirement should be lower. Maybe 7, to have that nice feeling of having all numbers be the same?

    Finally, maybe Priest would be a better class for this than Neutral.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

    Kinda surprised there wasn't any card like this in the expansion. I guess the miniset will have one.

    I like the minion a bit more, but both need a better flavor (especially the minion).

    Edit: I've come up with Lysa Sinsong. It's probably the worst pun I've ever made a card from.

    I made this card really quick, so it's probably very unbalanced (the Infuse requirement should probably be higher, and maybe it could use a higher Cost)

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

    Really liked the set overall. End-of-year Mini-Sets have the advantage of having mechanics for all three expansions, which makes them extra spicy. I really enjoyed After Hours and Suspicious Syrup in this regard.

    The flavor overall was also really good. Morning After Regret and Social Butterfly are favorites of mine for this reason (although a 3/3 butterfly must be pretty huge butterfly)

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago
    Quote From linkblade91
    Quote From AeroJulwin

    It seems like a very weird design choice to have two tokens do the exact same thing but have different stats. If you do use both arms, they should probably have different effects, but I don't really see a reason for that to be the case, so I'd stick with the original version.

    I agree: was kind of waiting for someone to say it so I can feel better about reversing course lol

    How about flipping the artwork for the other claw? I still think it's strange to feature just one card, but I do agree the lesser/bigger Klaw looks strange.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    This is still a beta version of the Mini-Set, so feel free to point out any unbalanced card or repeated effects, which may be possible because I haven't played HS regularly for three years or so.

    I plan to add a flavor explanation of all cards (as many are not very obvious if you don't work on IT) and also credits to the artists.

    Change Log


    Show Spoiler

    Demon Hunter

    • Virtual Reality Project now costs 1, down from 2.


    • I-l0v3-U Bot is now Magnetic and triggers the Goblin Bomb's Deathrattle (instead of dealing 2 damage by itself).


    • Mass Knowledge is now called Knowledge Analystics.


    • Electronics Project now costs 1, down from 3. Its wording has also been changed.
    • Mosfet the Flux Master is now a 4/4 whose Battlecry deals 2 damage per shot. Previously, it was a 3/3 that dealt 3 damage per shot.


    • Background Daemon is now a 1 Mana 2/1, down from a 2 Mana 2/2. Warlock already has too many 2 Mana Demons in Boomsday.
    • Re-curse-ion has had its artwork changed. The previous one looked too much like an anti-semitic caricature.


    • Omega Android is now a 5 Mana 6/8, up from a 4 Mana 4/6.
    • Deidos, the Saboteur is now a 3/2, instead of a 2/3. Also, his Battlecry affects both players in their respective next turns, instead of just the opponent.
    • Reality Augmenter Mimi is now a 2 Mana 2/3, down from a 5 Mana 5/6. Also, her name has been changed to Kernelmeister Ingrid.

    Cards outside the set

    • Tunnel Trogg now reads "Whenever you Overload, gain +1 Attack." Previously, it read "Whenever you Overload, gain +1 Attack per locked Mana Crystal."

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    Boom Labs I.T. Division

    Boom Labs I.T. Division is a straight-to-Wild custom Mini-Set, following the design philosophy of Beatdoof's Communion of the Ahn'qiraj and Hii's The Dalaran Heist. This means its cards will try to expand and synergize with the main expansion, but will have a more modern power level. The main difference with these sets is that I've decided to include a bunch of Demon Hunter cards: since this set goes straight to Wild, I thought there was no reason keeping the poor Illidan appart.

    As the name suggest, the flavor is heaviliy inspired by I.T. and computer science, so expect to find a lot of references to this field of technology.

    Mechanically, this expansion will introduce some twists over the main ideas expored in Boomsday, which was a personal favorite of mine despite its low power level. This includes Magnetic, Projects, Omega cards and even a small reference to Legendary spells. Besides that, there's also a bunch of card draw and disruption effects, which were simply derived from the flavor of the Mini-Set.

    Finally, this set would be released with a balance patch that nerfs Tunnel Trogg, as it would be unhealthy in combination with Electronics Project. Blizzard has already done this several times, the most notable being Dreadsteed.

    Show Spoiler

    And after this nerf, it's still much better than Surging Tempest.


    Flavor explanation
    • Virtual Reality Project: Puting on some goggles that let you see stuff that isn't there really fits Demon Hunter, and the artwork just improves this feeling. The effect feels more in-line with Augmented Reality than with Virtual Reality, though.
    • Binding Dependencies: A software dependency is when a module of your program requires another module or external code to function. Remeber when you needed to install a plugin to play Flash video games? Well, it's something like that.
    • Pesky Bug: A hero having Attack during their opponent's turn? Hearthstone must be bugged!

    Flavor explanation
    • Omega Harvester: This one hasn't much going on. Heh.
    • Ecosearch: A reference to Ecosia, the search engine that plants trees.
    • Slithering Python: The name is a reference to the programming language Python, whose name was in turn a reference to Monty Python. The effect, however, is based on the fact that snakes eat their prey whole.


    Goblin Bomb

    Flavor explanation
    • I-l0v3-U Bot: A reference to a famous malware called ILOVEYOU, whose effect on your computer wasn't very loving. Just like this little bastard's effect on your opponent's face. 
    • Creepy Webcrawler: Web crawelers are bots that index the Internet, making search engines faster and more effective.
    • Omega Blaster: Another one that isn't based on anything in particular. It's the last one, I promise.


    Flavor explanation
    • Knowledge Analytics: Refers to the process of extracting meaningful knowledge out of raw data.
    • Big Datamental: A reference to big data. I thought Secrets fit with the loads-of-information theme.
    • Firewall: Firewalls are systems that control traffic going inside a network or a computer. I like how the effect makes sense for the computing thing and for a literal wall made of fire.

    Flavor explanation
    • A.I. Project: In real life, most Artificial Intelligence isn't related with actual robots, but in fiction it usually is.
    • Cybernetic Crusader: The name is a small reference to Internet activism.
    • Turing Test: The Turing Test tries to discern if an agent is an actual person or an A.I. This card makes something if it detects the minion is a Mech.

    Flavor explanation
    • Glitchfiend: A glitch is a short-lived error. Just like this card, which makes your HP do the opposite thing for one use.
    • Man in the Middle: MitM is a type of cyberattack in which a malicious agent reads the messages exchanged between two other agents, typically, a client and a server.
    • Neural Network: In computing, neural networks are a very complex form of machine learning, which has proven to be one of the most effective. For more information about machine learning, check Warrior :)

    Flavor explanation
    • Cybercoin: A reference to cryptocurrency and its high price volatibility. Don't invest on cryptos, kids.
    • Deep Web Pirate: Just a regular Internet pirate that downloads stuff for free. The Deep Web thing is just to make it sound better.
    • Cracker Captain Ada: A very good cracker can steal important information (in this case, Legendary spells). Her name is a reference to Ada Lovelace, considered the first programmer in history.

    Flavor explanation
    • Electronics Project: Electronics are the basis of computers. You know, ones and zeros and all that stuff.
    • Divide and Conquer: An algorithmic strategy that breaks a complex problem into simpler parts to solve it.
    • Mosfet the Flux Twister: His name references the MOSFET transistors, which have been used to develop some types of electronic circuits.

    Flavor explanation
    • Background Daemon: Daemons are background processes that execute stuff without you noticing. Funnily enough, Daemon and Demon aren't the same, but since most people confuse them, I gave it to Warlock. Oh, and if you didn't notice, this guy is an Imp.
    • Trojansteed: A trojan horse is a type of malware that hides inside a legitimate progam. Like when you download Shrek from the Internet and it steals your bank account. This pesky steed hides inside the card your opponent drew.
    • Re-curse-ion: In programming and mathematics, recursion refers to a function that uses itself in its definition. As in the Fibonacci sequence being defined as fib(x) = fib(x-1) + fib(x-2).

    Flavor explanation
    • Ping of Death: A very old cyberattack in which a very big message was sent into the network, collapsing it. The effect is just a pun on the fact that 1 damage effects are usually refered to as pings.
    • Unbearable Spambot: Spambots are programs that send spam. Quite straightforward.
    • Learning Machine: A pun on machine learning, a field of Artificial Intelligence in which programs refine their behaviour as time goes on. Like the YouTube algorithm learning your tastes or Google Translate making better translations over the time.


    Flavor explanation
    • Quantum Processor: Quantum Computing is a mostly theoretic field of computer science which uses the wacky laws of quantum physics to work. The advances in this have been very modest so far.
    • Cryptographer: Cryptography is a field of computing which makes information harder to decode for malicious agents.
    • Omega Android: Its name slightly references Android, the mobile O.S.
    • Deidos, the Saboteur: A reference to DoS and DDoS cyberattacks, which disable internet services by overloading them with messages.
    • Kernelmeister Ingrid: Kernel is the German word for core. In computing, it refers to the core of the operating system.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    New version of Kavei according to feedback:

    If you don't buff him at all and your opponent kills his Belly in the very next turn, you'll end up with three 2/2 and a 2/6 that grows by itself, which doesn't seem too bad for token decks, but still not mind blowing. Of course, you can buff him to improve this result, but you risk eating removal (still not too bad, as you end up with a Scarab Egg on the board).

    In short, this will rarely live up to its potential (unless you buff him and manage to sacrifice his belly the very same turn you play him), but he'll usually be a pain in the ass to remove completely. Not the flashiest Colossal, but still.

    I might still give the main body or the Belly 1 extra Attack, though.


    I really like the new version of Klai. In fact, I could easily see it winning this.

    My only gripe with it is that it seems strange that it has only one Claw. My suggestion is changing it to Colossal +2 but make each Claw summon a single Treant. Also, the palmtree custom watermark would fit the flavor better than Sunken City, IMO.

    About Anise, it's also quite cool (no pun intended), but I'd make it a Shaman card, since Mage doesn't tend to have many Rush minions. I still prefer Klai, though.

    Glorth is very cool, I really like him. But yeah, I'd probably rise his Cost to 8, since he's removal + Taunt + a 1-Cost strong minion all in one card.

    Zorqon seems very dangerous, even if he costs 10 Mana. Immune is scary.

    The effect is quite cool, but he doesn't look as big as to be a Colossal minion.

    Other than that pretty good card (although the Cannon should be a Warlock card too).

    Very interesting card. I like it slightly less than linkblade's Klai and AeroJulwin's Glorth, but any other week this could be my favorite. Still a very strong contender.

    My only question is how will you submit it, since the website doesn't allow that many tokens.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    I can't believe we didn't have a seahorse card in Sunken City, so here's my take on it.

    This is based on the fact male seahorses get pregnant. They're the best dads in the entire animal kingdom :)

    I realize both tokens need to have a watermark, but I'll correct that later.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    More feedback:

    I think the current version is balanced, even when compared to Nightcloak Sanctum. The small tokens lose a lot of value as the game progresses, while Freeze will slowly start to gain value as you can cripple your opponent's big minions. So, I think you're good to go.

    As anyone else, I prefer De Other Side, but I think it's too weak currently. Sure, it gives you twice as much value as Reincarnate, but you won't be able to capitalize on it after 2 whole turns. I'd probably drop its Mana cost to 1 or even 0.

    I'm not sure if I like it more with Taunt or Rush. I know I said Druid's weakness is removal, but they also have a fair share of Rush minions, and Rush fits the flavor more. Dunno, whatever you feel more confortable with.

    The art is cool, though.

    I like the idea of having a tech location, but this design makes way more sense as a Druid card with Choose One than as a Rogue card.

    I'd probably change the name and flavor too, since the current one doesn't seem to describe a place, which is what locations should do.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    Thanks guys! I doubt this card will ever be made, though, as it would definetly be a pain to code (and to balance, as well)

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    More streamlined versions of my previous cards:

    Let me know which version you prefer.


    Pretty cool card, whose effect fits the flavor well enough. My only gripe is that Druid isn't supposed to be good with removal, but since many minions are Health-heavy, that's probably not too big a deal.

    First of all, I hope covid isn't too hard on you and you recover soon!

    About your cards, both introduce interesting ideas to locations, which I really appreciate.

    • I think I prefer Haunted Grove, but I'd make the baseline token a 2/2 Treant. Maybe I'd nerf the Shadowbark Golem to a 4/4 or a 3/4 to compensate.
    • About Scorchland Spires, it's not bad, but its similarity to Mage's HP makes it feel less interesting, especially considering that the HP Mage archetype tends to run a lot of refresh and cost reductions already.

    I think locations need to be a bit weaker than if they were a spell, since they can be used several times. That said, your card seems pretty balanced, and its flexibility makes it very interesting. Flavor is on-point, too.

    I like it, but I think it's a bit weak right now. Since you can only activate locations every other turn, this would take 5 whole turns to generate Mana advantage. Thus, I'd probably drop its cost to 1 Mana or give it an extra Durability (which would make it even slower, but in turn would generate more value).

    Also, the effect feels like a Druid or Rogue card more than Neutral, but I guess it can stay that way because of its Coin flavor (this card references throwing coins to a wish fountain, right?)

    Pretty interesting bunch of cards! As a general criticism for them, you shouldn't use WoW screenshots, since it doesn't look very well. For each card individually:
    • I like Hermetist's Room, but I don't get the second part. Does it transform all your spells into random ones from the chosen school? Or does it simply change their school tag? I don't like any of this options very much, but the base concept of doing something with the chosen spell school is very cool. Perhaps drawing a card from your deck that has that very same school? Dunno.
    • The Highest is probably my favorite of your cards, but the name is a bit strange. I'm not an English native speaker, but I think The Highest Point or The City's Pinnacle would make more sense. Besides that, I think it could cost 1 Mana instead of 2, and even have 3 Durability.
    • Sunwell is quite interesting, but lorewise should probably be a Mage card. I also think it should be a legendary card, both for lore and balance reasons. Finally, I'd word it as "Add a copy of the next spell you cast to your hand. It costs (0)."
    • Moonwell is cool and a very good translation of its Warcraft 3 effect. I'd just change the artwork, but it's otherwise very cool.
    • Finally, both versions of Altar of Evil are cool, but I'm not specially fond of their base concept. Not that they're bad, I just enjoy your other cards more.

    All in all, you have very interesting concepts here. They just need some polish, but the idea themselves are very good, especially for someone new at card design.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    I doubt they will ever make non Warcraft expansions. If anything, they'll do stuff from other Blizzard IPs, like Diablo, Overwatch or StarCraft.

    That said, they will probably do stuff that heavily departures from Warcraft lore while still taking inspiration from it, like the gangster themed Gadgetzan expansion. I hope we see a western or space opera expansion some time soon.

    Unfortunately, real life mythologies are a hard sell. Maybe they'll make something greek inspired, but Warcraft already takes inspiration from it, with hydras, minotaurs (tauren), harpies and many other creatures.

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