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Joined 05/28/2019 Achieve Points 640 Posts 707

Wailor's Comments

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    I decided to go for lore locations this week.

    Draenor and Outland depict how this planet once governed by elements (kind of controlable) got corrupted by the Burning Legion, suffering from Fel waves that transformed the Draenei into the Broken and turned the orcs green. To reflect this, Draenor would use the Lightning Bolt animation and Outland the one from Felfire Potion (without the vial dropping, of course).

    It's not a mind blowing effect, but think the legendary status is justified by its high total durability and its sustained control capabilities. I don't know, it would feel a bit weird to have a whole freaking planet not be legendary lol

    Walls of Orgrimmar is probably the better card anyways, but it kinda breaks the mold of what locations are supposed to do: they usually cannot be attacked, yet this one's function is just to take hits. I could see Blizzard printing it, though.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago
    Quote From adamsleungcn

    Hey bro, I read all your feedback, and I remake my card less complex.


    Very good improvement over the previous version!

    I initially thought it was inspired on Medusa rather than on the sirens, given her hair are snakes and she turns into a location (ie, a statue)

    In any case, it has interesting mechanics and flavor. Impressive job for a first timer :)

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    I've already submitted Spirit Tamer Thexor with a more explicative text (much more explicative than several recent cards lol), but I wanted to share with you this card I made for funsies some years ago:

    She's supposed to synergize with Khadgar. If I made it today, I'd definetly make it cheaper and with better stats, like a 1 Mana 1/3 or a 3 Mana 3/4.

    Anyways, some late feedback:

    This is my favorite of your cards so far, it's a very cool effect. Just a couple things to improve:
    • I don't think the flavor works at all. I don't know, something in the vein of legendary weapons like Excalibur being alive or something would fit better, but I don't know how to convey this into a name lol
    • I think it would work better as a Battlecry minion, while also dropping the Cost reduction. A single weapon is usually better than a Charge minion, but a bunch of Charge minions are way stronger than a bunch of weapons, and being able to drop all of them in a single turn seems like too much. For this, I think the Cost reduction should be dropped, and instead attatch the effect to a decently sized body to make up for the tempo loss. Also, a minion can have a not-so-accurate flavor without it being as jarring as a spell.

    I know you're already going to, but stick to the simpler version.

    About the proposed changes for the original version, I think the Durability reduction is a good call, but it won't mean much most of the time (5 Durability means you need the game to last 10 turns in order to break the location). It's still a good change, as it will look more realistic.

    Welcome to this subforum!

    I mostly agree with what Demonxz95 said: the card is too complex and has many tokens. I'd recommend trying to find the most important aspect of your card and trying to capitalize on it.

    Hey, welcome!

    I think the card is a bit too complex in its current form, but I like the idea of it transforming back and forth between several types. I'd recommend sticking to just a card and 1 token for this particular case, like a minion that transforms into a location, and then goes back to being a minion.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    Given the effect, I think it's Sussy Pirate, and not a fluffy one.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    New version according to feedback.

    Shaman will use this to cheat out Battlecries, while Warlock will be able to play oversized minions without their negative effects for a discounted cost.

    Since the body is more important for Warlock and the soul is more important for Shaman, I've decided both cards will be half the cost of the original card rounded up. Even if you end up losing 1 Mana, the end result will be pretty strong in general. For example, a card as mediocre as Frostwolf Warlord will generate a 4/4 and a potentially big buff for 3 Mana.

    Still not sure if it works better as pure Shaman or as a dual card. At the end of the day, the more classes it has, the more difficult it is to balance. Also, I liked the previous art and name better lol


    I actually like Sword of Sargeras, but I'd drop the Start of Game effect.

    Heart of the Swarm is also cool, even if you think little about it. I mean, turning spells into locations is something that makes a lot of sense, and it ties very well into Rogue's themes in this expansion. I prefer the 3 Mana version because of the reason R stated.

    I prefer Brutus the Strongarm, even if some minions might have strange interactions in weapon form (the same can be said about my card, but for the spells). Still, the effect is very cool.

    Millhouse the Great is also very solid, but I prefer the flashiness of the other one.

    I really like the flavor of this one. I'd say you're good to go, although I'd probably reduce the Durability to something more realistic like 3.

    Also, I'm curious about the more complex cards you haven't posted.

    Another one with great flavor. I actually liked the first version better, but since people didn't get/like it, I'd say go with the second one.

    I prefer to go for a simpler way to calculate the mana cost of both parts, but thanks for your idea anyways :)

    As for your card, I really like the idea and I think it should count (the prompt is difficult enough, so I'd say HPs can count as cards). The main issue with it is that the art seems to be a screenshot from WoW, which doesn't look great.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    This is a very difficult prompt, holy smokes.

    Here's my first take on it, which I'm not even sure if it counts.

    You basically split the minion into a vanilla minion and a spell. For instance, Novice Engineer would look like this:

    Of course, there are a few things to clarify:

    • Effects that aren't Battlecries are kept with the body. This includes stuff like Taunt, Deathrattles or triggered effects.
    • Effects that target the minion itself (like buffs) can target any friendly minion. For instance, Frostwolf Warlord's Spirit would give a friendly minion stats equal to the number of minions you control.
    • I initially thought the Spirit would cost 1 and the Body, the original Cost -1, but that would be broken with strong Battlecries like Shudderwock. Maybe the right call is to simply split the Cost, with the Body rounding up and the Spirit rounding down for odd values.

    I like the effect on paper, but maybe it's too dangerous and I should try something safer, dunno.

    EDIT: Maybe Warlock would be a good fit too, since he can benefit from removing bad Battlecries from their minions. Flavor would also work, as extracting a minion's soul seems very Warlock-y.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago
    Quote From BloodMefist

    A couple initial ideas. I really like the flavor of Bad Romance, but the effect is admittedly on the basic side. Covetous Shade works nicely with all the stat play Priest has been getting recently, like Switcheroo and some of the Castle Nathria stuff. Lots of cool ideas for the comp so far!

    Both are neat, but I prefer Bad Romance. I'd recommend using this art, though:

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  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago
    Quote From linkblade91
    Quote From Wailor


    I struggle to see the applications of this card. Is it meant to be a Silence that doesn't work against Deathrattles? A way to trigger your own Deathrattles without losing the stats? If these are the two only uses, it seems very weak, but I guess there's something I'm missing.

    You get to destroy an enemy minion and take its stats for your own; you don't have to destroy your own minion. Have I worded the text poorly? I figured that would be the primary use case: killing two enemy minions and getting two bodies in return.

    My bad. I was assuming the Golem would be summoned where the minion was. I think you worded it alright, I just slipped.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago


    I feel like both effects are wildly different on their power level.

    I know removal now is stronger than in the previous era, but I still feel destroy and +1/+1 is too strong, given a 4 mana plain destroy is the baseline (Assassinate).

    If you go with the buff, I think it's severely underpowered, as it's just a much weaker Mark of the Lotus (costs 2 more and you can target up to 3 minions).

    My solution would be to it  cost 4, with 4 "gifts" in total and a destroy threshold at 3 or even 4. This way, it wouldn't be a weaker Mark of the Lotus, since you can target a friendly minion more than twice.

    I prefer Soul Swap, even if it's a bit too obvious, as it's BG Vol'jin's HP. Even with this, I think it's a solid candidate for winning.

    Tri-Cast Orbs isn't bad, but it isn't as interesting IMO

    I struggle to see the applications of this card. Is it meant to be a Silence that doesn't work against Deathrattles? A way to trigger your own Deathrattles without losing the stats? If these are the two only uses, it seems very weak, but I guess there's something I'm missing.

    This is way too strong. Even with the body, it could easily cost 5 or 6 mana, as it's a Mind Control that requires a token. I'd probably make it cost 6 and give it an Attack-heavy statline (like a 4/2), as its current distribution is pretty much useless at 6 mana.

    Mischievous Sea Witch is my favorite of the two. Having to balance which spell you pick is very fun gameplay IMO. I assume this card only works if both you and your opponent have a minion on play.

    Multi-Arrows is also nice and fits the art very well. Even then, I prefer the other card.

    I don't mind the rarity too much. Even if he's supposed to belong to a cycle with Spammy Arcanist, both Rare and Epic make sense.

    What I would change is the wording. I think "Deal 1 damage to a minion. If it dies, repeat this with 1 more damage." works better.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago
    Quote From Daowen

    If in the right order as you want it it would be Sky Wing Ancient, which doesn't make sense. So there you go Ancient Skywing.
    First creation from me so haha

    Skywing Ancient makes sense for a creature like Ancient of Lore.

    Cool card for a first timer :) Alleria's card is very cool as well!

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    I'm pretty sure I'll go with some variation of this, but I'm wondering if I should hive it an optimal statline. I mean, you need your opponent to have two minions AND have some means to damage one of them for this to be effective...

    Also, maybe the class should be Warlock, as the effect is a curse. But man, I like this artwork so much for this effect.

    My previous ideas are inside the spoiler.

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    I was very satisfied with Faceless Trickster… Until I realized it's almost identical to a previous winner this season. I don't think I'll go with it, but I wanted to post it anyways.

    About Darksong Deranger, she's based on the myths of sirens luring sailors with their songs. Not sure if this flavor is conveyed clearly enough, though.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    You have to create a custom card name following the image above. The words you get from your name and surname must be merged, as in Snowfury Giant.

    Then, you must create a card that fits this name. You can make up the stats and Cost if you want; or you can use your credit card number, the expiration date and the three funky digits on the back, whatever floats your boat.

    I'll leave an example I've made from my name and birthday:

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    Blizz: let us show you all Volatile Skeleton cards at once, just so that you can picture how will this archetype look like.

    Also Blizz: Relics trigger twice lol

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    Sorry to spam, but what if she only had three stages, just like the Spellstones? This way, she'd be more manageable even if you don't have hard removal.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago
    Quote From linkblade91

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    Regarding your card, making a minion super difficult to remove via multiple Divine Shields is an awesome design in theory….but being that it's from the Paladin, where buffing is prevalent, this could be a problem. What happens if your opponent doesn't have hard removal in hand, and must rely on "the old fashioned way" to get rid of a 10/7 or a 15/12 with several Divine Shields on it? Yumna can just go face while you laugh off their damage.

    If she was stuck as a 5/2 Yumna would be more balanced, but still really cool; in her current form the potential synergies seem scary to me.

    Show Spoiler
    All that being said I'd probably still give you a 4, 'cause I like it so much lol :P

    I agree with your criticism, but I'm not sure how to fix it, since adding "Can't be enchanted" doesn't feel very organic.

    Maybe I should just increase the Cost to 6 or 7 (and the stats a little bit) to make it come later and be harder to combo with buffs, dunno.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    I finally managed to get another idea, which is probably in the opposite end of the spectrum compared to my previous one.

    Yup, the more you upgrade her, the more Divine Shields she has. For instance, at 2 Divine Shields, you'd need to ping her twice before being able to damage her.

    I know this might be too big of a leap considering we don't even have a Double Divine Shield card yet, but whatever.

    Pretty cool card. Stealth and Secrets make a lot sense thematically together, and this can provide a good finishing tool for Secret decks.

    Since you wrote how many Shadows are summoned with text, it's very clear the stats are the thing being upgraded, so I think you're good to go.

    Edit: Not very important, but I'm not a fan of the name. Sounds a bit lame to me.

    I like the Opal version a lot more, fits Shaman very well. My main question with both versions is if the Battlecries have random targets or if it lets you pick the target.

    Westfall Bounty Hunter has amazing flavor and I think could win the comp. Sure, it'll just upgrade once most of the time, but that's already the case with end of turn effects, so I think it's fine.

    Riftmaster Tanya isn't bad, but a bit too similar to Tamsin (both effect and flavor wise).

    I really like the idea of exploring what would've happened if other classes had been part of the League of Evil, but I agree with other people about the card being too powerful with the current upgrade requirements.

    I think "summon X Beasts" is the best condition, since Deathrattle Hunter usually runs Beasts, but at the same time, this condition needs you to do something and build around in order to get such a powerful effect. Of course, the flavor and expansion would need to change in order to accommodate the new requirement.

    Another option is simply increasing the Cost to 5 or 6, which I don't like as much mechanically, but would allow you to keep it as Sylvana's Scheme, which I really like.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    I'm out of ideas this week 😅

    I like making Coin Rogue cards with a sketchy business flavor, but the effect is probably too simple. I might try something different if I can think of it.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Sorry to necro this, but I'd like to suggest being able to edit the text of your submission. I understand not being able to edit your card, but it would be cool if you could edit the description. It's very annoying to find out you wrote a card name incorrectly 😅

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    My previous card was pretty flavorful, but also kinda boring, so here's a new one.

    Of course I can build a Mechwarper out of these scraps. I'll just need some chewing gum.

    This one has the issue of belonging to a very old expansion and using a specific mechanic from it which wasn't very succesful to begin with. But I think it's fun, both gameplay and flavor wise.


    Clock Tower seems like a very believable Location for Rogue, but it's very tricky to balance considering what we currently know about this type of cards. Also, it's not very flashy: just what you'd expect from a Rogue Location. This isn't necessarily something bad, the Locations we know so far are also like this.

    Stringpuller, on the other hand, is cool and has a nice flavor, but it's a bit too on the nose, if you know what I mean.

    All in all, I'm not really sure which card I prefer, since their design philosophies are more or less opposite.

    The effect is very fitting for a swiss army knife type of weapon, but it's a very tricky card. 5 Mana is already a pretty high cost for a weapon, so I think it's alright.

    I disagree with Demon about it being stronger than an infinite weapon: this one can't be buffed and will usually deal small amounts of damage, so there's that.

    EDIT: Just realized you posted a new card. I like the effect, but it's strange that shurikens cause a debuff. Maybe try a different flavor, dunno.

    Very original effect, although the flavor of magic rings is a bit strange for Rogue.

    I like Lady Saravess, but the fact she can get spells from other classes feels weird. Her text is already very crowded, so I'm not sure how to fix it.

    I'm not a fan of Marin Noggerfogger, though.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    I've recently introduced my girlfriend to the Ace Attorney series, so it inspired me to do something for the newly announced expansion.

    I understand this is difficult to balance because it's a pretty new mechanic, but I wanted to try nonetheless.

    I went with Undead art because it seems to be the thing for the new expansion, too.

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