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  • Topandito's Avatar
    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From GerritDeMan

    Here are some cards (that haven't been mentioned already) that I would like to see getting buffed or get some additional support:

    Broadbacked Protector Card Image

    I think I've only seen this card getting played once since it was released. Not sure how I would buff it but it certainly could use some help.


    Troop of Elnuks Card Image

    To be honest I prefer this version over the previously op version but the current version is just unplayable. I think a neat way to buff it would be to add another elnuk unit to the game to increase the consistency of its effect and to make elnuk decks more of a possibility.


    Iceborn Legacy Card Image

    This card is pretty cool but sadly also really bad. I'm not sure what the best way to buff it is but there are a ton of things Riot could try (e.g. make the buff stronger, make it fast speed, reduce the cost, etc.).


    Blessing of Targon Card Image

    I'm not sure if anyone will agree with this one but I feel like 5 mana is just too much for granting a unit +3/+3. I don't think it needs a big buff but I think increasing the buff to +3/+4 would be fair.

    I agree with most of your choices but I'm a little less sure about Broadbacked Protector I've actually seen it a fair few times in the decks built around Soraka and Tahm Kench. Those decks aren't really in that bad a spot at the moment and this card is surprisingly quite a powerful resource for reliable healing and reliable healing targets. Maybe I'm wrong on judging it based on that but I think the card is fine, the deck it fits into is just very forced and one dimensional so you never see it outside of that very specific play style.

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    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From minuano28

    There are so many cards that could use a buff, here are some that I would like to see personally :

    Blood for Blood Card Image

    Do this one even need an explanation? We have Iterative Improvement it has the same cost but with better speed the ability to target any follower on the field and a bonus +1/+1.

    Arrel the Tracker Card Image

    This has the potential to be a good control/removal option for noxus but those stats are just way too low for it's cost.

    Confront Card Image

    3 mana just to grant a unit challenger is a bad deal, it should also give a stat boost.

    Kinkou Lifeblade Card Image

    I do think that this could go back to 3 health, I mean we do have Sparklefly which have similar stats while being much cheaper. Or maybe don't and just nerf Sparkfly.

    I would actually kind of find it cool if Blood for Blood was able to target enemy followers. It would allow it to be a versatile ping that could be used for damage synergy or as a way to damage enemies in the same vein as Blade's Edge or Unspeakable Horror with Noxian Flavour. 

  • Topandito's Avatar
    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    I would sorta like to see this card get a bit of a buff. For the most part I don't think Demacia has that many ways to abuse an elusive unit, and those that it does have are pretty much on par with Targon's choices, or are worse. Maybe it could be a 2/4? Just so they have an option for a solid elusive blocker? I doubt it would be a game breaker since it doesn't have lifesteal or anything scary like that.

    Silverwing Diver Card Image

    In that same vein I think you could make this card have the text 'I can block units with elusive' since right now his usage is 0 and it would make a lot of sense for flavour given that he is a lookout...and yet does nothing to look out. 

    Vanguard Lookout Card Image

    Was this card unhealthy recently? Maybe it was but having seen it in play I don't think it has ever blown my mind or done anything special. The only thing I ask personally is that the cards get shuffled into the deck or put at the bottom or something, rather than being obliterated. It just feels bad, especially when you destroy a champion or something. On top of that it isn't very attractive in the decks it is for, slower control decks that run P&Z.

    Corina Veraza Card Image

  • Topandito's Avatar
    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    I mean in other games like Magic the Gathering you always have access to your enemies discard pile. Not saying that you're right or wrong but it seems like a common theme across the majority of CCGs to allow this knowledge for one reason or another. 

    If you are asking because of it being a Q&A, sadly I think this is only a retelling of the Q&A that happened earlier. 

  • Topandito's Avatar
    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    I get that there is no world where you please everyone, but I feel like either wild changes or a rotating format has to come about eventually for a fair amount of players to remain invested. Maybe I am only speaking for myself and no one else feels this way, that is entirely possible, but the fact that I am paying 100 dollar (in Canada) to get an expansion that I don't even get to keep is killing the game for me. I get to keep it in a literal sense but that fact that the wild meta is so utterly over the top makes it so that a huge amount of the cards I receive basically die on rotation, and yet I paid 100 dollars for it when I could have just paid for a new game entirely and kept that game forever. Once again I could be speaking for myself alone and no one else but I don't see a reason to give them 300 dollars a year just so that money can be tossed away two years later.

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    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    It definitely could make sense actually. I think that hitting the nexus once might be a bit too easy but I could definitely see a world where making something along those lines makes sense. As I said I worry a lot that he is too weak so I entirely agree that something needs to be done to make him stronger. Having him get to rally upon leveling as well could help to do it. Perhaps with his leveling condition just being 'gain 6 health' or something along those lines so that he doesn't have to kill the units directly every time.

    In reply to Custom Sion LoR
  • Topandito's Avatar
    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    They do have some similarities, yes. I'm not entirely sure how to fix that while maintaining the feel I was going for though. The fact of the matter is that they both have a way to defy death, so if you use that mechanic they are bound to be a little similar in that sense. As for the keywords they both fit extremely well on both champions. Trynda being a person who cleaves through armies with a giant sword and Sion being a person who quite literally body slams his way through his enemies. In the end I think its tricky to avoid that comparison, I could've made a new keyword to try and make him stand out but I didn't want it to seem forced when Overwhelm and Fearsome are both so fitting already. 

    I do think that Sion fills a different role in a way, almost encouraging the player to hold him back sometimes if you don't have immediate lethal so you can build up his health before trying to push for his level up. Trynda on the other hand levels up simply through being killed and so he is encouraged to apply pressure immediately.

    In reply to Custom Sion LoR
  • Topandito's Avatar
    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Howdy again! I've got another champion attempt idea, this time for Sion. I've been tempted to try and do things like Renekton and Xerath but seeing as I have no idea what the mechanics they have in mind for the faction as a whole are, figuring out even a vague approximation of balance can be rather tricky. That said I might at least take a swing at it if they haven't already done the reveals for them by the point that I get around to it.

    In regards to Sion himself I tried my best to make him exactly what he is meant to be; a massive juggernaut that gives off a feeling of impending doom. That said I'm very much under the impression that he is rather weak. I got stuck in this awkward middle ground with him where I couldn't give him spellshield without feeling slightly off the brand for Noxus, but without it he feels like he would be too slow and awkward to get on the board. Whether I'm right though is hard to say so feel free to give me your view on the matter. On the more important theming end of things I think I did pretty alright.

    In reply to Custom Sion LoR
  • Topandito's Avatar
    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Vandaren

    Oh i love this design approach. So i guess she is more of a control-oriented champ. I think her effect will create an interesting play pattern and decision making down the line, with all those spell-mana resource management going on. The spirit is an on-play effect, so card like The Rekindler and the gang can't abuse it.

    I don't know man, i can't critique an interesting design until i try it in game. I just loves it. Well, one think i'll try is pair her up with Yasuo in a Ionia-based control deck that banks up mana in the early rounds and start stunning and recalling like crazy in the mid game. It also fit the current lore where they both go to BW haha.

    I love it, it's great, keep going. Happy New Year to you and all future readers as well. 

    Thank you.~ I'm not afraid to admit that I tend to design with more of a control oriented approach, but it also just comes down to the fact that thematically all the characters I've made so far fit control rather well. I didn't consider the rekindler I admit but I'm glad I dodged that since its one of my least favourite cards in the game right now.

    I will keep going so long as I have ideas and can find art that doesn't feel too awkward and forced, have a happy new years as well.~ May it be better than the last one!

    In reply to Custom Ahri LoR
  • Topandito's Avatar
    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From CursedParrot

    I just had an idea for how to make her a little less combat focused and not cost 0 when recalled. What if her recall ability were instead “When I would die, Recall me instead if you spent spell mana this round.” That way she keeps her ability to survive enemy spells but doesn’t recall when you don’t want her to. It would also require you to spend 5 mana each time to play her again. 
    As for whether she should have Attune, I think that she’s more interesting if she forces you to get spell mana through other cards, so I wouldn’t give her Attune.

    That could definitely be interesting. My only worry with that implementation is that it makes her rely heavily on your opponent to make her useful since she would be easily shut down by chump blockers until they have a way to deal with her. It might work alright if it were alongside the Attack effect you suggested so that could be a way to do it, but I do admit that I like the Play effect simply because it allows you to get many Vulpine Spirits onto the board in a single turn sometimes.

    In reply to Custom Ahri LoR
  • Topandito's Avatar
    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Thank you very much! I'm glad you like it.

    In reply to Custom Ahri LoR
  • Topandito's Avatar
    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From CursedParrot

    I love this design! It reminds me a bit of both Hecarim and Katarina. I think that it’s also for the most part balanced because the recall ability basically makes you play a 1 Cost 2/2 Ephemeral when you spend spell mana, which is actually pretty weak (and might be more of a downside than an upside). The most powerful ability she has seems to be the Level Up spell, but even that’s not too insane.

    In terms of changes that I would make, I think you could streamline her design a bit. I would change her LvL 1 text to “When I see you spend spell mana, Recall me and reduce my cost to 0 this round. Attack: Summon a Vulpine Spirit attacking.” Then when she levels up her Attack ability also generates a Fleeting Spirit Rush in hand (Spirit Rush’s text would be changed to only deal 3 to a unit). I think this would make her a lot simpler while keeping most of her functionality and toning down the one ability that might be a bit overpowered (getting a spirit rush every round). Overall, I like this design and I think it opens up a lot of possible synergies with multiple regions and strategies. Good job!

    I agree with you on a fair bit of that. I can definitely see a world where having her effects go off as attack procs could be interesting and would definately make her feel a bit more thematic since she is dashing in and out of combat. I am unsure if I want to make her that combat focused but I could see an argument for it for sure. I am a little nervous about making her cost 0 but that could just be me being overly cautious. It is worth noting that when I initially made her I actually gave her the Attune keyword. I worried it was a bit too much but perhaps I should revert back to giving her it so that she can potentially do a bit more. I do agree with you that spending any amount of spell mana should be enough to trigger her effect, rather than 2 or more.

    In reply to Custom Ahri LoR
  • Topandito's Avatar
    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Heya, y'all. With me having nothing to do this New Years Eve and with the Custom Runeterra section being so empty I thought I'd continue with my weird collection. Of the three I've posted thus far this one has me the most worried about balance. I don't know if she is too strong or to weak (leaning in the too strong direction) but I am still only trying to give an idea of a design. Did my best to offer a card that allowed unique gameplay but also offered something that felt like the champion. I did my best to show Ahri's mobile mage style of game play. I do think that the Charm spell might be too good but when comparing it to Troll Chant and cards of that sort it's hard to be sure.

    Spirit Rush is not a collectable card by the way. It is only gained through the Level Up effect of the champion since otherwise I'd be offering damage removal to a faction in its entirety when that faction is not known for dealing damage at all. I had considered having Ahri's play effect be 'deal 2 to an enemy unit' or 'deal 2 to a random enemy unit' but I didn't want to take the damage aspect too far and thought adding some ephemeral synergy to her as well to make her a more flexible champion would be neat. Lastly I want to make it clear that Spellvamp as a key word is not meant to be something impactful enough to design a card around, it is useful yes, but healing your nexus for 1-2 isn't insane and thus I designed Ahri's Champion spell to be strong without it triggering. 

    I'm sure I have plenty of other flaws in my design but that is why I share my work, to get creative criticism, so feel free to let me know what you think.

    Edit: I made some minor changes due to wording I realized was awkward. This may have been a slightly overly ambitious champion design I'm realizing. >.>;  


    In reply to Custom Ahri LoR
  • Topandito's Avatar
    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From CursedParrot

    I love this! It creates a sort of mini-game where you try to destroy the Marked enemy and the opponent tries to keep it alive, which seems like really compelling gameplay. It also allows for a lot of cool support cards that also mark enemies. In terms of the phrasing, I think I would change it to something like “Plant an Explosive Charge on an enemy” and then have Explosive Charge mean “Last Breath: Deal 1 to all allies.” I would also change her Level Up ability to something like “Round Start: Plant an Explosive Charge on the Strongest enemy” because otherwise she’s way too good at destroying Aggro decks by essentially casting 4 Mana Fast speed “deal 3 to an enemy and 1 to all other enemies” every round.

    In terms of balance, I’m actually having a really hard time figuring out if she’s too weak or too powerful. At Level 1, she’s much weaker than MF in most decks, but her Level Up is fairly easy and makes her an Aggro crushing powerhouse. I think that shows that you balanced her as much as is possible without playtesting, so good job on the balancing!

    Thank you for the input! I had the same thoughts on her level up but yeah, I can only do so much without playing her to see how she works. I do feel like her upgrade is strong but at the same time I feel like the fact that she has to be on board during the leveling condition makes it so she is appropriately delayed so that the opponent can deal with her if needed. I didn't make them here but I suspect she would come with a lot of damage spells, and maybe one could even give her some sort of protective ability in the form of her Rocket Jump

    Edit: I also agree with the wording you suggested on the mark but I worried that it would get a bit too wordy then and I didn't want to confuse people.

    In reply to Custom Tristana LoR
  • Topandito's Avatar
    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Howdy! Seeing as I got some rather positive feedback from my attempt at a Poppy champion for LoR I thought I'd make some other attempts. Once again as a side note, I make no promises of perfect balance. These are mostly just made to sorta preview a thematic direction I could see the champion being taken in. I did my best to base her on the play style she has in LoL.

    In reply to Custom Tristana LoR
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    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    I'd like something rather simple really. I'd like a format that is just a shuffle of a few different sets. Somewhere between 4 and 6 sets that are all put together and you can only play those for a few months, then they choose another random 4 to 6 and go again. You might've meant exactly that with what you said in that last paragraph, but yeah, I feel that would allow a lot of older cards to see play in a meta that doesn't have all the insane crap that wild offers.

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    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Vandaren

    I don't know a thing about Poppy so i don't know what she should be doing or what she would feels right doing.

    Based on the card effect you take the direction of a defensive champion which revolves around blocking, which is nice since we haven't got anything like that. The fact that it can be played with fast speed but only in defense is really interesting (and 6 mana i feel like a good balance), i will assume that this is how Poppy will be played most of the time if she is on the game.

    The problem for me is with that 4 attack she really can hold her own against most of the unit, and with cards like single combat in the same region i believe she will be hard to take down (6 health + tough) while also taking down many enemies.

    So my suggestion is lowering her attack down to 3 or maybe 2 to still align with your goal being a defence-oriented champion.

    But i absolutely love the art, though. The lvl 1 like some sort of shy Poppy, while in lvl 2 she gain power or confidence to be able to do whatever she needs to do. So overall it's a good job.

    Thank you for the input! I agree that it might need to have lower attack since it likely trades a little too well and makes it hard to attack without being heavily punished. I am leaning toward 3 attack if I were to change it given that I worry it might be a little too weak at 2 and just turn into a wall that falls apart against anything that isn't the most aggressive deck. 

    I'm glad you like the art but it is all just art from LoL. The first is just her classic splash art in LoL and I used a skin that is meant to be her as a veteran, also from LoL. The two spells are from her abilities in the game. I just figured that if it ain't broke, no reason to fix it.

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    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From FenrirWulf

    For a custom Legends of Runeterra card, this does not look bad at all. Most custom cards I've seen in the past have always been really awkward in terms of design. This one seems really well done. It brings the flavor of Poppy tackling an enemy using her E and stunning them. The translation of her abilities into cards seems very clear to me too so overall your cards are really well done imo. I like that you made Flash from MtG in LoR and gave it to Poppy and I believe that it should be a new keyword entirely. I could see it appearing in LoR especially since Galio could use the same keyword as well.

    A couple of things you do need to clarify, your Iron Ambassador should be Poppy's Iron Ambassador but I understand what you meant by it so it doesn't matter much. Poppy herself is a bit confusing and this is what I mean by it's probably better by making a new keyword for her. I don't really understand what you mean by Fast speed and blocking an enemy as there's no such thing. There are only burst speed blockers and the closest thing to it is Concussive Palm which is a fast speed stun spell that summons a unit but the Tail of the Dragon it summons isn't able to block.

    Poppy herself from a balance perspective is interesting and I would say she is a bit strong but that's about it. My worries are the design flaws it does have.

    - First off, it's a stun in Demacia. This is probably fine as Champions are very well known for breaking region identities and it is interesting as you could have Demacia Yasuo.

    - Secondly, this is a card the disincentivize attacking. The developers had said that they don't like the current iteration of Tahm Soraka because the deck makes it so that you don't want to attack into their units as they will have responses to your attacks and even if your attacks do get through unless you're a burn/aggro deck it probably won't matter much.

    Overall, I really like the cards you made. I think all of them are very well balanced and great in showing what Poppy does in LoL.

    You make a lot of good points and I thin you're right about it being a little too good at punishing attacks. The intention in case I didn't make it clear was that she could stun one target while blocking another, which is why I worried she might be too versatile. I do think that a stun in Demacia could be fine given that it is only on a champion and requires you to invest a very important slot into playing her. 

    Perhaps the best way to go about it is lowering the attack as Vandaren suggested above. That way it would be able to stop aggression but wouldn't reliably kill an attacking unit in the combat that follows.

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    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    I actually managed to fix it shockingly enough. Thank you for the assistance Parrot. Not sure it was worth it but I appreciate it anyway. XD

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    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    I think I did that? I clicked the copy link in Imgur then I put the address into the top box in the insert image...? but when I posted the forum it was nothing but my text. I'm likely just missing something obvious like a twit but I can't figure it out. Not sure I wanna try again either since I will likely just get told off for spamming absolutely nothing. Ah well.

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